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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Privatized Water Profits the Real Goal of Pickens' Wind Energy Plan?

T_boone_pickensT. Boone Pickens -- who funded much of the swiftboating of Kerry in 2004 -- was at the Albuquerque Convention Center today talking about his energy plan, again. But as the plan attracts more scrutiny, Pickens' true motivations for pushing it are being questioned by some. According to an article in the Local Energy News:

Critics say Pickens’ energy plan is providing cover for another plan being developed by the oil baron: Pickens is hoping to pump billions of gallons of water from an aquifer beneath the Texas Panhandle and ship it to Dallas and other major cities as drinking water. The power line corridors for his wind project, to be created by seizing private property through eminent domain, would also serve the $1.5 billion water project. Other critics of his plan question the wisdom of switching our driving addiction from oil dependence to natural gas. The production of natural gas in the U.S. has been declining since 1971.

Be sure to follow the links -- it's a fascinating story of Pickens' no-holds-barred pursuit of profits.

Although cleaner burning than oil, natural gas still produces significant amounts of greenhouse gases when burned. Natural gas prices have also been rising steadily of late and, if Pickens' plan were adopted, they'd no doubt skyrocket just as oil prices have done. Pickens also is a strong supporter of increasing our nuclear power capabilities, despite the fact that it's the most expensive form of energy production by far, and there's no foolproof way to dispose of the waste.

Why Not Decentralize?
I wish more thought would go into decentralizing energy production so those massive transmission lines and long-distance transmission corridors wouldn't be necessary. I don't see why each home or building -- or perhaps square-mile-sized districts -- couldn't be subsidized to create their own energy onsite using a variety of means. Of course this would cut out profits by the corporations that primarily serve as middlemen between energy producers and energy users. This bunch operates in much the same way as do health insurance companies, skimming off significant amounts of money by standing between providers and users and demanding hefty profits for their "gate-keeping" services. Why do we need them?

Ben R. Lujan Weighs In
By the way, here's what Ben R. Lujan, the Dem Congressional candidate in NM-03, had to say about Pickens' plan in a statement released today. As always, he makes a lot of sense:

"Today, T. Boone Pickens is visiting New Mexico to discuss his plan for energy independence. While our solutions differ, we both agree that our country must end our dependence on foreign oil by changing the way we generate energy.

"The United States imports 70 percent of our oil, much of which comes from unstable and hostile regimes. We must become energy independent and produce clean, renewable energy in the United States.

"Our energy crisis requires a comprehensive approach. We should pass 'Use it or Lose it' legislation to require oil companies to use the 68 million available leased acres to increase domestic production, increase fuel efficiency in our automobiles and crack down on speculators and market manipulation.

"Most importantly, our country must aggressively pursue renewable energy production. We must shift the billions of dollars in tax breaks for oil companies to renewable energy development, including solar and wind. I'll work to extend the Production Tax Credit to encourage economic growth and job creation in the renewable energy industry by promoting stability. We can create new jobs in New Mexico by using our abundant natural resources to lead the way on solar and wind production. Our national laboratories can conduct research and develop solutions to storing and transmitting renewable energy.

"I'm glad that T. Boone Pickens is talking about solutions to our energy crisis and recognizing New Mexico's role in the future of energy generation."

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September 10, 2008 at 01:38 PM in Energy, Green Economy, Nuclear Arms, Power, Rural Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Campaign Fundraiser for Rep. Mimi Stewart Set for 9/18

MstewartMimi Stewart, one of our most effective and forward-thinking Representatives in the New Mexico Legislature, is up for reelection -- and has a Republican challenger this election cycle. Needless to say, we have to do everything in our power to make sure that Mimi keeps her seat in House District 21 so she can continue to champion causes that promote the welfare of women, regular working and middle class families and children. One way to do that is to attend next week's campaign benefit reception.

Click for a FLYER (pdf) and pass it on to friends, colleagues and neighbors who might be interested in attending. If you can't attend in person, you can donate to Mimi's campaign online at ActBlue or volunteer with her campaign by emailing k_zamarin@yahoo.com.

