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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last Chance to Sign Up for This Friday's Trick or Vote: Pass It On!


On October 31st, members of New Mexico Youth Organized (NMYO) and local partners in Albuquerque will engage in a massive nonpartisan Get Out the Vote drive called “Trick or Vote.” The costumed force of over 200 young people will meet at Lower Johnson Field on the UNM campus at 5:00 PM and fan out in neighborhoods across the city on Halloween to remind people to vote on November 4th.

Following the neighborhood canvasses, NMYO will host an all-ages Halloween event at the Outpost Performance Space. The event will provide a safe entertainment space for youth and volunteers, while getting participants excited about engaging in our democracy. Some of the high profile local artists featured include DJ Eve, DJ Bea, DJ Mittens, City Side Front, a variety of young poets and more!

Trick or Vote is part of a national nonpartisan effort to encourage youth participation in the electoral process.

Volunteers can sign up at

Also see the Trick or Vote website at for videos and interviews.

Trick or Vote is catching people’s attention across the country. Young leaders attended both the Democratic and Republican conventions to get the word out about what youth are doing to make a difference in this election (see video).

Studies show that the most effective way to increase voter turnout is to have face-to-face conversations and simply ask people to vote. With this Friday being the biggest door-knocking day of the year, NMYO and its partners look forward to connecting with thousands of people. Conveniently, Halloween also falls just 4 days before the election, when “Get Out the Vote” efforts become most crucial. For these two reasons it’s easy to view Trick or Vote as being the “best way on the best day.”

“We’ve been working hard over the past two months to recruit hundreds of young volunteers for this event,” said Amanda Manjarrez, Trick or Vote Coordinator with New Mexico Youth Organized. “The response and enthusiasm has been absolutely overwhelming! Young people are really excited about participating in this event. We believe Trick or Vote can be an excellent entry point for young people to begin a lifetime of positive civic engagement.”

Don’t Forget, Trick or Vote!
New Mexico Youth Organized Recruits 200 Volunteers for Unique Event

New Mexico Youth Organized (NMYO) is a community-based organization devoted to improving the lives of working families in our state. Through engaging 17-34 year olds in the civic process our mission is to inspire the next generation of leaders in New Mexico.


October 28, 2008 at 04:50 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Youth | Permalink


Very soon Barack Obama will be your new President. This is a reality you cannot alter or escape from. It is fact. It is history. It is justice for the world.

Many of you have seen the light and have accepted the truth. And we thank you for your support and aid in electing Barack Obama.

To those who have rejected the truth you have no reason to fear Barack Obama. He is wise and just and he will follow the principals followed by his African forefathers. Barack Obama is the son of Kings and Queens who started human civilization thousands of years ago. Barack Obama remembers his heritage and his obligations to the Truth, Justice and the Future.

Barack Obama understands what is wrong and what needs to be done. Barack Obama has intelligence and vision that has lasted for over a millennium. Barack Obama was born with the appropriate ways of thinking, speaking, and acting and this will inspire you to be liberated for now there is no shackle which can keep you enslaved.

An African Proverb tell us: “Then command the servant, thusly: Make an Elder's staff causing my son to stand in my place I will instruct him through the speech of the listeners and the counsels of the first of the ancients who listened to the divinities. In so doing troubles will be removed from the people.”

Barck Obama is here now to listen, to instruct and will lead you to your new life.

America will have a new start. A change to right itself. A change to correct its wrongs and address its sins. If you support change that will bring forth social and economic justice, you will stand with Barack Obama. Those who have been denied justice in America will get justice. Those will have been denied opportunity will be given opportunity. Those will falsely imprisoned will be freed. Those who are guilty will be punished. America’s salvation is at hand.

Those who have profited in America will play a role helping others. Justice requires equality and fairness and those who have the means will now be fair and will contribute to equality.

Stand with Barack Obama and you will be honored you for your work, sacrifice, dedication and devotion on behalf of all oppressed peoples.

Stand with Barack Obama and you will be honored and celebrated and remembered in song and praise and by your children.

Posted by: | Oct 28, 2008 10:50:03 PM

I'll be interviewing some Trick or Vote folks tomorrow and have a post up at my place and NMI tomorrow. I'm also thinking of tagging along with them in the canvass.

Question: What should I dress up as?

Posted by: | Oct 29, 2008 12:42:54 AM

Mary Ellen plans to be there too. But I think she is dressing up as herself so you should recognize her by her political buttons and her fascist-communist-socialist Obama shirt. You know how we are.

Hmm. If you want to go in costume, maybe you should dress up as a blogger. You know, pajamas, uncombed hair, coffee mug in hand, bags under the eyes, blisters on the fingers, driving a car that keeps crapping out!

Come to think of it, I'm sitting here now with uncombed hair, coffee mug in hand, bags under my eyes. I want it known, however, that I am NOT in pajamas, the blisters on my fingers are healed and turned to calluses and my Ranger is running OK right now.

Posted by: | Oct 29, 2008 9:24:17 AM

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