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Monday, September 08, 2008

Former U.S. Attorney Iglesias to Speak at UNM Continuing Ed

Davidiglesias_2David Iglesias, former U.S. Attorney for New Mexico, will speak at a free lecture on Thursday, September 11, from 7-8 PM at the UNM Continuing Education Conference Center, 1634 University Blvd., NE. Sponsored by the at the University of New Mexico, Iglesias will explain how the Justice Department fired him and others for political reasons.

His free lecture, "In Justice," is also the title of his new book. This thought-provoking event is open to the public and launches the Fall Membership Drive for the Osher program. The program will begin its sixth successful semester this fall and is designed to serve adults 50 years-of-age and above.

The $20 half-year membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNM means joining a community of adults over 50 who share a love of learning and an understanding that quality of life is enhanced through education. The program offers a rich university-level array of courses, available with an additional fee per course. Instructors are distinguished current and emeritus faculty, renowned authors and experts. These are non-credit courses with no entrance requirements, no tests and no grades.

For information, call Maya Sutton at 277-6179. To request a catalog or register to become an Osher member, call 277-0077. More information is available online at .

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September 8, 2008 at 04:34 PM in Education, Events, Justice | Permalink


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