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Friday, September 19, 2008

(Updated) NM-01: NM FBIHOP Interviews Heinrich Live Today at 4:00 PM on Blog Talk Radio

Update: You can now listen to the recorded version of today's 15-minute interview with Martin Heinrich:

I thought the interview went really well, with good questions from Matt about the important issues of today. And Martin's thoughtful answers demonstrated what he's always been known for -- clear thinking, common sense, wide-ranging knowledge and a dedication to meeting the future head on. Well done. Isn't this precisely the kind of Congressman we need as we move into a challenging, yet exciting future?
I'm going to be listening to Matt at NM FBIHOP doing a live interview with NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich on his Blog Talk Radio podcast this afternoon at 4:00 PM Mountain time. You should too. They'll be talking about "the real issues: the economy and how it is hurting CD1, the war in Iraq (remember that?) energy policy and other non "lipstick on a pig" issues that actually will matter to New Mexicans in four months."

September 19, 2008 at 01:26 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink


I went there around 4:15, and it said the time of the upcomimg podcast would be 6pm. The two hosts were just chatting with each other about recent events.

Posted by: michelle meaders | Sep 19, 2008 4:26:58 PM

You missed the live podcast as it was a 15-minute interview from 4-4:15 PM today. But you can listen to the recorded version, which is up now and begins playing automatically if you go to the site. What you were listening to was their last regular weekly podcast, which was cued up automatically, as the last show always is.

You can listen to any of the previous podcasts at the site by selecting them.

Posted by: | Sep 19, 2008 4:38:20 PM

We have not seen the bottom of the market.
The Fed just bought wall street. Who just got paid the trillion?
Will there be funding come the end of the Quarter in Oct?
Funding for

school lunches
Hep C eduction and treatment
Magdelina Ridge Observatory
school computers and Tech
student loans
after school programs
community arts and sports
pre-natal care
mental health care needs
regulation of all kinds including consumer and environmental protections and monitoring
aero space and engineering research
research of all kinds

The goods will be out there but the money will either be no good or nobody will have any.

The American economy my become mostly barter kinda like a Charles Dickens novel.

Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 19, 2008 7:39:14 PM

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