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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Feature Economic Forum

All are welcome at the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County's regular Third Thursday Meeting set for 6:00 PM on October 16, 2008 in Room 2401 at UNM Law School at 1117 Stanford NE in Albuquerque (map). This month's event includes an informative economic forum featuring the following speakers:

Donna Tillman: Professor at UNM who teaches international business and marketing
Tim Keller: Corporate Strategic Planner
Victor Raigoza: Stockbroker, Morgan Stanley
John Sapien: State Farm Insurance, owner

October 14, 2008 at 08:10 AM in Democratic Party, Economy, Populism, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Rally in Corrales NM: 8-Year Old Recites 'Yes We Can'

We are gonna win this thing -- IF we keep on working straight through November 4th. Only 22 more days! Have you voted early yet? You can do it in person at your County Clerk's office. Or you can request an application to vote early via mail-in ballot. Starting on October 18, you can do it in person at additional early polling places in most counties. Vote early and then volunteer to work for a candidate on Election Day on November 4th. See www.voteforchange.com/ and the Obama New Mexico page. Also see my previous post that provides more info on early voting.

October 13, 2008 at 07:58 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (1)

Just Announced: Biden to Visit Southern NM on Friday

Shiprockparade1 Shiprockparade2
Northern Navajo Nation Shiprock Parade (see more)

The Obama campaign today announced that Senator Joe Biden will visit New Mexico this week. Biden will host a Change We Need rally in Southern New Mexico on Friday, October 17th. More details will be announced as soon as they are available.

October 13, 2008 at 10:51 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Heinrich Raises Impressive $750K in Third Quarter

Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Brian Colon (DPNM), Harry Teague (NM-02), Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03) at Blue State in '08 reception Friday at Los Poblanos Inn in Albuquerque

The word is that the campaign of NM-01 Dem candidate Martin Heinrich raised about $750,000 in the third quarter that ended on September 30, 2008. That's quite a haul, especially considering that the campaign of his GOP rival, Darren White, will be suffering from the recent cancellation of more than $500,000 in Albuquerque area TV ad time by the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC). Talk about a "no confidence" vote on White by the NRCC. Heinrich commented on his impressive third quarter fundraising numbers in a statement released by his campaign:

"These numbers make clear that voters are rejecting Darren White's support of eight years of failed Republicans policies, and saying yes to a new direction for our country. Our message of middle class tax cuts, affordable health care and a responsible end to the war in Iraq is being embraced by Central New Mexico voters and I wholeheartedly thank them for their support."

Meanwhile, White's campaign seems to be limping along financially, and it's had to publicly admit as much, although it claimed that was no surprise. "Campaign spokesman Stephen Schatz said the campaign had expected to be behind in funding, but that it has enough resources to battle on through Nov. 4." (emphasis mine)

Schatz also said, "Republicans went into the 2008 campaign lagging behind Democrats in funding. We always knew we were going to be outspent in this race, and we budgeted and planned appropriately. We are in a strong position financially, and have our television time booked through Election Day. We are confident that we will have the resources necessary to win this race.”

Well, what else was Schatz going to say as we head into the last few weeks before the election? Unfortunately, his statement is apparently misleading. When TV logs were checked at KOB, KRQE and KOAT, they reportedly showed the White campaign had only paid for TV ads through October 18 of this year. It will be fascinating to see how much White managed to raise in the third quarter, with even the NRCC demonstrating its lack of faith in his campaign.

