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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Huge Hispanic Numbers for Obama in SW in Latino Decisions, Democracy Corps Polls

Message to GOP: Read 'em and weep. Latino voters favored Barrack Obama over John McCain by a 3-1 margin in the key battleground states of New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, according to a new poll released by Latino Decisions and the National Association of Latino Elected Officials. In Florida, the poll showed that Latino voters favor McCain by a slim margin.

Latino Decisions, a collaboration between Barreto, Pacific Market Research and Stanford University political scientist Gary Segura, conducted the poll by telephone Aug. 18 - 24.

August 2008 (Latino Decisions poll)
State Obama McCain
Colorado 69% 24%
NM 70% 21%
Nevada 68% 22%
Florida 45% 48%

November 2004 (Latinos - NEP exits)
State Kerry Bush
Colorado 68% 30%
NM 56% 44%
Nevada 60% 39%
Florida 44% 56%

Need more proof that Hispanic voters are rallying around Obama whether or not they originally supported Clinton? Read this analysis of a recent that has Obama leading John McCain by 45 points in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.

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September 3, 2008 at 10:30 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Roll Call's SurveyUSA Poll Has Heinrich Leading White 51-46%

Heinrichblair_4Good news is breaking out all over for Dems at this point in the 2008 election cycle, including New Mexico's First Congressional District. A poll conducted by SurveyUSA for Roll Call shows Dem Martin Heinrich leading Repub Darren White by a margin of 51-46%. The poll of 631 likely voters was conducted August 26-28 and has a 4-point margin of error. As Roll Call reports:

To House Democrats, New Mexico’s 1st district has been like Moby Dick to Ahab. Democrats have spent 40 years trying to wrest the Albuquerque-based seat — a perpetual swing district on the presidential level — from the Republicans’ hands.

But a new poll conducted exclusively for Roll Call suggests that 2008 may finally be the Democrats’ year.

The article admits the race is no "slam dunk" for Dems, but points out that results of the same poll regarding the presidential race in NM-01 may mean that Heinrich will get an additional boost from an Obama victory in the District. Presidential coattails can be mighty:

But White and Republicans have one apparent political trend to worry about: According to the poll, the 1st district is no longer a swing district in the White House election.

In 2004, Sen. John Kerry (Mass.), the Democratic presidential nominee, carried the district by just 3 points. In 2000, former Vice President Al Gore won by 1 point. But in the Roll Call poll, Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) led presumptive GOP nominee Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), 55 percent to 41 percent.

This suggests that White, who is better known than Heinrich, is running against a Democratic headwind in the Land of Enchantment. And if Obama is so far ahead in the 1st district, his chances of carrying New Mexico in November are excellent, because the state’s 3rd district is a Democratic stronghold, and the 2nd district almost always goes Republican in White House elections.

And get this:

To hold this district, Republicans will try to paint Heinrich as an out of touch liberal. But in the poll he was leading among self-described moderates and among Independents.
The Roll Call article also analyzes the poor favorable-unfavorable numbers for Heather Wilson and John McCain in the poll and how that also favors Heinrich. Things are definitely looking up in the First District -- so now's the time to rachet up the action. Donate what you can afford in terms of money and time to the Heinrich campaign.

Technorati Tags:

September 3, 2008 at 01:42 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

How to Get Tix to Thursday's Michelle Obama Event in ABQ

The Obama campaign has released more info on Michelle Obama's visit to New Mexico this Thursday, September 4th:

At 11:00 AM on Thursday, Michelle Obama will participate in a Roundtable Discussion with New Mexico Military Families in Santa Fe. This is an invitation only event.

At 4:00 PM on Thursday, Michelle Obama will attend a New Mexico Women for Obama Voter Registration Rally at the Student Union Building Ballroom in Albuquerque. Doors open at 3:00 PM. This event is free and open to the public; however, TICKETS are REQUIRED. Tickets are limited and will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Members of the public can pick up free tickets at the locations listed below.

Ticket Distribution locations:
Wednesday September 3rd from 10:30 AM -7:00 PM

Nob Hill Campaign for Change Office
3523 Central NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

North Valley Campaign for Change Office
6344 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107

***For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.***

Technorati Tags:

September 2, 2008 at 11:16 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: New Heinrich TV Ad in Heavy Rotation

NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich is up on the air in heavy rotation with his first TV ad called "A Single Day." I confess I don't like many political ads, but I love this one. It's got a great lead-in hook, showing a group of young children with Martin addressing the camera to note, "These children have yet to experience a single day when we're not at war or in recession."