Please Join Us
for a Reception with
Rep. Mimi Stewart
In Support of Mimi’s Re-Election Campaign
Hosted by:
Richard Romero ◆Drew Setter ◆Mike Puelle ◆Sue Griffith ◆David Barber ◆Ricardo Barros ◆Maurice Bonal ◆Rep. Gail Chasey ◆Gary Kilpatrick ◆Randy Marshall ◆Fred Ocheskey ◆Luke Otero ◆Sonia Phillips ◆Rep. Danice Picraux ◆Sam Ray ◆Joe Thompson ◆Albuquerque Teachers Federation ◆NEA-NM ◆Joe & Daisy Kupfer ◆Dan Weaks & Marla Shoats ◆Qwest NM ◆Speaker Ben Lujan ◆Virtue Najjar & Brown P.C. ◆Senator Cisco McSorley ◆Marc Saavedra
Thursday ◆ September 18 ◆ 2008
5:30–7:00 PM
At The Home of
Margie Lockwood & Richard Romero
907 Silver SW • Albuquerque
Appetizers & Drinks Provided
Suggested Contribution: $50

If you cannot attend, please send your contribution to People for Mimi Stewart / 313 Moon St NE / Albuquerque NM 87123. RSVP to Kim Zamarin at k_zamarin@yahoo.com

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September 10, 2008 at 11:08 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Get Your Obamanos Bumperstickers


From Ellen Wedum of Cloudcroft, who's running for state rep in HD 59: This distinctive bumpersticker is the inspiration of retired engineer Joyce Westerbur, former vice-chair of the Lincoln County Dems, who requested a design from bumperactive.com. They are going like hotcakes down here south of I-40. I bought 200 and have already sold (at cost) about 100 of them at the Otero and Dona Ana Labor Breakfasts. Anyone who wants some can order them from kyle@bumperactive.com. I like having an Obama bumper sticker that is uniquely New Mexico.

Technorati Tags:

September 10, 2008 at 10:06 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (5)

Lots of Sierra Club NM Events This Month

From Sierra Club NM: September is turning out to be a very exciting month full of events dealing with many of the most important environmental issues facing our region today. Check out the list below for details, and email Shrayas Jatkar (Conservation Organizer, shrayas.jatkar@sierraclub.org) if you are interested in learning more or volunteering at some of the events listed here.

Thursday, September 11, 6-9:30 PM
Public Meeting on Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (Draft GEIS) for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities
at Hilton Albuquerque (1901 University Boulevard, NE). The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will be in town to present and take public comments on its Draft GEIS for in-situ leach uranium mining. Led by Environmental Justice Organizer Robert Tohe, the Sierra Club has been working with tribal community and other pro-environment groups to challenge the GEIS process as well as the push for renewed uranium mining in the U.S. Please email shrayas.jatkar@sierraclub.org if you plan to attend and would like a set of talking points for the public meeting.

Friday, September 12, 9:30 AM-12 PM
"Leave No New Mexico Child Inside" Forum
at Buffalo Thunder Resort, Pojoaque, NM (for directions, www.buffalothunderresort.com). The Sierra Club-Building Bridges to the Outdoors program and the Santa Fe Mountain Center invite you to hear Richard Louv, best-selling author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Louv exposes one of the most pressing issues facing the next generation: children are spending less and less time interacting with nature. Please join us for this first statewide forum and learn about the importance and benefits of reconnecting your children and grandchildren with the natural world around them.
For more details and to see a list of panelists, go to: www.sierraclub.org/youth/newmexico/.

Tuesday, September 16, 7-9 PM
Member Meeting - Central Group
(Rio Grande Chapter, Sierra Club) at UNM Law School (1117 Stanford, NE). Join volunteer leaders with the Central Group-Rio Grande Chapter for their general membership meeting. The focus for this meeting is water issues in the middle Rio Grande valley.

Thursday, September 18, 6 PM
An evening with Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D
. at UNM Law School, Room 2401 (1117 Stanford, NE). Nationally-renowned energy expert, Dr. Arjun Makhijani, will be in Albuquerque to discuss the bold and visionary ideas in his latest book entitled Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy. Dr. Makhijani will discuss the real steps that the U.S. can take to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2060 without nuclear power, while addressing the three-fold global energy crisis of climate disruption, oil insecurity, and nuclear proliferation. You can download a free copy of Carbon Free and Nuclear Free at: www.ieer.org/carbonfree/index.html.

