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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ACORN Fights Back; DOJ Interested in Voter Intimidation Claims

Watch ACORN's new ad, and then go read this story by Gwyneth Doland, who's been doing an excellent job covering this rapidly unfolding story at the New Mexico Independent. What a pleasure to have a local journalist reporting all the facts on something like this.

You should also check out her latest story on the ACORN "vote fraud" fiasco, which reports on the visit to New Mexico by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney who works in the voting section of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. The DOJ lawyer met today with a staff attorney from the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico and picked up one of the packets GOP Rep. Justine Fox-Young recently distributed to the media, claiming she had "undeniable proof" that vote fraud took place in Democratic legislative primary races in June.

Blasts From the Past
You remember some of those legislative primary races -- where three progressive, reform Dems in Albuquerque districts beat three long-time incumbents. Eric Griego defeated Sen. James C. Taylor, Tim Keller beat Sen. Shannon Robinson and Eleanor Chavez won a NM House seat from Rep. Dan Silva.

It just so happens that the NM GOP has claimed it got some of the "questionable" registration forms from Rep. Silva who, along with the other two losers, just happens to be suing to negate the Dem primary victories of the reformers.

You might also recall the brouhaha raised by Shannon Robinson and the other two defeated Dem lawmakers about the educational efforts of certain nonprofits in New Mexico. The voter education groups had sent out mail pieces pointing out how the lawmakers' votes seemed to match up with the interests of their campaign donors, not their constituents. Even though they mailed the pieces before the deadline for doing so, the groups were attacked for breaking the rules. I'm sure you remember the "if it walks like a duck" explanation by Attorney General Gary King for his public statement claiming the groups were overstepping their bounds. Curiouser and curiouser.

Maybe some powerful Dems should corral Rep. Silva and ask why any Democrat would be assisting the likes of Rep. Fox-Young and GOP operative Pat Rogers in their attempts to build a bogus "vote fraud" case against ACORN -- and smear Democrats in the process. Ya gotta wonder who's in cahoots with whom -- and why -- don't you?

FYI, you can review all of Doland's pieces on this topic here.

October 29, 2008 at 06:07 PM in 2008 General Election Voting, 2008 General Presidential Election, Civil Liberties, Crime, Election Reform & Voting, Republican Party | Permalink


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