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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama's New Ad: Zero

Why didn't McCain mention the middle class a single time in last night's debate? Why was his main suggestion for the bailout plan that we should cut the capital gains tax? Why won't he admit that we got into this financial mess because of the damaging and deluded economic philosophy he and his party have been pushing for decades?

One of the best debate analyses I've read comes from the almost always on-target Nate Silver at You really should read the whole thing, so I won't provide any excerpts here. Trust me. Unlike many of the "pundits," Nate looks at how Obama did on matters that are most important to the voters, as demonstrated by some post-debate polls. Hey Nate, stop making sense!

September 27, 2008 at 10:12 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink


I am assume those questions are hypothetical, as opposed to rhetorical. The answer to all of the above, however, is that he obviously doesn't care at all about the middle class other than for their votes. His phony outrage is as despicably cynical as his feigned concern for the country and the military personnel he so shamelessly uses and then discards. It's all right there in his voting record and personnel history. For years he has voted against improving/increasing veterans benefits, for years he has voted for deregulation of the economy with utter disregard for the country and its people. "Country First", in a pig's eye! It has, by his own admission, always been John McCain first. And the debate was no different, he would tell any lie, practice any form of deception to get elected. Because it is, and has always been, John McCain first and right now he wants to be POTUS more than he wants anything else in the world.

Posted by: Eric Bottomly | Sep 27, 2008 12:22:14 PM

Right on Eric, how any average middle or working class person could vote for a candidate or support a party for that matter, that has such contempt for them is beyond me. One recent glaring example: Friday Majority leader Reid introduced a Bill called an "emergency supplemental appropriations for economic recovery", which included an extension of unemployment benefits, additional funding for food assistance, some additional funding for State Medicaid and State Infrastructure as well as other much needed relief items. The estimated cost 58 billion, a mere drop in the bucket compared to the 700 billion plus demanded by the Bu$h Admin for a Wall Street millionaire bail out. There was a 60 vote threshold for the bill, 52 voted yea along party lines including 4 Republicans, only 4 could find enough empathy to vote for the bill, a perfect example of what I meant by Republican contempt.

Posted by: VP | Sep 28, 2008 8:38:02 AM

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