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Monday, October 06, 2008

Las Cruces & Anthony Obama Offices Open All Night to Register Voters Before Deadline Tomorrow

Register2voteTo vote in the presidential election you need to be registered to vote by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 --that's TOMORROW. One way to do it is to register at any Obama campaign office until the deadline and they will turn in your registration to your County Clerk by 5:00 PM Thursday, which is the deadline for third party registrars.

THEY'RE LEAVING THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU: The lights will be on late tonight at the Barack Obama Campaign headquarters in Las Cruces -- all night, in fact. The staff will stay on duty in order to register eligible voters who are not yet on the voter rolls. October 7 at 5:00 PM is the deadline to register to vote in the November 4 U.S. Presidential election and the push is on to make sure that as many people as possible register to vote.

The Las Cruces headquarters is located at 255 E. Lohman and they hope to attract people getting off work, going to work late, and those who just have never gotten around to registering. Or those middle class workers who don’t necessarily work during the ‘normal’ work day. The office will also be open until midnight on Tuesday.

The Obama office in Anthony, too, will leave its doors open all night Monday. Obama offices across the state will be staying open later than usual. So far registration efforts by Democrats in New Mexico have signed up thousands of previously un-registered voters.

Obama campaign office staffs include plenty of folks who have received training by the county clerk to become deputized -- to ensure that forms are filled out correctly. The campaign staff takes responsibility for turning in the completed forms to the County Clerk. People wanting to register must be U.S. citizens at least 18 years old. They need to bring their Social Security number and personal identification. The registration form is short and takes very little time to fill out.

Anyone with questions can call the local Obama campaign office or your County Clerk. Also see my previous post on voting that explains other ways to register, including downloading and completing a voter registration form that you can hand-deliver to the County Clerk by the deadline, or mail to your County Clerk postmarked before the 5:00 PM, October 7 deadline.

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October 6, 2008 at 04:06 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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