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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Concerned About Fair Elections? Become a Poll Worker for Democracy

From NM PIRG: Of course you'd expect NM PIRG to encourage you to get out and vote on Election Day. Casting your ballot is a big part of making your voice heard on issues that matter to you. But this year, we're encouraging you to take it one step further, and to make sure that everyone else gets to make their voice heard, too.

NM PIRG is partnering with TrueMajority and CREDO Action on the Pollworkers for Democracy project -- a nonpartisan effort to get more people involved in protecting our elections. We're asking you to help the effort by signing up to be a pollworker on November 4. We'll provide you with information to supplement your pollworker training, and also a system to report and track any problems on Election Day.

Your county still needs pollworkers for the November 4 general election. Signing up as a pollworker is easy. Plus, you support our democratic system ... and get paid. Click here to learn more and sign up. The fairness of this year's election is in your hands, and the best place to protect the election is at the polling location.

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September 28, 2008 at 02:37 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)

Uh Oh.

Don't want to have to go through that kind of misery again? Get registered if you're not and request a vote by mail ballot using one of these tools:

Vote for Change

Vote Udall

Why vote by mail? It's easy. It's fast. It will allow you to work on GOTV for candidates or at a polling place on election day on November 4th. It will also stop those phone calls from candidates urging you to do it!


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September 28, 2008 at 01:44 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Real Liberal: Paul Newman, 1925-2008

The Newman Foundation Statement:

Paul Newman's craft was acting. His passion was racing. His love was his family and friends. And his heart and soul were dedicated to helping make the world a better place for all. Paul had an abiding belief in the role that luck plays in one's life, and its randomness. He was quick to acknowledge the good fortune he had in his own life, beginning with being born in America, and was acutely aware of how unlucky so many others were. True to his character, he quietly devoted himself to helping offset this imbalance. An exceptional example is the legacy of Newman's Own. What started as something of a joke in the basement of his home, turned into a highly-respected, multi-million dollar a year food company. And true to form, he shared this good fortune by donating all the profits and royalties he earned to thousands of charities around the world, a total which now exceeds $250 million. While his philanthropic interests and donations were wide-ranging, he was especially committed to the thousands of children with life-threatening conditions served by the Hole in the Wall Camps, which he helped start over 20 years ago. He saw the Camps as places where kids could escape the fear, pain and isolation of their conditions, kick back, and raise a little hell. Today, there are 11 Camps around the world, with additional programs in Africa and Vietnam. Through the Camps, well over 135,000 children have had the chance to experience what childhood was meant to be.

"We will miss our friend Paul Newman, but are lucky ourselves to have known such a remarkable person."

Paul_newman Paul_newman_2

September 27, 2008 at 12:56 PM in Current Affairs, Film, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)

Obama's New Ad: Zero

Why didn't McCain mention the middle class a single time in last night's debate? Why was his main suggestion for the bailout plan that we should cut the capital gains tax? Why won't he admit that we got into this financial mess because of the damaging and deluded economic philosophy he and his party have been pushing for decades?

One of the best debate analyses I've read comes from the almost always on-target Nate Silver at You really should read the whole thing, so I won't provide any excerpts here. Trust me. Unlike many of the "pundits," Nate looks at how Obama did on matters that are most important to the voters, as demonstrated by some post-debate polls. Hey Nate, stop making sense!

September 27, 2008 at 10:12 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dr. Strangelove vs. The Man of Reason and Restraint


First take: I don't know what you saw tonight, but I saw a markedly unstable, angry, unreasonable, stubborn, condescending, sneery, pompous, vindictive and ultimately unlikeable McCain being met and overcome by an eminently reasonable, tough yet gentlemanly, clear thinking and highly intelligent Obama. He ran cool, calm circles around McCain's huffing and puffing buzzwordery and let McCain's prissy self-aggrandizement stand out in contrast, for all the world to see. McCain couldn't even bring himself to look at Obama. Amazing, in a very sick sort of way.

If anybody is still undecided about what four years of McCain would do to the nation, I suggest they watch a replay of tonight's debate with the sound off. Make sure to watch a version that includes the split screen element. I know MSNBC had it, but I don't know if others did.

McCain's truly awful facial expressions and body language while Obama was talking were scary, indeed. I've never seen another presidential candidate with such a twisted, demented look on his or her face during a TV debate. Not even Richard Nixon. And that's saying something. There is real danger lurking there in McCain, and a rash, reckless disregard for others that was very apparent in his demeanor. I can't say it any other way.

As for the content, let's just say that McCain kept laying into Obama with less than honest accusations and proclamations and Barack came back with the facts and undercut him nearly every single time. I thought he made McCain look like a very small, sniveling, wise-ass of a man, too het up to think straight and too poisonous inside to be gracious in any way.

It was presidential grace and dignity vs. snotty digs and underhanded hits. Who do you think we need at the helm in the coming storms?

