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Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/17: Democrats for Rick Lass Press Conference in Santa Fe

From Democrats for Rick Lass:
Democrats for Rick Lass will announce its plans for support of Public Regulation Commission candidate Rick Lass at a press conference to be held at 2:00 PM Friday in front of the P.E.R.A building @ 1120 Paseo De Peralta in Santa Fe. Come and show your support and join us. Everyone is welcome.

Democrats for Rick Lass is a independent political committee formed last month by long time Santa Fe Democrat Bernie Logue Y Perea, Lawyer John Howard, former State Democratic Chair Earl Potter, Charlotte Roybal, Gideon Elliot, Dr. Leslie Lakind and others. Its purpose is to urge party members to support Rick Lass.

“Frankly, as Democrats we are embarrassed by Jerome Block Jr.’s behavior since he was nominated,” said Logue Y Perea. “Rick Lass has a record of dedication to important public issues, and we believe he will serve all citizens well at the PRC.”

Donate and Sign Petition: Yesterday the organization opened a web site where Democrats can sign a petition of support for Lass and make contributions at Democrats For Rick Lass PAC. “Already we’re had 25 persons sign up” said Perea “ We also reported $6,968.00 in contributions in our state filing on Tuesday. You can watch an interview with Rick Lass from New Mexico In Focus .

October 16, 2008 at 01:37 PM in 2008 PRC Election, Events | Permalink


This is a good sign. More to the point, these are good Democrats. George Bush is President because not enough Republicans stood up to say that he did not represent the best of that party. I have heard of Democrats who say they will never vote for anyone other than a Democrat, as if that makes them somehow purer Democrats. In fact, it makes them complicit in the takeover of their/our party by those who do not represent our principles. Lass represents the principles of the Democratic Party better than Block, Jr. As a Democratic activist, I would be proud to vote for Lass if I lived in District 3.

Posted by: | Oct 17, 2008 12:46:34 AM

This is great news for Rick's campaign and I'm glad to see some prominent members of Block's party speaking out. Roaming through the blogs though, I don't see a great deal of conversation about this race, (except some folks here and there who say they are leaving it blank) and that makes me fear that there is a great deal of complacency, or "how bad can he be, he's one of us," regarding Block. I'd like to know what the Democrats' contingency plan is. Are the rules preventing endorsement so set in stone (more likely not willing to address third party existence) that not one spokesperson can even nod in Lass's direction in this situation?

Posted by: Michal | Oct 20, 2008 12:09:44 AM

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