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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Calling All Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians (for Change)

Read about these people, all of whom are Republicans, conservatives or Independents. All of them have decided they cannot and will not vote for John McCain. Some are disgusted by McCain's viciously negative campaign, some don't think Sarah Palin should be anywhere near the White House, some believe Obama and his powerful leadership skills and ability to unite the nation are too good to pass up. I found their explanations very moving, patriotic even.

More evidence that growing numbers of Republicans and conservatives are abandoning McCain to switch to Obama is found in a newly released poll of rural voters in 13 swing states, including New Mexico, that has Obama and McCain neck and neck. A month ago, Obama was trailing with these voters by 10 points. The poll was commissioned by the nonpartisan Center for Rural Strategies in Whitesburg, Kentucky.

Almost 20% of Americans live in rural areas, and they tend to be social and fiscal conservatives. Bush won rural districts nationwide by 19 points in 2004. Times have changed.

The phenomenon of conservatives and libertarians supporting Obama is explored in an article in the Economist about the so-called "Obamacons." Excerpt:

Many disillusioned Republicans hoped that Mr McCain would provide a compass for a party that has lost its way, but now feel that the compass has gone haywire. Kenneth Adelman, who once described the invasion of Iraq as a “cakewalk”, decided this week to vote for Mr Obama mainly because he regards Sarah Palin as “not close to being acceptable in high office.”

The rise of the Obamacons is more than a reaction against Mr Bush’s remodelling of the Republican Party and Mr McCain’s desperation: there were plenty of disillusioned Republicans in 2004 who did not warm to John Kerry. It is also a positive verdict on Mr Obama. For many conservatives, Mr Obama embodies qualities that their party has abandoned: pragmatism, competence and respect for the head rather than the heart. Mr Obama’s calm and collected response to the turmoil on Wall Street contrasted sharply with Mr McCain’s grandstanding.

And it's not just intellectuals like Christopher Buckley and leaders like Colin Powell who are moving into the Obama column:

... the revolt of the intellectuals is coinciding with a migration of culturally conservative voters—particularly white working-class voters—into Obamaland. Mr Obama is now level-pegging or leading among swing-groups such as Catholics and working-class whites. A recent Washington Post-ABC poll shows him winning 22% of self-described conservatives, a higher proportion than any Democratic nominee since 1980.

The question is, what percentage of Republicans will cross over on election day, and what affect will this have on down-ticket races here and around the country? There's anecdotal evidence that a fair share of Rs will secretly vote Dem this year, still reticent to tell their friends and colleagues they've defected. Combine these silent switch-overs with those willing to admit they've had enough of the Bush-McCain-Rove way of doing business in Washington, and we just might have a real mandate-type victory for Obama, with coat-tails to match. Think Tom Udall, Martin Heinrich, Ben Ray Lujan and even Harry Teague, down there in conservative and rural NM-02. Yowsa.

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October 23, 2008 at 02:11 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Rural Issues | Permalink


Does this "change" include carving a big "B" on the face of everyone who doesn't want it? I think I'll pass....

(For any who don't know, see the Drudge Report and the woman who was so carved for daring to support McCain).

Posted by: Quixote | Oct 23, 2008 4:01:17 PM

I don't know what you're talking about and I never read the Drudge Report because it's known for its disinformation and outright lies.

Your comment is typical of the stuff being spread by the worst of McCain and Palin supporters. If there's anyone committing violence and calling names, it has been them and its sad.

Posted by: JJ | Oct 24, 2008 9:43:35 AM

My experience with Republican friends is similar. Many say they'll vote for Obama or they will stay home. The GOP and its presidential ticket has driven many moderates and reasonable Republicans away with the extremism and dirty tricks.

I think he way the Republican Party in New Mexico is hounding voters is terrible and criminal and many long time Republicans I know agree.

Posted by: Rhonda | Oct 24, 2008 9:51:34 AM

Yep, you don't know what I'm talking about, that is true. Willful blindness. I'm sure that you think that anyone who doesn't vote for Mr. Obama is a racist, too.

So I'm sure that anyone that says or shows anything that contradicts what you believe is a liar.

Have a nice day.

Posted by: Quixote | Oct 24, 2008 12:41:40 PM

The story Quixote refers to has been found to be a hoax by a McCain campaign worker-always lying!


Posted by: JJ | Oct 24, 2008 2:34:20 PM

Guess they took lessons from the Clinton Administration.

Hmmmmmm.....but if Drudge ALWAYS lies, the way JJ said, then isn't he lying about this, too? Or is it only a lie when it looks bad for democrats?

Posted by: Quixote | Oct 24, 2008 2:56:20 PM

The woman admitted she lied to the press. Grow up and wake up.

The Republicans have done every dirty trick and lie and racist thing they could think and they are still going to LOSE! The American people see through the lies and the failures of the GOP. Wait until the Obama administration gets to look into the files on the crimes Bush and his cronies did in the White House. Get out the handcuffs.

Posted by: L. Briggs | Oct 24, 2008 3:01:08 PM

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