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Sunday, October 05, 2008

More Journal Poll: Majority in NM Think Palin Helps GOP Ticket

The Journal survey was conducted September 29 thru October 2, 2008, which means it ended the night of the Vice Presidential Debate:

Overall, 47 percent of all registered, likely voters surveyed — Democrats, Republicans and independents — said they viewed Palin as a plus for the GOP; 40 percent said she is a minus; and 13 percent were undecided, didn't know or wouldn't say.
Seventy-nine percent of the Republicans surveyed said she was a plus for the ticket, while only 24 percent of Democrats said they felt that way.

Only 13 percent of the Republicans surveyed viewed her as a minus for the GOP ticket, while 59 percent of Democrats said she was a negative for the GOP ticket. Among independents, 48 percent said she was a plus, while 41 percent viewed her as a minus; 12 percent were undecided.

I guess a certain segment of New Mexicans like winkiing, you betchas and alsos ... or at least they believe Sarah's "folksy" act is appealing to those who might vote for McCain.

Also see my previous post on today's release of Journal polling results.

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October 5, 2008 at 09:03 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain | Permalink


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