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October 13, 2008 at 10:15 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

(Updated) NM-02: Tinsley Penalized by IRS for Failing to Turn in Employee Payroll Taxes

Ed_tinsleyUpdate: An October 14, 2008 article in the Albuquerque Journal confirms that Ed Tinsley was penalized for not paying IRS employee withholding taxes for one of his restaurants. The Journal also reports that Tinsley, after much legal wrangling, ended up having to pay penalties and interest totalling $65,000 out of the original $122,000 levied by the IRS. Tinsley's attorney claims Tinsley "paid the price for the slow pace of the IRS in resolving the issue." These Republicans -- always blaming someone else instead of owning up to their own lack of accountability.
A recent AP story had this to report about Ed Tinsley, the GOP Congressional candidate in NM-02, who often cites his education and experience as the owner of K-Bob's steakhouses as something that has prepared him well to serve in Congress:

Small details matter to rancher Ed Tinsley, the Republican nominee in the 2nd Congressional District race.

He'll pore over contracts, analyzing fine print to ensure he understands what he's studying. It's a trait Tinsley attributes to his law school training; an asset he feels will serve him well in the House of Representatives.

"It will help me formulate positions and understand how the system works," he said. "You learn to understand parts of contracts, the terms. That's important when you start looking at legislation."

... "The legal education and the short time I practiced taught me what I'd call a critical way of thinking," said Tinsley, a member in the New Mexico and Texas bars.

Run-In With the IRS
Problem is, despite his degrees in accounting and the law, Tinsley's actions don't always show careful attention to detail, or to the letter of the law. And it's clear that he has sometimes been neglectful of his business and legal oversight responsibilities -- as demonstrated by a run-in with the IRS over non-payment of employee payroll taxes at one of his restaurants. At least that's what I get from two legal documents: K-Bob's Appeal of a Notice of Determination concerning an IRS collection action and the U.S government's Answer to the K-Bob's appeal (PDFs).

I'm no lawyer, but it certainly appears that in US District Court of New Mexico Case No. CIV-06-0309, Tinsley was penalized $122,000 by the IRS for failing to turn in payroll taxes for the periods ending 9/99, 12/99, 3/00, 9/00, 12/00, 6/01 and 12/01. How did that happen?

A guy who says his legal and accounting abilities are a perfect match for what's needed in Congress somehow "forgot" to make sure that all of his restaurants were complying with federal tax laws for more than 20 months? Moreover, Tinsley delayed paying the more than $122,00 in fines and penalties for six years by means of extended legal wrangling. Among other things, he filed an appeal against the IRS collection action, and evidently failed to show up for a hearing he scheduled with the IRS to discuss a settlement.

Tinsley's Lame Excuses
It seems that the IRS determined Tinsley did not make any payments for two years after he learned about the tax debts. In 2005, the IRS finally threatened to seize his company's assets to pay off what Tinsley owed. At that point, Tinsley filed an appeal to the IRS determination on the collection action. Get this -- he claimed that an IRS agent had instructed him to stop making payments on what he owed. No way said the IRS.

Tinsley also made lame excuses for his failure to pay the payroll taxes, saying the finances of the restaurant in question were in "chaos" and that its manager was incompetent. For some reason, it took Ed many moons to figure that out. It apparently took him even longer to admit he was wrong and fork over all the money he owed, including the interest and penalities he ran up by dragging his feet and failing to follow proper procedure.

The case documents show the IRS claimed Tinsley knew about the debt back in 2000. Ed, on the other hand, says he had no idea until two years later, in 2002. The self-described master of details had no idea this was going on?

Documents also show that Tinsley finally did pay most of the payroll taxes themselves, but he dragged his feet on the fines and penalties. How dare the IRS punish him like other people for failing to pay his taxes on time? I guess Ed believes that a guy who owns a 15,000 acre ranch in Lincoln County and a home in the exclusive Las Campanas development in Santa Fe deserves special treatment.

Tinsley Thinks He's Special
Just the sort we need more of in Washington. You know the story -- the rules are for other people to follow, not self-important guys like Edward R. Tinsley III. Eddie got caught breaking the rules, but instead of quickly admitting he was accountable for his actions and making things right, he kept on delaying and trying to wriggle out of the consequences.

