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Monday, October 06, 2008

Las Chance to RSVP for Saturday's Common Cause Annual Luncheon

From Common Cause New Mexico: Please join us on Saturday, October 11, for Common Cause New Mexico's annual luncheon. You don't want to miss this year's event! Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause's Vice President for State Operations, will deliver the keynote speech. A national expert in campaign finance reform and grassroots advocacy, Karen will share her insights into what it will take to move ethics reform forward in New Mexico. Please today.

Karen has been involved with Common Cause for two decades, as a member of the national staff, a volunteer and a state executive director. As one of the guiding forces behind Connecticut's adoption of full statewide public campaign financing in 2005, Karen has a unique and intimate perspective on how to effectively push for Fair Elections at the state level. Don't miss this opportunity!

Here are all the details:

Please register to reserve your spot! The deadline for RSVPs is Tuesday, October 7.

Thank you, and I hope you can join us on October 11 to hear what we can learn from the experiences of other states to get expansive ethics reform passed in New Mexico. If you have any questions, please call (505) 323-6399.

Steven Robert Allen
Executive Director
Common Cause New Mexico

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October 6, 2008 at 02:21 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink


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