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Friday, October 17, 2008
10/22: LWV Judicial Forum Set for UNM Law School
Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives to learn about:
Safeguarding U.S. Democracy
by Promoting An Independent Judiciary
A Judicial Forum Sponsored by the
League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico
Wednesday, October 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Light Refreshments: 5:30-6:00 PM
provided by the American Association of University Women
Forum begins: 6:00 PM
UNM School of Law, Bondurant Lecture Hall
1117 Stanford Dr.NE
Candidates: Justice Charles Daniels, Supreme Court;
Judge Reed Sheppard, 2nd Judicial District Court;
Judge Maria Dominguez, Metropolitan Court; and
Edward L Benavidez, Public Defenders Office,
candidate for the Metropolitan Court.
Focus: To educate the public about the judicial selection process in New Mexico, the pivotal role the judiciary plays in our democratic system of checks and balances, and to discuss the challenges to our independent judiciary. This forum is supported by a grant from the League of Women Voters Education Fund and the Program on Constitutional and Legal Policy of the Open Society Institute. None of these candidates have opposition in the General Election.
Note: Click to download the nonpartisan 2008 Voters' Guide compiled by the League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico. It provides excellent info on candidates, ballot questions, the voting process and more.
October 17, 2008 at 08:50 AM in 2008 Judicial Elections, Events, Justice | Permalink