Tinsley has long fought fiercely against raises in the minimum wage. Evidently, handing over the taxes deducted from his employees' paychecks to the IRS is another distasteful matter to Tinsley. Seems like Tinsley has a habit of advocating against things that benefit ordinary people and seeking to pile up more for himself and his wealthy friends. It's a common trait of many right-wingers like Tinsley. His self-serving ways mirror those of the people most to blame for the global financial crisis we're suffering through right now.

We need to keep Tinsley -- and every other candidate like him -- as far away from the Halls of Congress as possible. He wants to serve the people alright, so long as they're his kind of people -- people with means who shouldn't be expected to follow the same rules that ordinary folks have to follow. He's so special -- you know.

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October 12, 2008 at 08:17 PM in Economy, Populism, Government, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

10/16: Fundraiser for Rep. Jeff Steinborn in ABQ with Speaker Ben Lujan

Jsteinborn_2There are a number of House candidates in swing districts that are being challenged this cycle, and we can't afford to lose any of them -- especially from our progressive caucus from Las Cruces. It's vital that we help re-elect Rep. Jeff Steinborn in HD-37, who won a very close race last time out. Not surprisingly, the Repubs are challenging him again, and running their usual negative campaign against Jeff.

Click to read about Steinborn's many accomplishments in the New Mexico Legislature, which is even more impressive considering that he's only been a lawmaker for one term. No matter which House District you reside in, it's important that we hold onto this seat and Steinborn's votes for the change we need in Santa Fe.

Fundraiser to Re-Elect
Jeff Steinborn for State Representative
New Mexico House District 37
with special guest
Speaker Ben Lujan
Thursday, October 16, from 6-8 PM
Chama River Brewing Company
4939 Pan American NE, Albuquerque

Suggested Contribution is $100, but all donations will be graciously accepted. If you can't attend the event, you can donate online at ActBlue.

Hosts are: AFSCME, AFT, CVNM Action Fund, Drew Setter, Ed Mahr, Equality NM, Ironworkers Local 495, John Anderson, John Lee Thompson, Larry Horan, Mike Puelle, NEA-NM, NM Building Trades Council, Richard Romero, Todd Hotchkiss & Kathy Araki, Virtue Najjar & Brown PC

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October 12, 2008 at 04:40 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

10/15: PAC505 to Host Prez Debate Watch at UNM Sub


PAC505, the TRILLION Space, and SOY DE BURQUE invite you to Albuquerque's progressive epicenter, UNM Main Campus, this Wednesday to watch the third and final debate in this historic election. The debate will be shown at the SUB, Ballroom A, via in-house LCD projection and audio.

DJ Chach will set the tone before the main event and PaperChasePress will provide its screenprinting services before and during the show: bring an article of clothing and five bucks and PaperChasePress will brand it with your choice of Obama or other design. The image of the debate will be framed by projections of liveblogs from opposite sides of the political spectrum, so you can watch the spin as it happens. We will place a television and chairs in the SUB lobby for parents with children who might not want to be restrianed by the theater-like setting of the ballroom.

PAC505 tries to help motivate and galvanize Albuquerque's liberal community. Especially in light of the role that the youth vote is likely to play in this year's election, we are really excited to have the opportunity to engage and be engaged by the UNM student body this Wednesday, and we hope that you will join us.

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October 12, 2008 at 03:28 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to Campaign for Obama in Southern NM Today, Monday

HcisnerosToday and Monday, Henry Cisneros, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former Mayor of San Antonio, will headline a series of Campaign for Change events in southern New Mexico. He'll travel to Tortugas, Silver City and Anthony to talk to New Mexicans about Obama's plan to rebuild the economy so that it works for working class Americans. He'll also talk to supporters about the importance of the this year’s election and encourage voters to participate in Early Vote.

