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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

NM-02: Talking About Guns, Tinsley Says He Has a "Rude Awakening" for Obama

Ed Tinsley, the GOP's Congressional candidate in NM-02 who's running against Democrat Harry Teague, has been caught in the act again. Tinsley's latest inflammatory remarks -- and what can be perceived as a threat to Barack Obama -- came at a recent candidate forum in Roswell. Tinsley was asked about his views on gun ownership and the Second Amendment. Instead of talking about his or his opponent's positions on the issue, Tinsley launched into a disturbing attack on presidential candidate Barack Obama, as you can see in the video clip above. Ed Tinsley said:

Well, I'll say this, somebody that certainly doesn't get it is Barack Obama when he says that our district clings to our guns and our religion out of frustration. I have a rude awakening for him and we'd love to have him as a guest at our ranch.

Check out Tinsley's demeanor when he says the words "rude awakening." What do you think he has in mind when he says it? What do you think his words are meant to convey?

Making such statements is getting to be a disturbing habit with Ed Tinsley. This isn't the first time he's demonstrated a penchant for brutal and violence-tinged rhetoric. For instance, in 2002 when running in the GOP Congressional primary in NM-02, Tinsley was asked about his views on the death penalty. He answered,

"I would certainly like to take the people out and drag them behind my horse until their head popped off."

The Albuquerque Journal printed the quote and Steve Pearce, Tinsley's primary rival back then, used it against him. Pearce -- no shrinking violet in the inflammatory rhetoric department himself -- ended up winning the primary and the Congressional seat. (Pearce is now running for U.S. Senate in New Mexico.) The voters of New Mexico's Second District evidently didn't cotton to cruel talk like that back then, and I doubt they'll do so now.

Last month, Tinsley earned Worst Person in the World status on Keith Olbermann's Countdown and gained notoriety across the web for his nasty and personal statement at a candidate forum in Las Cruces -- where he said of his Dem competitor, Harry Teague,

"How am I supposed to call my two nephews over there [in Iraq] right now ... and tell them I'm running against a guy who will cut your throat!"

You can read about that incident in my previous posts here and here.

In an election cycle when genuine threats to Obama are not uncommon, it's downright scary to have a candidate for the U.S Congress make a statement that, at the very least, takes a threatening tone towards the Democratic presidential nominee. What is in Ed Tinsley's head -- and in his heart -- if he can make the kind of statements I've cited without blinking an eye? Tinsley likes to talk about All-American values, but his remarks seem to reveal a much darker view of the world -- a place where vigilante might makes right and fear tactics are employed without shame. Maybe that's why Dick Cheney will be down in Harry Teague's hometown of Hobbs later this month to raise money for Tinsley. Two Darth Vader peas in a pod.

Don't want a Congressman from New Mexico who talks like a reckless bully? Help get Harry Teague elected to represent NM-02. Click here to donate or volunteer.

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September 9, 2008 at 12:48 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Iraq War, Local Politics, Media, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


Tinsley is an idiot, his comment confirms for me that he is another typical loud mouth Republican. Proudly wallowing in ignorance and happy to display it to everyone.

Posted by: VP | Sep 9, 2008 10:41:11 AM

Tinsley is a bully and loud mouth who has no business running for congress. He has much in common with Bush and McCain in his personality, positions and meanness.

Posted by: L.C. voter | Sep 9, 2008 10:46:39 AM

I'm kind of surpised he didn't call Senator Obama "uppity".

Posted by: Rodney | Sep 9, 2008 11:50:22 AM

An important message to Las Cruces democrats: get out and work hard for Teague....please!!!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 9, 2008 12:11:26 PM

Unless Tinsley thinks southern NM is like Appalachia, Obama wasn't talking about NM when he made the comment that was taken out of context anyway.

Is Tinsley ever at his place in Capitan? People I know says he's always in Santa Fe at his expensive house in Las Companas or else jetting around the country.

Tinsley is a fake and likes to talk tough to try and show off. He shows off his ignorance when he does.

Posted by: M. Chavez | Sep 9, 2008 12:43:48 PM

I was wondering what ranch he would take Obama to for the "Rude awakening": The santa fe ranch or the down south somehwere ranch??

Posted by: carpet bagger | Sep 9, 2008 6:28:32 PM

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