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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

(Updated) Details Finalized: Obama to Host Early Vote Rally at UNM's Johnson Field on 10/25


Update: Comedian George Lopez will be joining Obama at the Saturday rally in Albuquerque. Also, see this post for useful maps and more info on parking, etc.
According to the Campaign for Change, Barack Obam will host an Early Vote for Change Rally at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque:

University of New Mexico, Johnson Field 

Corner of Girard Blvd. and Central Ave.
Albuquerque, NM MAP (pdf)
Doors Open: 7:00PM
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP please visit www.NM.Obama.com.

Watch: Richmond VA 10/22 At a defining moment like this ...

Parking Information: Please carpool and use public transportation. Limited Parking will be available throughout both main and north of campus.

Additional parking will also be available in the following commuter lots: Lot T (located at University Ave. And Lomas Blvd.), Lot Q (located at University Ave. and Camino de Salud St.), Lot M (located at Yale Ave. And Lomas Blvd.), UNM Football Stadium (located at University Ave. and Ave. Cesar Chavez)

***For security reasons do not bring bags or umbrellas and please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.***

Technorati Tags:

October 22, 2008 at 10:00 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


I wish it was earlier so I could take my 5 month old son. Oh well.

Posted by: Pguy | Oct 22, 2008 10:10:19 PM

Gobama! In my ward! That'll get the students to vote early, eh?

Posted by: Anon | Oct 22, 2008 10:34:52 PM

Thanks for telling us what is going on. I wonder if there will be a way to get from that far-flung parking to UNM on a Saturday night except by walking? The Obama NM website just says "Parking is limited. Carpooling is encouraged". It would be great if they ran the shuttle buses as they do for a Popejoy Hall event. I'll try to call tomorrow.

Posted by: michelle meaders | Oct 23, 2008 1:14:39 AM

Whoot! It's Obama time!!!

Posted by: Dana Sumrow | Oct 23, 2008 9:47:02 AM

Good and bad news about Shuttle buses at UNM! There's a performance (Mariachi Cobre at 8 pm) that night at Popejoy Hall (which seats about 2000) nearby. That means competition for parking, but also that the free shuttle buses to the G lot will be running. Here's what Popejoy's website says about that (including a map):

"Shuttles and Parking

Free ride. Fewer steps.
Nothing could be simpler. Park in our Special Event Lot (University G Lot) north of Lomas on University, step onto one of the Special Event shuttle buses and ride in climate controlled comfort to the show. Buses run continuously from 90 minutes before the show, drop you off at Popejoy Hall and return you to the shuttle lot up to an hour after the show. No one gets closer to Popejoy Hall than our shuttle-riding patrons. It's fast, convenient and free. Should you have an emergency, shuttle buses are available any time during the show to take you back to your car. Our shuttle buses will make sure your attendance at Popejoy Presents events is as pleasant and worry-free as possible. All our shuttle buses are wheelchair accessible."


I called the Obama campaign state office to suggest that they organize vans or buses to get people back and forth to their cars, since it will probably be after 10pm, cold and dark, after the event. It's a long way to the football stadium! Also, they didn't know yet if there would be bleachers or other seating at Johnson Field.

Posted by: michelle meaders | Oct 23, 2008 11:57:55 AM

I'm there!!!! I got to get a Picture with the next President of the United States!!! All my Fam will be Jelous!! I got to get a picture, I just got too!!!

Posted by: BO$$ | Oct 23, 2008 2:17:09 PM

Thanks for looking into that Michelle. Keep me informed and I'll post the final info so people know what's up before they head out on Saturday.

Posted by: barb | Oct 23, 2008 3:35:27 PM

Despite my aversion to massive crowds, I'm planning on cycling in. Should be fun, the parking question is moot on a bike, and I can skedaddle when the crowd claustrophobia (note: not agoraphobia) kicks in. We cyclists can flash our headlights in some sort of mojo building unison....

Posted by: scot | Oct 23, 2008 8:06:49 PM


The Popejoy shuttles are going to be used for the Popejoy event, and not the rally. I think people will have to show tickets or have some kind of identification that they are attending the Popejoy show in order to take the shuttles or they will be turned away.

We're still working on the parking situation for people wanting to attend the rally at UNM and will be updating the UNM Today site (unmtoday.unm.edu) with information as we get it, as well as trying to talk with as much media as possible.


Posted by: Benson | Oct 24, 2008 10:42:25 AM

Re: Parking in the G Lot for free shuttle. The information posted by Michelle is incorrect for the 10/25 rally. Yes, there will be shuttle service from G Lot to Popejoy Hall that night, but YOU MUST HAVE TICKETS TO THE NMSO PERFORMANCE to be able to board a bus. Of course, when the riot starts for those who drove to the G Lot expecting to get a free ride to Johnson Field, I'm sure rules might be bent, but don't count on it. Park somewhere down on Central, like downtown and take the city bus.

Posted by: Bill | Oct 24, 2008 1:30:49 PM

Bill's right, there will be no shuttle service from G Lot for anyone except NMSO attendees. From what I've been told there will be no exceptions. Here's the parking info I have from our media advisory:

• People attending the Obama rally are encouraged by the campaign to park in the T, M and Q lots, or at University Stadium. There will be no shuttles for this event.

• People with disabilities attending the rally should enter campus on Stanford NE, north of Central where they will be directed to a drop-off point.

Posted by: Benson | Oct 24, 2008 4:18:04 PM

Please help: I want my children to see Obama in person and I am driving in from out of state. I have a hotel room at the Plaza Inn. So, 2 questions:
1) what time should we get in line?
2) I don't know the area for parking. suggestions?

I'm overwhelmed that my family and I will get to see him in person!!!!

Posted by: Russell | Oct 24, 2008 9:03:13 PM



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