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Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Human Face of Climate Change: 9/29 in Santa Fe & ABQ

From Oxfam America: You're invited to The Human Face of Climate Change, divided into two very special events. On Monday, Sept. 29, Oxfam America welcomes to Santa Fe and Albuquerque two women who truly represent the human face of climate change. These women will inspire you, as they’ve inspired many, to join the fight against climate change.

Mrs. Woré Gana Seck from Dakar, Senegal, and Sharon Hanshaw, of Biloxi, MS, will be with us to discuss the impacts of global warming on their regions and outline the policies needed to build communitywide resilience to climate change, reduce gender inequality, and help overcome poverty.

The first Human Face of Climate Change event will be a luncheon at Santa Fe Community College:

Monday, Sept. 29, 2008, Noon–1:30 PM
6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87508
A $10 donation per adult and $5 donation per student are requested. Sponsors for the event are Oxfam America and the League of Women Voters of New Mexico.

The second event will be at the University of New Mexico:

Monday, Sept. 29, 2008, 5:30–7:30 PM
Kudo Lecture Room 122, Northrop Hall, University of New Mexico (map). The event is free and open to the public and sponsored by Oxfam America, 1Sky New Mexico, the League of Women Voters New Mexico, New Mexico Youth Organized, and the UNM Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Africana Studies.


Mrs. Woré Gana Seck is the director of Green Senegal and president of CONGAD, a consortium of 160 national and international nongovernmental organizations. Seck will speak on the increasing impact of climate change on the lives of families in rural West Africa. Her organizations focus on creating resilient and sustainable rural communities in Senegal.

Sharon Hanshaw, executive director of Coastal Women for Change, is the national ambassador for the Sisters on the Planet initiative. Hanshaw's organization has been integral in the rebuilding process following Hurricane Katrina. Her current work centers on creating a broad infrastructure that will help communities in the Gulf Coast better prepare for and respond to climate disasters.

For more information, please email jfrench@oxfamamerica.org.

Sign Oxfam's petition to the presidential candidates urging them to deal with global warming and the related issues of pollution, poverty and more.

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September 20, 2008 at 12:32 PM in Economy, Populism, Environment, Events, International Relations, Poverty | Permalink


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