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    Wednesday, September 03, 2008

    Huge Hispanic Numbers for Obama in SW in Latino Decisions, Democracy Corps Polls

    Message to GOP: Read 'em and weep. Latino voters favored Barrack Obama over John McCain by a 3-1 margin in the key battleground states of New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, according to a new poll released by Latino Decisions and the National Association of Latino Elected Officials. In Florida, the poll showed that Latino voters favor McCain by a slim margin.

    Latino Decisions, a collaboration between Barreto, Pacific Market Research and Stanford University political scientist Gary Segura, conducted the poll by telephone Aug. 18 - 24.

    August 2008 (Latino Decisions poll)
    State Obama McCain
    Colorado 69% 24%
    NM 70% 21%
    Nevada 68% 22%
    Florida 45% 48%

    November 2004 (Latinos - NEP exits)
    State Kerry Bush
    Colorado 68% 30%
    NM 56% 44%
    Nevada 60% 39%
    Florida 44% 56%

    Need more proof that Hispanic voters are rallying around Obama whether or not they originally supported Clinton? Read this analysis of a recent that has Obama leading John McCain by 45 points in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.

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    September 3, 2008 at 10:30 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Minority Issues | Permalink


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