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Monday, September 22, 2008

CANCELLED: Wednesday Afternoon: Free Screening of 'Third Term' at Guild

Please Note: I've just been informed that this event had to be CANCELLED due to unforeseen circumstance beyond the control of DFNM. Please help get the word out so folks don't show up on Wednesday. Thanks.

Trailer for Third Term

The Democracy for New Mexico Meetup group is hosting a free screening of the new documentary Third Term: How John McCain Promises to Continue George Bush's Failed Policies this Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 1:30 PM at The Guild Cinema in Albuquerque's Nob Hill. Afterwards, local activist Mark Rudd will lead a short discussion on the film and the issues it raises. If you attend, all we ask in return is that you make a donation you can afford to your favorite cause. Can't beat that.

Third Term, a 72-minute documentary narrated by Paul Begala, was produced by the Media Matters Action Network and the Center for American Progress Action Fund, through their joint project Progressive Accountability. According to Eddie Vale, a spokesman for Progressive Accountability, the goal of the project is "to counter the millions conservatives will invest in books, ads and movies this year to vilify progressive leaders and policies."

The documentary details what Senator John McCain's right-wing policies would mean for America. The film examines how on every major issue this year, from the war in Iraq, to the economy, to health care, to our energy crisis, Senator McCain has been on the wrong side, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with President George W. Bush. Using footage of his own words, interviews and expert analysis, Third Term exposes McCain's radical policy agenda.

Third Term features interviews with experts like: Rand Beers of the National Security Network; Ellen Malcolm of Emily's List; Paul Waldman of the Media Matters Action Network; Larry Korb of the Center for America Progress Action Fund; Thea Lee of the AFL-CIO; Ezra Klein of the American Prospect; and Steve Clemons of the New America Foundation. The documentary has been scored by Grammy-award winning producer/composer Art Hodge.

Come on down and see the free film yourself, and tell your friends and colleagues -- especially those who might not realize how damaging a McCain presidency would be.

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September 22, 2008 at 11:48 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Film, John McCain | Permalink


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