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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

NM-01: New Ad Says White Too Much Like Bush

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has said they are prepared to spend $1.3 on ads in NM-01, where Dem Martin Heinrich is taking on Darren White. They've started airing their first one, called "Too Much Like Bush," which pegs White as "too big a risk" because of his close ties to King George over the years and his continuing support of the Bush agenda.

The DCCC is using this frame based, no doubt, on the still falling approval ratings for Bush (now down to 19% by one count). And because it's true: Darren White has long been one of Bush's strongest supporters. No getting around that fact.

Although White has taken to describing himself as "independent" these days, his positions and past argue otherwise. Both he and McCain are trying to run away from their own Party's positions and the horrendously unpopular and incompetent Bush presidency but it's not easy. There's too much evidence to the contrary, like the kind that's included in this ad.

New Mexicans are clearly fed up with all things Bushian including the failed economic policies that have brought the financial markets -- and millions of ordinary folks everywhere -- to their knees. I can't think of any reason they'd support a Bush clone over a candidate like Heinrich who's all about fresh ideas and looking forward, not back.

Martin Heinrich is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please donate whatever time and/or money you can afford to help him get elected -- and keep Bush cheerleader Darren White far away from Washington.

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September 24, 2008 at 02:39 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


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