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    Saturday, September 06, 2008

    Guest Blog: Vote, Baby, Vote ... Are You Registered, Baby?

    Rachel N. Rodriguez talks about her experience becoming a voter registrar today

    This is a guest blog by Rachel N. Rodriguez of Albuquerque. Also see her previous guest blog about attending Friday's Michelle Obama rally at UNM.

    By October 7 at 5 PM, anyone who wants to vote in the presidential election must be registered. That's the deadline -- just one very short month from tomorrow.

    If you're wondering how you can help get Obama in the White House (as well as NM Dems in office), show up at the Nob Hill Obama office -- right there on the corner of Carlisle and Central -- at 10:45 AM next Saturday to get yourself "deputized" to register others to vote. It's ridiculously easy, and it's critically important!

    I showed up this morning at the training, and by the time the County Clerk's representative showed up -- an hour late due to the fact that the earlier training at another office had 88 people attend! -- the office was overflowing with folks wanting to get deputized. The training was short and simple, and the paperwork easy and quick. A notary signed my paper and used her stamp, and I was done!

    Obama Nob Hill campaign office today with people signing up to be voter registrars

    Other things we can do to help:

    1. Sign up to vote by mail. This is being pushed hard so we can beat the R's in voting by mail.

    2. Encourage others to vote by mail.

    3. Be part of the "99" program - talk to 99 people between now and the election about Obama (and NM Dems!)

    4. Take an hour or two each week to volunteer at the Obama office -- calling folks on the phone, entering data, going door-to-door.

    5. Call the Obama office at 425-0723 to get linked into the folks working in YOUR neighborhood to help put Obama in the White House.

    And, if you are itching to donate stuff and money, they can use it. Phones are especially needed as an important "voter contact tool" -- if you have $125 burning a hole in your pocket, you can go to (or call) the Cricket store on Menaul and purchase a phone for the campaign to use.

    Whatever you do, it will make a difference!

    Rachel N. Rodriguez
    rachelnrodriguez AT yahoo.com

    Technorati Tags:

    September 6, 2008 at 11:40 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting, Guest Blogger, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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