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Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/20: NM and Our National Security Future: How to Frame an Argument for Change

LkellyNote: Keep an eye out for a guest blog by Lorelei Kelly that will go up soon.

"New Mexico and Our National Security Future: How to Frame an Argument for Change" is a session on how to talk about progressive national security during Get Out the Vote or other public outreach that individuals might undertake. Lorelei Kelly will help peace and justice activists frame national security in a way that presents a compelling and realistic vision for moving forward.

Monday, October 20, 7-9 PM
Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice
202 Harvard SE, Abq. NM 87106
(505) 268 9557

Lorelei--who is originally from Farmington, NM--works to educate elected leaders and the public about today's real security need and how to bring our policy tools into alignment with new threats. Part of her goal is to bring more diverse voices into national security decision making.

In addition to working with the underground democracy movements of eastern Europe in 1989, Lorelei's professional background includes teaching at Stanford University's Center on Conflict and Negotiation, working on bipartisan national security education in Congress, and working as a professional mediator in both domestic and international conflict resolution settings. She recently co authored "A Woman's Guide to Talking About War and Peace" which is available free online at More info at or 202-487-7728. Click for an excellent piece written by Lorelei for Huffington Post.

October 16, 2008 at 12:00 PM in Events, International Relations, Military Affairs, Peace | Permalink


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