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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Privatized Water Profits the Real Goal of Pickens' Wind Energy Plan?

T_boone_pickensT. Boone Pickens -- who funded much of the swiftboating of Kerry in 2004 -- was at the Albuquerque Convention Center today talking about his energy plan, again. But as the plan attracts more scrutiny, Pickens' true motivations for pushing it are being questioned by some. According to an article in the Local Energy News:

Critics say Pickens’ energy plan is providing cover for another plan being developed by the oil baron: Pickens is hoping to pump billions of gallons of water from an aquifer beneath the Texas Panhandle and ship it to Dallas and other major cities as drinking water. The power line corridors for his wind project, to be created by seizing private property through eminent domain, would also serve the $1.5 billion water project. Other critics of his plan question the wisdom of switching our driving addiction from oil dependence to natural gas. The production of natural gas in the U.S. has been declining since 1971.

Be sure to follow the links -- it's a fascinating story of Pickens' no-holds-barred pursuit of profits.

Although cleaner burning than oil, natural gas still produces significant amounts of greenhouse gases when burned. Natural gas prices have also been rising steadily of late and, if Pickens' plan were adopted, they'd no doubt skyrocket just as oil prices have done. Pickens also is a strong supporter of increasing our nuclear power capabilities, despite the fact that it's the most expensive form of energy production by far, and there's no foolproof way to dispose of the waste.

Why Not Decentralize?
I wish more thought would go into decentralizing energy production so those massive transmission lines and long-distance transmission corridors wouldn't be necessary. I don't see why each home or building -- or perhaps square-mile-sized districts -- couldn't be subsidized to create their own energy onsite using a variety of means. Of course this would cut out profits by the corporations that primarily serve as middlemen between energy producers and energy users. This bunch operates in much the same way as do health insurance companies, skimming off significant amounts of money by standing between providers and users and demanding hefty profits for their "gate-keeping" services. Why do we need them?

Ben R. Lujan Weighs In
By the way, here's what Ben R. Lujan, the Dem Congressional candidate in NM-03, had to say about Pickens' plan in a statement released today. As always, he makes a lot of sense:

"Today, T. Boone Pickens is visiting New Mexico to discuss his plan for energy independence. While our solutions differ, we both agree that our country must end our dependence on foreign oil by changing the way we generate energy.

"The United States imports 70 percent of our oil, much of which comes from unstable and hostile regimes. We must become energy independent and produce clean, renewable energy in the United States.

"Our energy crisis requires a comprehensive approach. We should pass 'Use it or Lose it' legislation to require oil companies to use the 68 million available leased acres to increase domestic production, increase fuel efficiency in our automobiles and crack down on speculators and market manipulation.

"Most importantly, our country must aggressively pursue renewable energy production. We must shift the billions of dollars in tax breaks for oil companies to renewable energy development, including solar and wind. I'll work to extend the Production Tax Credit to encourage economic growth and job creation in the renewable energy industry by promoting stability. We can create new jobs in New Mexico by using our abundant natural resources to lead the way on solar and wind production. Our national laboratories can conduct research and develop solutions to storing and transmitting renewable energy.

"I'm glad that T. Boone Pickens is talking about solutions to our energy crisis and recognizing New Mexico's role in the future of energy generation."

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September 10, 2008 at 01:38 PM in Energy, Green Economy, Nuclear Arms, Power, Rural Issues | Permalink


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