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Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/16: Fundraiser for Rep. Jeff Steinborn in ABQ with Speaker Ben Lujan

Jsteinborn_2There are a number of House candidates in swing districts that are being challenged this cycle, and we can't afford to lose any of them -- especially from our progressive caucus from Las Cruces. It's vital that we help re-elect Rep. Jeff Steinborn in HD-37, who won a very close race last time out. Not surprisingly, the Repubs are challenging him again, and running their usual negative campaign against Jeff.

Click to read about Steinborn's many accomplishments in the New Mexico Legislature, which is even more impressive considering that he's only been a lawmaker for one term. No matter which House District you reside in, it's important that we hold onto this seat and Steinborn's votes for the change we need in Santa Fe.

Fundraiser to Re-Elect
Jeff Steinborn for State Representative
New Mexico House District 37
with special guest
Speaker Ben Lujan
Thursday, October 16, from 6-8 PM
Chama River Brewing Company
4939 Pan American NE, Albuquerque

Suggested Contribution is $100, but all donations will be graciously accepted. If you can't attend the event, you can donate online at ActBlue.

Hosts are: AFSCME, AFT, CVNM Action Fund, Drew Setter, Ed Mahr, Equality NM, Ironworkers Local 495, John Anderson, John Lee Thompson, Larry Horan, Mike Puelle, NEA-NM, NM Building Trades Council, Richard Romero, Todd Hotchkiss & Kathy Araki, Virtue Najjar & Brown PC

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October 12, 2008 at 04:40 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


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