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    Tuesday, September 02, 2008

    NM-01: New Heinrich TV Ad in Heavy Rotation

    NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich is up on the air in heavy rotation with his first TV ad called "A Single Day." I confess I don't like many political ads, but I love this one. It's got a great lead-in hook, showing a group of young children with Martin addressing the camera to note, "These children have yet to experience a single day when we're not at war or in recession."

    The ad emphasizes that Heinrich is dedicated to bringing New Mexicans "a new start" -- not more of the disastrous policies of the Bush administration -- and mentions the Iraq war, the economy, alternative energy, tax cuts and better care for our veterans. I think the ad's effective in contrasting the failures of Bush (and his cronies like Darren White) with what Martin and other Dems can bring to the table to genuinely help New Mexico families. What do you think?

    Good to see Martin come out swinging now that Labor Day is past and campaign season is kicking into high gear. To help keep the ad on the air, donate a few bucks to the cause.

    The Heinrich campaign is also urging supporters to help those affected by Hurricane Gustav on the Gulf Coast by giving to the American Red Cross or other relief organizations.

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    September 2, 2008 at 12:48 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    I agree, Heinrich's ad is great, and one that people won't get tired of seeing.

    Posted by: | Sep 3, 2008 8:14:30 AM

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