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Sunday, October 05, 2008
Tuesday: Speaker Pelosi to Headline Women Leaders' Benefit Reception for Heinrich, DPNM
Governor Bill Richardson
& Senator Jeff Bingaman
Invite You To Join
Speaker's Council
Ms. Clara Apodaca, Ms. Jackie Hall & Mr. J.D. Bullington, Mr. David Buchholtz, Mr. Kevin Calnan,
Mrs. Elena & Mr. Gary Goodman, Mrs. Shana & Mr. Greg Levenson, Mr. Bruce Malott,
Mrs. Catherine Davis-Query & Mr. Bryan Query
Mrs. Suzanne & Mr. Jim Gollin, Ms. Kathy Love,
Honorable Patricia Madrid & Mr. L. Michael Messina, Mrs. Deborah & Mr. Earl Potter, Ms. Jane Wishner
For an Elegant Reception Featuring Women Leaders
Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House
Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish
Julie Heinrich
With Special Guests
Speaker Ben Lujan, Mayor Martin J. Chavez
NM 3rd District Democratic Nominee Ben R. Lujan
To Benefit
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico's 1st District Democrat
And the Democratic Party of New Mexico
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
At the home of Elena & Gary Goodman, Albuquerque
For more information, download the Full Invitation (PDF)
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October 5, 2008 at 12:01 PM in Democratic Party, Events, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink