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Friday, September 26, 2008

Saturday: Rep. Ken Martinez to Kick Off Campaign for Change "Votercade" on Enchanted Circle

The Obama campaign keeps coming up with creative ideas to connect with voters. I've never heard of this approach before, but I like it. What a great idea for a Saturday event up north when autumn is in the air -- and the Enchanted Circle is one of the most scenic routes in New Mexico.

HmartThis Saturday, September 27th, the Campaign for Change will host a “votercade” of cars and bikes with Obama-Biden decorations that will travel around the Enchanted Circle to encourage the community to register to vote. House Majority Floor Leader Ken Martinez will join the “votercade” and will drive one third of the circle, to stop at the Campaign for Change office in Taos to meet and talk with other participants.

Supporters will gather at three starting points--the Campaign for Change Taos Office, Brandenburg Park in Red River, and the Serenity Shop in Questa—at 10:30 AM to decorate their cars. At 11 AM, all of the cars will simultaneously start driving counter-clockwise, around the Enchanted Circle. Drivers are invited to stop at each location:

Campaign for Change Taos Office, 729 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, Unit A, Taos, NM 87571, 575-751-3510

Brandenburg Park in Red River (Map)

Serenity Shop in Questa (Map)

You can also join a canvass for Obama in locales all over New Mexico this Saturday and Sunday. Get involved. Work for change. Now's the time.

The last day to register to vote in the 2008 election is OCTOBER 7, 2008. If you still need to register, click on the Rock the Vote graphic on the left-hand sidebar on this page, OR visit the Obama campaign's Do it now!

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September 26, 2008 at 05:57 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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