Sunday October 12:

Tortugas, NM
4:00 PM: Change We Need Rally
Guadalupe Park, SW Corner of Tile St and Juan Diego

Monday, October 13:

Silver City, NM
8:00 AM: Economic Roundtable
Red Barn, 708 Silver Heights Blvd

Anthony, NM
12:15 PM: Economic Roundtable
Campaign for Change Field Office, 880 Anthony Drive

Early Vote takes place October 18 through November 1st at county clerk offices and satellite locations throughout the state. Voters can request to Vote By Mail from now until October 30th. New Mexicans can register to vote, fill out a Vote By Mail application request or find their local Early Vote locations and hours by coming into any Campaign for Change office across the state, by visiting their county clerk’s office or by visiting www.voteforchange.com.

October 12, 2008 at 10:03 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

10/16: Jill Cooper-Udall Invites You to Women in the Arts Event in Las Cruces

Jill Cooper-Udall speaks in Espanola

Jill Cooper-Udall
Cordially invites you to an
evening of creative conversation and performances

Creativity and Innovation: Women in the Arts
through Economics, Education, and Advocacy
Thursday—October 16, 2008, 5:30-7:00 PM
Court Youth Center Theatre
402 West Court Avenue, Las Cruces

Introduction by Jill Cooper-Udall
Conversations with:
Cindy Fargo, Community Arts Advocate
Sherry Doil-Carter, Visual Artist
Irene Oliver-Lewis, Theatre Artist
Sofia Rojas, NMSU Media Student Artist
Performances by:
Lucilene De Geus, Flamenco Dance Artist and Youth Dancers
Megan McQueen, Musical Theatre Artist

Hosted by Armena Taylor, Sylvia Camunez, Irene Oliver-Lewis
Refreshment provided by culinary artist Jennifer Jackson
For Information contact Marissa Padilla @ 505.884.3055

Post-Event Reception: There will be a reception after the arts event at the Democratic Party of Dona Ana County Headquarters, 139 North Downtown Mall (old Popular Dry Goods building -- west side of mall near the St. Genevieve Monument, north entrance only between the Downtown Mall and Water Street). Residents are encouraged to attend both events. If you have questions, contact Melinda Whitley at 575-523-0470.

More Info:
Las Cruces, NM—A group of local well-known artists, performers, and arts advocates will come together to share their thoughts on the business and creation of the arts in Southern New Mexico in an evening of creative conversations and performances.

Creativity and Innovation: Women in the Arts through Economics, Education, and Advocacy will be presented on Thursday, October 16 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the Court Youth Center, 402 West Court Ave.

The evening was initiated by Jill Cooper Udall, former State of New Mexico Officer of Cultural Affairs and currently living in Washington D.C. She will introduce the six Las Cruces artists, performers, and arts advocates who will share their experiences and thoughts on how involvement in the creation and education in the arts influences day-to-day living in the community from education to economic development.

The six artists, performers, and advocates are Cindy Fargo, Main Street downtown redevelopment and cultural arts advocate; Sherry Doil-Carter, visual artist; Irene Oliver-Lewis, theatre artist and arts administrator; Sofia Rojas, NMSU media student artist; and performances by Lucilene De Geus, Flamenco dance artist and her youth dancers and Megan McQueen, musical theatre artist.

All of the presenters integrate arts and culture in their independent professional and artistic careers. The multi-aged presenters represent the diversity of arts importance in the community in the fields of education, economics, and arts advocacy. The evening is a conversation between the presenters and the audience addressing essential questions on the significance of arts in learning, in personal identification and growth, and business. The conversations will include the visualization of the arts through performances in music and dance.

Jill Cooper, former State of NM Officer of Cultural Affairs, and currently assisting at the Smithsonian Museum in an exhibit on Native American Art. Her personal commitment and resources have been the inspiration and support to countless artists and arts organizations throughout New Mexico and Washington D. C. She is married to U.S. Representative Tom Udall.

