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Monday, October 20, 2008

Guest Blog by Eric Sedillo Jeffries: Vote for PRC Candidate Jason Marks

Jason Marks (blue shirt), our PRC consumer watchdog, and supporters.

This is a guest blog by Eric Sedillo Jeffries, an Albuquerque trial attorney who has practiced law in New Mexico for over 30 years, initially as a prosecutor in the DA's and AG's office and thereafter as a civil defense and plaintiff counsel. He has had a great deal of contact and interaction with the PRC and its subdivisions over the years. Democrat Jason Marks is running for re-election to the Public Regulation Commission from District 1.

This is to address the defamatory card you may have received last week in the mail from Jason Mark’s opponent. As some of you may know I have over 30 years experience with the PRC, from interfacing with the State Fire Marshall’s office on arson cases as a prosecutor, fighting title insurance companies and representing insureds and insurers before the PRC Commissioners. In my humble opinion, Jason Marks is the best or among the very best PRC commissioners we have or ever hope to have. Contrary to the false accusations it was Jason’s skillful negotiations, backed by potential votes of PRC commissioners, that forced the corrupt former Insurance Superintendent, Eric Serna, and his wayward assistant out of office. As you may recall, Serna’s assistant was subsequently prosecuted and convicted of taking kick backs. The Superintendant’s position, statutorily, was practically impregnable. Without Jason’s skillful negotiations it could have taken another year to remove Eric Serna from office.

In rate making, the rate payers do not have a better watchdog than Jason. His background is in both law and, prior to law school, in rate making. If you ever attended a PNM rate hearing you probably would have seen Jason whip out his calculator to cross examine a PNM expert on the basis of his justification for rate increases. Nothing can cause more fear for the untruthful witness than to see Jason punching the buttons on his calculator.

There had to be some PNM rate increases last year because of the increased cost of energy sources, but it was Jason who was primarily responsible in saving consumers millions of dollars in the initial unjustified PNM rate increase demands. Jason’s opponent neither has the desire nor skill to save rate payers the monies Jason saved them.

Lastly, under Jason’s leadership, our PRC has implemented practical energy generation and savings plans. In accomplishments, not talk, Jason is ahead of both of the presidential candidates.

I strongly recommend you reject the midnight mailing of false accusations and vote for Jason Marks.

Eric Sedillo Jeffries, Albuquerque, NM

This is a guest blog by Eric Sedillo Jeffries. To submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

Photo by Maxie Marks. Click on image for larger version.

October 20, 2008 at 11:52 AM in 2008 PRC Election, Guest Blogger | Permalink


I see that Tim Cummins has started the negative garbage campaigning, like all the other Republican candidates who are behind.

Be sure to mark your ballot for Jason Marks. He is the real deal. I've spoken with him many times and he is for the people. Cummins is for the corporations and nothing else.

Posted by: Rene | Oct 20, 2008 2:21:32 PM

There are a lot of questions in my mind about Cummins. That whole west side jail, Mattress Factory, city vs well water situation involving Cummins a few years back has left me wondering about his ethics. Aside from that Cunnins a City Council/County Commissioner retread is NOT someone I would want in a business regulatory position.

Posted by: VP | Oct 21, 2008 7:21:13 AM

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