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September 26, 2008 at 09:57 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (6)

Tonight's Debate: Daily Lobo Editor Will Be Online Panelist on The Caucus

The editor of the University of New Mexico's Daily Lobo will be a panelist online during the debate tonight on The Caucus - The NY Times Political blog. Damian Garde is a 21-year-old editor in chief of the Daily Lobo, Garde is a native New Mexican, born in Los Lunas. He is pursuing a major in political science with a minor in print journalism at UNM. The New York Times enlisted student newspaper editors from around the country to weigh in on the first presidential debate in real time. Look out for their remarks on The Caucus when the debate starts at 7 PM.

September 26, 2008 at 06:19 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday: Rep. Ken Martinez to Kick Off Campaign for Change "Votercade" on Enchanted Circle

The Obama campaign keeps coming up with creative ideas to connect with voters. I've never heard of this approach before, but I like it. What a great idea for a Saturday event up north when autumn is in the air -- and the Enchanted Circle is one of the most scenic routes in New Mexico.

HmartThis Saturday, September 27th, the Campaign for Change will host a “votercade” of cars and bikes with Obama-Biden decorations that will travel around the Enchanted Circle to encourage the community to register to vote. House Majority Floor Leader Ken Martinez will join the “votercade” and will drive one third of the circle, to stop at the Campaign for Change office in Taos to meet and talk with other participants.

Supporters will gather at three starting points--the Campaign for Change Taos Office, Brandenburg Park in Red River, and the Serenity Shop in Questa—at 10:30 AM to decorate their cars. At 11 AM, all of the cars will simultaneously start driving counter-clockwise, around the Enchanted Circle. Drivers are invited to stop at each location:

Campaign for Change Taos Office, 729 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, Unit A, Taos, NM 87571, 575-751-3510

Brandenburg Park in Red River (Map)

Serenity Shop in Questa (Map)

You can also join a canvass for Obama in locales all over New Mexico this Saturday and Sunday. Get involved. Work for change. Now's the time.

The last day to register to vote in the 2008 election is OCTOBER 7, 2008. If you still need to register, click on the Rock the Vote graphic on the left-hand sidebar on this page, OR visit the Obama campaign's Do it now!

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September 26, 2008 at 05:57 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday: Get with the Gente for Heinrich

Join "Gente for Heinrich"

State Auditor Hector Balderas
State Senator Gerry Ortiz y Pino
State Representative Moe Maestas
State Representative Ernie Chavez
State Senator Elect Eric Griego
Commissioner Deanna Archuleta
Councilman Rey Garduno
Ron Romero
Neri Holguin
Orlando and Lydia Vigil
Javier Benavidez
Joaquin Lujan
Richard Romero
Robbie Rodriguez
Danny Lopez
Moises Gonzales

for a conversation and fundraiser with
Martin Heinrich
Democrat for Congress

Monday, September 29, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
1106 Santa Fe Avenue S.W., Barelas, USA
(two blocks south, two blocks west of RG Zoo)

$50 suggested contribution
for more info call Eric at 259-7600

September 26, 2008 at 04:51 PM in Events, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday: India Palace Reception Supporting Brian Egolf for State Rep

Please Join
Governor Bill Richardson,
Speaker Ben Lujan &
State Auditor Hector Balderas
For a reception in support of
Brian Egolf
Candidate for State Representative - District 47
Monday, September 29, 2008, 12:00-1:00 PM
India Palace
227 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM
See FLYER for more information

September 26, 2008 at 12:15 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Events, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Stunt Over: McCain to Debate Tonight (After Saving the World As We Know It)

Details on . As Chris Cillizza of the WaPo puts it, McCain Blinks.

Now the campaign that never really "suspended" will be unsuspended. Or something. McCain, in a pompous and abrupt move, set himself up as the one necessary ingredient for a bailout deal, and then pushed his way into the White House meeting yesterday -- convincing Bush to "invite" Obama into the mix. Oddly, McCain's only reported contribution at the meeting took the form of a few vague statements at meeting's end. His melodramatic insertion of himself into the process was viewed by many in the Congress as a distraction and an impediment. Remember, this is a guy who admitted on camera that he doesn't know much about economics. It showed. McCain reportedly has revealed absolutely nothing specific about what he thinks should go into the bailout plan. He just wants it to be fair to the taxpayers. Well. Our hero!

I guess McCain's now convinced himself that he's righted the process enough to fly to Oxford, Mississippi today to participate in the 90-minute debate with Obama. Johnny's hubris over the past few days has been monumental, hasn't it? His financial and tactical smarts? Not so much.

Onward. I hope Obama creams him tonight with the facts and his special brand of cool, steely reason. Toss in a few well-aimed button-pushers, and McCain may well discombobulate into something resembling that green jellowy backdrop he's used so ineffectively in the past. That's 7:00 PM Mountain time tonight.

September 26, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (0)


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