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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Common Cause New Mexico Weighs in on "Voter Fraud" Allegations

From Common Cause New Mexico:
After carefully examining the evidence, Common Cause New Mexico has concluded that recent assertions regarding “undeniable proof that there was voter fraud in the June election” are simply inaccurate. Contrary to the claims of a Republican spokesperson, the copies of registration forms that the party released to the media last week do not constitute clear evidence of “voter fraud in the 2008 primary in Albuquerque." (“NM GOP Finds 28 Suspect Voters”, Santa Fe New Mexican, October 17, 2008).

Evidence of inappropriate voter registrations is a very serious matter, and it’s important that all such instances be investigated by the appropriate authorities. After closely examining the evidence presented by New Mexico Republicans, however, Common Cause New Mexico has found that the party’s claim of “bombshell” evidence of actual voter misconduct was grossly overstated.

“This is an exciting election, and partisans on all sides are mounting heated campaigns,” said Steven Robert Allen, Common Cause New Mexico’s Executive Director. “But New Mexico voters will be better served if partisan operatives thoroughly vet allegations of voter misconduct before releasing statements about them to the public.”

Common Cause also shares the ACLU’s concerns regarding the release of voters’ social security numbers (“ACLU Calls for Criminal Investigation of Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office, GOP,” press release, October 22, 2008). New Mexico state law clearly prohibits the Secretary of State, county clerks or any other registration agent from releasing such information to the public (§1-4-50 NMSA 1978). The Bernalillo County Clerk has assured Common Cause that copies of voter registration forms officially provided by her office to the state Republican party would have had such information redacted. Attempts by Common Cause New Mexico to seek clarification from the state Republican party regarding how they obtained voters’ social security numbers have gone unanswered.

Common Cause New Mexico is part of a nonpartisan state-based voter protection coalition. In conjunction with this project, we’re promoting a voter information hotline, 866-OUR-VOTE. Voters with any concerns about the voting process in New Mexico should call this number and a live legal specialist will answer their questions.

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October 22, 2008 at 06:48 PM in Civil Liberties, Election Reform & Voting, Government | Permalink


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