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Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain-Palin: Liars and Hypocrites

Can you believe that any thinking humans actually believe these pushers of doubletalk and outright lies? I guess they hear what they want to hear. They want to hear that it's somebody's else's fault and that nothing will be required of them in order to get things fixed. They are hearing it alright. Let's see how many suckers are out there when all is said and done. To believe what McCain and Palin are saying these days takes a gargantuan amount of denial. Imagine what kind of fear and insecurity fuels that kind of purposeful cluelessness ....

September 11, 2008 at 05:04 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain | Permalink


I am soooo sick of seeing those TV ads, one lie on top another and not just from the McSame camp but from Pearce as well.

Posted by: VP | Sep 11, 2008 5:51:09 PM

Lies are all they have. It helps they have people like Scarantino helping with the smears and lies. Heath is not much better. This is sad.

Posted by: L.C. voter | Sep 11, 2008 6:05:06 PM

Corporate media does not call out these lies. People are not watching CSpan. The far right wing always hears what they want to hear.
I hate how the Right denigrates wildlife studies when Sarah Palin is charging per Diem to live at home. If she had told Alaskans that she did not intend to live in Juno but charge the state to live at home, she would not have won that election. When most people take a job, they have to accept the consequence of living near the job or pay to commute.
I read yesterday's Urinal article on her spending habits and the paper bent over backwards to make excuses for it. The Urinal's justification for her behavior was that the previous Gov. spent even more!

Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 12, 2008 8:23:03 AM

The people who vote according to policy and facts have already made up their minds. We are left with those who are low information and don't pay attention until right before the election. They base their votes on some gut level reaction or catchphrase they hear repeated no matter how inaccurate or sleazy. The can be manipulated like children and that is what the Republicans are good at.

The focus group language and then beat it into the ground like ads do for ordinary consumer products. It sticks in these voters heads and they vote on that basis.

The old saw that a democracy can only survive with informed voters is still true. Most Americans are not informed and willfully so. They would rather spend their time memorizing sports statistics or celebrity scandals so they are perfectly suited for thinking Palin is a credible candidate. She's the spitting image of the "stars" in the fan magazines and on gossip TV shows.

It is a sad commentary on the quality of American intelligence, education, media and lack of an attention span adequate to the task. So many years of rightwing rule has turned people's brains to jello and their emotions to fear and hate. That is what we are seeing.

Posted by: Brave New World | Sep 12, 2008 9:59:33 AM

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