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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Northern Navajo Agency Council Endorses Obama

Obama meeting with Native American leaders at Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque last Thursday

From the Obama Campaign for Change: On the heels of three major endorsements from the Native American community last week, the Northern Navajo Agency Council yesterday announced their support of Senator Obama’s candidacy for president.

“Our endorsement of Sen. Obama is very significant. People on the reservations are suffering the same economic and healthcare pains faced by the rest of the country, and they want change,” said Chairman Donald Benally.

The endorsement became official at a meeting held over the weekend where Chapter presidents and vice presidents along with 80 council delegates from the Shiprock Agency voted unanimously to endorse Senator Obama. The Shiprock agency is located in northwestern New Mexico, northeastern Arizona, and southeastern Utah and represents the following 20 chapters: Cudeii, Hogback, Littlewater, Mexican Water, Nenahnezad, Newcomb, Sanostee, Sheep Springs, Shiprock, Sweet Water, Teec Nos Pos, Two Grew Hills, Red Mesa, and Upper Fruitland.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center meeting

“Native America needs leadership that will regard tribal sovereignty as important and Barack Obama is that leadership. His record shows his commitment to education, health, and advancing the wage earning power of families who struggle,” said Navajo Nation Vice President Ben Shelly. “We need Barack Obama in the White House, to work with Congress, and make improvements that will put us closer to self-sufficiency while strengthening our tribal sovereignty.”

Obama takes questions

Last week, during his to Española and Albuquerque, Senator Obama met with more than 100 leaders of the Native American community at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and was endorsed by the All Indian Pueblo Council, the Mescalero Apache Tribe and Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley.

Photos from Obama campaign Flickr set.

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September 24, 2008 at 09:11 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Native Americans, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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