Cindy Fargo, community arts advocate and former gallery owner. She has been in the business of economic development in the arts and Main Street projects for more than 20 years in California, Montana and now in Las Cruces. Her interest is to bring together artists, arts organizations, the community, businesses, and the university to create an arts and cultural district in downtown Las Cruces.

Sherry Doil-Carter, former gallery owner, professional visual artist and arts educator for some 30 years. Her work is currently on display at Connie Hines Interior Design which was featured in the recent city-wide Arts Hop. She is also at Unsettled Gallery in the historic Mesquite Neighborhood as part of a group show of border artists. She has been an arts educator and a master teacher influencing colleagues and her art students. She was one of five female artists who organized the first Dia de los muertos activities in Mesilla.

Irene Oliver-Lewis, theatre artist as actress, director, producer, and writer. Most recently was Mrs. Martinez, the ballroom dance teacher in the NMSU Creative Media independent film Becoming Eduardo. Her successful one-woman play about her family Cecilia-isms: Dichos de mi madre was commissioned by the National Hispanic Cultural Center. She is one of the founders of the city’s first and only arts based charter high school. She was a receipient of the 2006 Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts.

Lucilene DeGeus, born in Brazil with international dance credits in ballet and flamenco. She was a principle dancer with the world-renowned Maria Benitez Flamenco Dance Company. Currently she is co-director of Sol y Aire a multi-aged Flamenco dance company that will present a new show with classical and contemporary Flamenco pieces at the Chamizal International Theatre in November. She will also take her youth group from the arts high school to perform in Minneapolis also in November.

Megan McQueen, musical theatre artist and director. She has a large repertoire of productions as performer or director. Last year she was director of the successful world-premiere of the musical “Enron,” a production of the Dona Ana Lyric Opera. She currently is directing or performing in a series of cabaret shows at a new musical dinner theatre venue in Las Cruces. She is an experienced arts educator whose students have gone on to peruse opportunities and education in the arts.

Sofia Rojas, visual artist and performer. She started acting in high school in El Paso and moved to Las Cruces to attend only arts based charter high school in the area. She graduated with honors and is currently a media arts student at NMSU and continues to seek opportunities to advance her arts-centered career. She was recently in a successful play and acts in or “techs” for numerous films produced by the community college or the university.

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October 11, 2008 at 01:19 PM in Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Saturday: Gov. Richardson, Martin Heinrich and More to Attend Matanza in Valencia County to Support Rep. Berreras

Hbarr_2On Saturday, October 11, Governor Bill Richardson, Speaker Ben Lujan, Majority Leader Sen. Michael Sanchez, Rep. Elias Barela, and other local elected officials, as well as NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich, will attend a community matanza and fundraiser for Representative Andrew Barreras' re-election bid in Valencia County. More than 250 people from the community are expected to attend.

Matanza for Rep. Andrew Barreras
Saturday, October 11 from 11 AM-2 PM
3555 State Highway 47, Peralta

"As a state legislator, Andrew has stayed true to the values and traditions of the people he represents. Even while he pushes hard for change in Santa Fe — to make sure we're looking at ways to create jobs and invest more in education and healthcare — his feet are always planted firmly in Valencia County," says Governor Bill Richardson.

Andrew Barreras was elected in 2006 to represent House District 7. He is a small businessman and active in his community and church. His family goes back many generations in Valencia County.

"Matanzas are a community celebration," says Andrew, "and given the concerns with what's happening to our economy I hope we can come together and reassure our community that we're working hard to make sure that our rural communities are getting the resources they need."

There will be door prizes, food and a jumper for the children. Community members will be asked to make a small donation to the event.

Andrew was elected in 2006 to represent House District 7. HD-7 covers the east part of Valencia County and runs from the Rio Grande on the west to the county line on the east. It encompasses Paralta, Tome, Adelino, Los Trujillos and Rio Communities.

Andrew's challenger is Republican Tim Lardner, President of New Mexico Travertine and Santa Fe Marble.

October 10, 2008 at 01:35 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)