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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Conservation Voter Action Fund's Radio Ad Flushes GOP PRC Candidate Cummins

FlushThe Conservation Voters NM Action Fund is running a new radio ad supporting the re-election of Dem Jason Marks to the Public Regulation Commission in District 1 -- and featuring a flushing toilet message about his GOP opponent, Tim Cummins. Great stuff:

The ad refers to the revelation that Repub Tim Cummins is one of the most extravagant over-users of water in the area. And he serves on the board of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority! Cummins used a whopping 942,480 gallons of water at his Tanoan home in 2007, nearly nine times the average use for a residential home in Albuquerque, according to water authority numbers -- and sixth among the biggest residential water users last year. Cummins has admitted he has a large lawn, a fountain and a pool -- but claims that's not what's running up his usage. Uh huh.

As bad as having a water hog like Cummins on the water board is, having Cummins on the PRC would be even worse. According to an article in today's Albuquerque Journal:

Republican challenger E. Tim Cummins says PRC policies slow down decisionmaking and end up costing businesses and, ultimately, consumers time and money.

Got that? Cummins essentially says he's against regulations imposed by the Public REGULATION Commission because they bother businesses. Isn't this the same kind of deregulation worship that got us into the financial crisis we're facing globally? Believe it or not, Cummins is also against the PRC looking out for consumers.

"When these guys [on the PRC] hold themselves out as consumer watchdogs and protectors of the public, they're not doing justice to the state and consumers as a whole," Cummins said.

Incumbent Dem Jason Marks, on the other hand,

... lists several issues facing the commission that he says will require decisions that protect not only consumers and companies but the long-term future of New Mexico's economy and environment.

Marks is known as our consumer watchdog -- and he's also been a real leader on the PRC in terms of renewable energy, the mitigation of global warming and requiring telecoms to live up to their promises. In other words, he recognizes the importance of the PRC in helping New Mexico move forward as technological opportunities -- and complexities -- increase. He knows his stuff, and he works for us, not the special interests. Be sure to vote for Marks when you mark your ballot. Although the PRC may not be the most well known of governmental entities, its work is incredibly important, and subject to ethical lapses if the wrong people get elected as commissioners. Cummins calls himself a conservative, and we know what that means in this era -- free reign for the piggies and to hell with ordinary people. Don't let him anywhere near the PRC.

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October 21, 2008 at 05:06 PM in 2008 PRC Election, Environment | Permalink


Cummins would be a menace on the PRC. He and his sister have done so much to damage Albuquerque and help the rich. Marks is just the opposite. He is smart, fair and working for the people every single day. Go Jason!

Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 22, 2008 9:55:47 AM

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