Friday, September 19, 9 AM-3 PM
Environmental Appreciation Day at the NM State Fair
, State Fairgrounds (along Central Avenue, between San Pedro & Louisiana). Come by and visit the New Mexico Sierra Club as well as other pro-environment groups while enjoying a day at the State Fair. Please email shrayas.jatkar@sierraclub.org if you are interested in helping staff the table with us. For a list of all theme days at the 2008 State Fair, go to: .

Saturday & Sunday, September 20-21, 10 AM-5 PM
9th Annual Solar Fiesta
at Highland High School (along Coal, between Jefferson & Monroe). The theme of the 2008 Solar Fiesta is It's Easy Being Green and will include a wonderful array of exhibits and workshops focusing on practical uses of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and many other sustainable living practices. The Albuquerque Cool Cities campaign will be presenting a workshop on its efforts on Sunday, September 21st from 12:15-1:15 PM. We need volunteers to help us staff the table on both Saturday and Sunday; please email shrayas.jatkar@sierraclub.org if you are interested. For more details about the Solar Fiesta, go to: www.nmsea.org/Solar_Fiesta/Solar_Fiesta_2008/index.php.

Saturday, September 27, 12-3 PM
Environmental Solutions Fair
at Robinson Park (8th and Central, following the downtown Growers Market). New Mexico Youth Organized and 1Sky New Mexico, along with many other environmental and community groups, will be hosting a solutions fair to highlight energy saving solutions, environmental education, community gardening, green businesses, and the Albuquerque Green Job initiative. This will be a fun, community event bringing positive and determined people together around cleaning up our environment, building pathways out of poverty via green jobs, and uplifting our environment and our people. Please email shrayas.jatkar@sierraclub.org if you are interested in helping staff the table with us. For more information, go to: www.greenjobsnow.com.

September 10, 2008 at 09:37 AM in Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

(Updated) Heather Wilson: Office Tied to Abramoff Corruption Network?

Update: Heather Wilson has released what I think is a very weak response to the material in the Kevin Ring indictment that mentions the Abramoff firm's suspicious emails with a Wilson staffer. You can read her complete statement at (scroll down) and a report on it by Peter St. Cyr. Basically she claims she has no idea about the emails and that Sandia Pueblo officials found their way to Abramoff's lobbying firm without any help from her. Do you believe that? Wilson provided no documentation to bolster her explanations. And notice how she phrases this denial: "At no time did I take any action on behalf of Greenberg Traurig with Sandia Pueblo." She doesn't say that no-one in her office did, now does she....
HwilsonToday's reports:

The Abramoff corruption probe has already snared one GOP Congressman, Bob Ney, and implicated a few more, most prominently Rep. John Doolittle of California. But could there be another to add to the list: Rep. Heather Wilson of New Mexico?

An examination by TPMmuckraker of the indictment of former Jack Abramoff associate Kevin Ring, filed yesterday, suggests that Wilson's office was tied in to Abramoff's corruption network at a level not previously known. And John McCain's 2005 investigation into Abramoff's fleecing of Indian tribes, which McCain conducted as chair of the Senate India Affairs Committee, made no mention of that fact.

No wonder Heather has been such a public and outspoken cheerleader for McCain of late. One hand washes the other, even if McCain and Palen have been posing as the white horse mavericks arriving to save the day and clear out the crooks in Washington. Odd, since the duo has reportedly been in cahoots with the right-wing lobbying-corruption machine in any number of ways. McCain, for instance, protected the interests of a number of folks entwined in the Abramoff web, while pretending to conduct a serious probe of the corruption. According to TPM:

Wilson may have good reason to hold the GOP nominee in high regard. In his 2005 Senate investigation, McCain had access to the Greenberg Traurig email trove, presumably including the ones cited by prosecutors in the Ring indictment highlighted above. But his final report generally avoided focusing on members of Congress, and omitted any mention of Wilson.

