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Thursday, September 25, 2008

C de Baca Quits as GOP Bernalillo County Chair

Peter St. Cyr has been all over this story, and he still is, including an interview with Ferdinand C de Baca right after he submitted his resignation today. The Word is that Bernalillo County Repub Party Treasurer Ryan Cangiolosi will take over as chariman.

This will likely end the media storm that's surrounded C de Baca and the New Mexico GOP since this past weekend, when his racially inflammatory statements to the BBC started coming to light. On the other hand, the battles within the NM GOP have just begun. You can see my previous posts on this story here, here and here.

September 25, 2008 at 01:16 PM in Minority Issues, Republican Party | Permalink


Most folks who drop by here aren't unhappy about it, but can anyone remember ANY state party apparatus anywhere being THIS rudderless and dysfunctional? Hell, your average Green Party runs like the trains in Germany compared with the wreck that is NM Republicans circa-2008. Okay, that might be overstating things a bit.

Again, my guess is that not many of us are complaining, just slightly amazed. Maybe part of our amazement is that we're used to being part of the group shooting themselves in the foot, and now we getting to see a total implosion from a safe distance. Much less painful to watch this...maybe somebody should get some popcorn. I'll bring the Raisinets.

Posted by: | Sep 25, 2008 9:46:00 PM

If you bring Rasinets, I'm there!

I think there's so much going on at once that people are finding it hard to absorb it all. I know I am. It's taking me hours just to get through my email and scan the news, let alone trying to put things into some context and maybe write about them. Phew!

Raisinets would definitely help.

Posted by: | Sep 26, 2008 9:22:47 AM

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