McCain Lie Counter

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/15: PAC505 to Host Prez Debate Watch at UNM Sub


PAC505, the TRILLION Space, and SOY DE BURQUE invite you to Albuquerque's progressive epicenter, UNM Main Campus, this Wednesday to watch the third and final debate in this historic election. The debate will be shown at the SUB, Ballroom A, via in-house LCD projection and audio.

DJ Chach will set the tone before the main event and PaperChasePress will provide its screenprinting services before and during the show: bring an article of clothing and five bucks and PaperChasePress will brand it with your choice of Obama or other design. The image of the debate will be framed by projections of liveblogs from opposite sides of the political spectrum, so you can watch the spin as it happens. We will place a television and chairs in the SUB lobby for parents with children who might not want to be restrianed by the theater-like setting of the ballroom.

PAC505 tries to help motivate and galvanize Albuquerque's liberal community. Especially in light of the role that the youth vote is likely to play in this year's election, we are really excited to have the opportunity to engage and be engaged by the UNM student body this Wednesday, and we hope that you will join us.

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October 12, 2008 at 03:28 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events | Permalink


Watch McCain's facial expressions and body language. As part of the US military aristocracy he spent his life at the top of the class system. His only two Louisiana 'town halls' were in Kenner and Metarie, David Duke's KKK base.
His sneers and inability to look at him when Obama speaks are both race and class based.

Posted by: sandy | Oct 15, 2008 10:29:59 AM

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