Abramoff_2The TPM article goes on to list a number of references made by prosecutors in the Ring indictment to the alleged involvement of at least one Wilson staffer in pushing for Sandia Pueblo to continue to pay Ring and the Abramoff machine -- supposedly to lobby on the tribe's behalf. We know from previous revelations in the Abramoff scandal that the lobbyists were very good at obtaining large sums of money from various tribes, while doing almost nothing to help them and sometimes backing actions that would hurt them. Lots of snickering went on among Abramoff's K Street offices and hangouts about such scams, and how easy it was to fool tribal officers.

In the case of Sandia Pueblo, it's pretty clear from the prosecutor statements that Wilson, or at least someone in her Congessional office, was shilling for Ring and Abramoff in trying to convince the tribe to extend their contract with Abramoff's firm. TPM continues:

It's clear from identifying details in the indictment -- which refers to a New Mexico Indian tribe that hired Abramoff's firm, Greenberg Traurig around March 2002 -- that the tribe is the Sandia Pueblo Indians, who are represented in Congress by Wilson. So in other words, a staffer for Wilson was actively involved in helping Ring and Greenberg Traurig (Firm B, where Ring worked at the time), retain their contract to represent the Sandia Indians. And Ring's Greenberg partner -- most likely Abramoff himself, but certainly a member of Abramoff's team at Greenberg -- believed he had the power to affect decisions made by Rep. Wilson concerning the tribe's interests.

Hmm. As more is revealed in the Kevin Ring case, it will be fascinating to see what other details may emerge about Heather Wilson's ties to the scandal, won't it?

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September 9, 2008 at 02:10 PM in Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Justice | Permalink | Comments (1)

Santa Fe Railyard Grand Opening This Weekend

From the City of Santa Fe: Santa Fe Mayor David Coss invites the community to attend the grand opening of the Santa Fe Railyard this weekend. Back in 1995, the residents of Santa Fe decided to purchase the Railyard property as a city investment for the future of the community. We are about to see the vision for this space become a reality.

On September 13 and 14, the City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe Railyard Community Corporation and The Trust for Public Land have planned a community celebration of the revitalized 50-acre Railyard. There are tons of fun and free activities for children and families, including art workshops, live entertainment, yoga in the park, a community dance and more. All are invited aboard the Santa Fe Southern Railway for FREE train rides on Sunday. A full schedule is here and will also be printed in a special supplement in this Wednesday’s New Mexican. Other information is posted on www.santafenm.gov. We hope to see you there!

September 9, 2008 at 11:22 AM in Events, Government, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-02: Talking About Guns, Tinsley Says He Has a "Rude Awakening" for Obama

Ed Tinsley, the GOP's Congressional candidate in NM-02 who's running against Democrat Harry Teague, has been caught in the act again. Tinsley's latest inflammatory remarks -- and what can be perceived as a threat to Barack Obama -- came at a recent candidate forum in Roswell. Tinsley was asked about his views on gun ownership and the Second Amendment. Instead of talking about his or his opponent's positions on the issue, Tinsley launched into a disturbing attack on presidential candidate Barack Obama, as you can see in the video clip above. Ed Tinsley said:

Well, I'll say this, somebody that certainly doesn't get it is Barack Obama when he says that our district clings to our guns and our religion out of frustration. I have a rude awakening for him and we'd love to have him as a guest at our ranch.

Check out Tinsley's demeanor when he says the words "rude awakening." What do you think he has in mind when he says it? What do you think his words are meant to convey?

Making such statements is getting to be a disturbing habit with Ed Tinsley. This isn't the first time he's demonstrated a penchant for brutal and violence-tinged rhetoric. For instance, in 2002 when running in the GOP Congressional primary in NM-02, Tinsley was asked about his views on the death penalty. He answered,

"I would certainly like to take the people out and drag them behind my horse until their head popped off."

The Albuquerque Journal printed the quote and Steve Pearce, Tinsley's primary rival back then, used it against him. Pearce -- no shrinking violet in the inflammatory rhetoric department himself -- ended up winning the primary and the Congressional seat. (Pearce is now running for U.S. Senate in New Mexico.) The voters of New Mexico's Second District evidently didn't cotton to cruel talk like that back then, and I doubt they'll do so now.

