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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Obama Campaign Buys Half Hour on CBS, NBC for 'Primetime Special'

Obama's new ad on health care

TV industry blogger James Hibberd reports that the Obama campaign has purchased a half-hour of national TV time for a "primetime special" on both CBS and NBC to air Wednesday, October 29, at 8:00 PM. It's also rumored the campaign is negotiating for a similar deal with Fox, but that might not be possible because Fox will be airing Game 6 of the World Series in that slot if one is necessary.

Wow. Imagine what that costs. When a campaign has attracted millions of enthusiastic small donors who aren't yet tapped out -- and keeps attracting newbies -- this kind of creative and costly messaging becomes affordable.

The special is a smart move for the Obama campaign, said Larry Sabato, a political analyst and director of the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia.

"Obama's theme is not just change but unity, so he's appealing to the whole nation rather than a handful of tossup states," Sabato said. "He wants to win the popular vote by a good margin, which will enable him to govern."

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October 9, 2008 at 05:05 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Media | Permalink


Whoa, that is costly. Why does he have to buy primetime spots? He's on the news every hour anyway.Just wondering..

Posted by: | Oct 9, 2008 8:20:51 PM

He needs to buy primetime slots because so much of the "news" is slanted or fails to reveal all the facts. He can talk directly to the people with this. Very smart.

Posted by: Josie | Oct 10, 2008 8:55:40 AM

That is because US media has failed the public. The media promotes petty fights focusing on BS trivia rather than true issues of concern. The media does not impart substantive information as an objective any more. Their whole focus is on entertainment. The "news" serve to whip up the elective process and rabid partisanship at a time when social cohesiveness is crucial for solving very real problems. They do society a dis-service by not educating and informing. The media is also a corporate propaganda tool taking over even our mass culture stamping out all deep and critical thinking whenever and where ever possible.
Joy, may I suggest that you watch CSpan as well as our public TV station. Try to read at least 3 articles per day on various topics. Develop a personal followership of your favorite columnists, journalists and authors. Go out into the world and try to have intelligent discussions about the issues with your fellow citizens. Pick your own pet issues and develop persuasive promotional and counter arguments to those opinions and issues in which you agree or don't agree. Try to clarify your thoughts and base your own opinions on facts and practical reality rather than emotion.

Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 10, 2008 9:23:55 AM

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