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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tom Daschle in NM Discussing Economy, Rural Issues

Too bad the notices came out so late yesterday afternoon about Tom Daschle's visit to New Mexico this morning to stump for Obama and discuss rural issues at the El Commodore Restaurant in Moriarty and economic issues at the Transportation Center in Los Lunas. If they gave more notice, it would have been rewarding to witness a huge crowd of people disgusted about the bailout bill circus descend on the events and ask real questions about what's going on. As it stands, I'm sure Daschle mostly interacted with people who didn't raise much of a ruckus, if past events of this type are any indication.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope he got a taste of the palpable anger that's afoot among people who are paying attention to the "negotiations" in Washington and how they're so regally skewed to help the haves and to hell with the have nots. Yes, we need to do something, but most of what is being "seriously" considered in the Congress seems like a whitewash of epic proportions to me and many others. When will those on the side of the people get a meaningful say on this stuff?

October 1, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


I went to the Los Lunas event today and will write about it today/this evening. There wasn't much anger, really, it was more of "What can be done?" Or maybe more accurately, "Can anything be done?"

Posted by: | Oct 1, 2008 2:14:37 PM

I'm sure the angry people weren't there. They were busy trying to keep up with what is going on and what can be done to stop it not cheerleading.

Posted by: Buzz | Oct 1, 2008 2:24:53 PM

I remember Daschle's weak leadership of the Democrats in the Senate and I woudn't walk across the street to listen to him. His wife is a lobbyist for the financial sector I believe. He is one of them not us.

Posted by: I Vote | Oct 1, 2008 2:32:09 PM

here here ... I vote I agree.
It is hard for me to get up any umph to even go and walk or do anything for Obama or even any of our three CD races. And Udall gets to vote tomorrow. I am sorry to say if he votes for this I will be ... I dont know what.
Beyond disappointed. I suggest each candidate read some of the articles on the left hand column of this blog. And further down the main page of this blog is a post from yesterday. A rep (I forgot his name while I am writing this) but he has a plan which makes great sense. Rep Udall please please read this.

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 2, 2008 6:06:44 AM

The rep's name is DeFazio....
there is a link there and everything. GO READ IT.
SOS.... that means
save our ship

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 2, 2008 6:11:14 AM

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