Last month, Tinsley earned Worst Person in the World status on Keith Olbermann's Countdown and gained notoriety across the web for his nasty and personal statement at a candidate forum in Las Cruces -- where he said of his Dem competitor, Harry Teague,

"How am I supposed to call my two nephews over there [in Iraq] right now ... and tell them I'm running against a guy who will cut your throat!"

You can read about that incident in my previous posts here and here.

In an election cycle when genuine threats to Obama are not uncommon, it's downright scary to have a candidate for the U.S Congress make a statement that, at the very least, takes a threatening tone towards the Democratic presidential nominee. What is in Ed Tinsley's head -- and in his heart -- if he can make the kind of statements I've cited without blinking an eye? Tinsley likes to talk about All-American values, but his remarks seem to reveal a much darker view of the world -- a place where vigilante might makes right and fear tactics are employed without shame. Maybe that's why Dick Cheney will be down in Harry Teague's hometown of Hobbs later this month to raise money for Tinsley. Two Darth Vader peas in a pod.

Don't want a Congressman from New Mexico who talks like a reckless bully? Help get Harry Teague elected to represent NM-02. Click here to donate or volunteer.

Technorati Tags:

September 9, 2008 at 12:48 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Iraq War, Local Politics, Media, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (6)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Lt. Gov. Denish and Cabinet Secretaries to Address Future of NM

Lt. Governor Diane Denish along with state Cabinet secretaries present, “The Future of New Mexico” on Wednesday, September 10, at 7 PM at the UNM Continuing Education Bldg., 1634 University Boulevard NE in Albuquerque, just north of Indian School Road. The free event is sponsored by the at the University of New Mexico.

Denish will emphasize the overall situations facing New Mexico currently. The Cabinet secretaries will speak on their areas of expertise. Because New Mexico is a prominent “swing state” for voting in the November election, it is critical to explore issues on the state as well as national levels.

This presentation is part of a series sponsored by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNM Continuing Education. Last September, Mayor Martin Chavez spoke on “The Future of Albuquerque.” Upcoming lectures will cover the future of the Southwest and the future of the nation.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute will also hold a membership drive September 10. Everyone age 50 and above can become a member for only $20. Membership opens the way to courses, performances, lectures and travel. Osher’s university-level courses aim to deepen understanding of art, current events, history, music and culture.

UNM Continuing Education has free parking. For more information, contact Maya Sutton, Ph.D., Osher Supervisor, at 277-6179.

September 8, 2008 at 11:13 PM in Events, Government | Permalink | Comments (0)

New Obama Ad: WHOA! (and Palin's First Major Gaffe)

Crack that whip! Yeee, haaaa. Time to call a huckster ticket a huckster ticket. And time to get involved if you want real change in America and not a lobbyist-concocted mirage.

Oh, and by the way Ms. Palin has already made a whopper of a gaffe talking about Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. Maybe she should talk to McCain's former top economic advisor, Phil Gramm, who masterminded so much of the banking and mortage deregulation that has brought us to this precipice. Go read about Foreclosure Phil and ponder how he's shaped McCain's positions on the economy. Oh right, maverick.

September 8, 2008 at 05:18 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

Former U.S. Attorney Iglesias to Speak at UNM Continuing Ed

Davidiglesias_2David Iglesias, former U.S. Attorney for New Mexico, will speak at a free lecture on Thursday, September 11, from 7-8 PM at the UNM Continuing Education Conference Center, 1634 University Blvd., NE. Sponsored by the at the University of New Mexico, Iglesias will explain how the Justice Department fired him and others for political reasons.

His free lecture, "In Justice," is also the title of his new book. This thought-provoking event is open to the public and launches the Fall Membership Drive for the Osher program. The program will begin its sixth successful semester this fall and is designed to serve adults 50 years-of-age and above.

The $20 half-year membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNM means joining a community of adults over 50 who share a love of learning and an understanding that quality of life is enhanced through education. The program offers a rich university-level array of courses, available with an additional fee per course. Instructors are distinguished current and emeritus faculty, renowned authors and experts. These are non-credit courses with no entrance requirements, no tests and no grades.

For information, call Maya Sutton at 277-6179. To request a catalog or register to become an Osher member, call 277-0077. More information is available online at .

Technorati Tags:

September 8, 2008 at 04:34 PM in Education, Events, Justice | Permalink | Comments (0)