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Thursday, September 25, 2008

NM-02: Dem Party to Hold 'Change for Change' Lunch in Las Cruces to Benefit Tinsley's Poorly Paid Employees

Tinsley backs tax breaks for the rich but is against a living wage for workers

What are you doing Friday? One idea: Come on down to the "Change for Change" K-Bob Employee Fundraiser!

As Vice President Dick Cheney prepares for his high-dollar fundraiser for Ed Tinsley in Hobbs, the Democratic Party of New Mexico will be holding a "Change for Change" fundraiser in Las Cruces. They'll be asking guests to give what they can, even change, to benefit Ed Tinsley's employees, who work for low wages without benefits at Tinsley's K-Bob's Steakhouse:

WHAT: Democratic Party of New Mexico will be holding a "Change for Change" Lunch to benefit Ed Tinsley's employees at K-Bob's Steakhouse. They'll be serving K-Bob's food and donating the money raised in the form of a tip for the hardworking men and women who work at K-Bob's Steakhouse.

WHO: Mayor Miyagishima and other special guests will stop by

WHERE: Young Park, 1905 Nevada Ave., Las Cruces

WHEN: Friday, September 26th at 12:00 Noon

Might also be a good idea to donate some time and/or money to the Dem Congressional candidate in NM-02. Harry Teague believes in treating workers right, including those he employs at his local businesses. We can't let someone like Scrooge Tinsley get anywhere near the Congress, now can we? Especially at a time like this.

September 25, 2008 at 04:27 PM in Economy, Populism, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


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