The ad emphasizes that Heinrich is dedicated to bringing New Mexicans "a new start" -- not more of the disastrous policies of the Bush administration -- and mentions the Iraq war, the economy, alternative energy, tax cuts and better care for our veterans. I think the ad's effective in contrasting the failures of Bush (and his cronies like Darren White) with what Martin and other Dems can bring to the table to genuinely help New Mexico families. What do you think?

Good to see Martin come out swinging now that Labor Day is past and campaign season is kicking into high gear. To help keep the ad on the air, donate a few bucks to the cause.

The Heinrich campaign is also urging supporters to help those affected by Hurricane Gustav on the Gulf Coast by giving to the American Red Cross or other relief organizations.

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September 2, 2008 at 12:48 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Fundraiser BBQ for Victor Raigoza Set for Sunday

Victor Raigoza is one of the good guys and he's running for New Mexico Senate in District 10. If we want to get the Legislature moving in the right direction on things like health care and ethics reform, we have to elect more and better Dems to serve. Victor is one of them. Whether or not we live in SD 10, it's incredibly important to support Victor and help gain another vital seat in the NM Legislature:

Please Join Hosts
State Party Chairman Brian S. Colón
Alison & Adam Giron
Senator-Elect Eric Griego
Senator-Elect Tim Keller
Paul Melendres
Shelley & Jeff Mund
(Host Committee Still in Formation)

At the Home of Brian & Aleli Colón
For a Barbeque Fundraiser to Benefit
Victor Raigoza Democratic Candidate for NM Senate District 10
Sunday, September 7th, 3:00 to 5:00 PM
1101 Diamondback Drive NE, Albuquerque

For more info click to see the invitation (pdf). Pass it on.

September 2, 2008 at 12:41 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Steny Hoyer, Heinrich to Hold Wednesday Press Conference, Tour Sandia Labs

Martin and Micah Heinrich on Labor Day travels

From the Martin Heinrich for Congress campaign: Martin Heinrich will host a press conference and tour of Sandia National Laboratories with Steny Hoyer, the Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, this Wednesday, September 3rd, at 3:15 PM. Majority Leader Hoyer and Heinrich will tour Sandia National Laboratories and meet with researchers in the solar energy and nuclear labs.

"Politics aside, it is critical that when our national leaders come to Albuquerque they see first-hand how important Sandia Labs is to Central New Mexico," said Martin Heinrich. "Sandia is emerging as an international leader for an innovative energy solutions and Sandia scientists do invaluable research for national security. I am proud to bring the Majority Leader to Sandia Labs so we can work together to ensure the Labs receive the research funding they need."

Press Conference
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Hon. Martin Heinrich
Guard Gate Entrance, Sandia National Laboratories,
Eubank Blvd SE, ABQ
Wednesday, September 3, 3:15 PM

All members of the press and the public are welcome to meet Majority Leader Hoyer and talk with him about the importance of Sandia and our National Labs to our nation.

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September 2, 2008 at 10:03 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

(Updated) More Details on Michelle Obama's 9/4 Visit to New Mexico

Obama campaign office, Nob Hill, ABQ

UPDATE: The Obama campaign released ticket info and more. See my later post.
First off, the Obama campaign is urging supporters to donate to help with Gustav disaster relief. The campaign also released additional details on Michelle Obama's events in Albuquerque and Santa Fe on Thursday, but still hasn't revealed times, locations or how to get tickets: On Thursday, September 4th, Michelle Obama will host a roundtable discussion with military spouses in Santa Fe, followed by a Women for Obama voter registration rally in Albuquerque that afternoon.

In Santa Fe, Mrs. Obama will hear from military spouses from the community and discuss the unique challenges these families face dealing with the everyday balance of work and family amidst a struggling economy, with the added burden of supporting a loved one deployed overseas.

This roundtable is one of a series of discussions Mrs. Obama has hosted with military families over the last several months to shed light on the reality that when we send soldiers to war, their families go with them. As part of this discussion, Mrs. Obama will share the Obama/Biden plans to strengthen and provide economic security for New Mexico’s military families. The campaign will distribute a Blueprint detailing the Obama/Biden plans to Support New Mexico’s military families at this event.

Later in the day, Mrs. Obama will host a New Mexico Women for Obama voter registration rally in Albuquerque, where she will kick-off the state's "30/30 Project," a voter registration effort to register 30,000 new voters in 30 days.

Mrs. Obama will talk with women about the importance of the women's vote in this election. There, she will discuss why her husband will be an extraordinary president and champion the concerns facing working women and families, because as the son of a single mother, husband of a working mom, and the father of two daughters, the concerns of women and families are very close to his heart.

More details to be announced in the coming days.

Visit the New Mexico for Obama page to get involved in the campaign in your community.

Technorati Tags:

September 2, 2008 at 09:29 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (1)