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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9/25-9/26/08: UNM Civil Rights Symposium

Faculty, staff, students, and community members are invited to attend the 2008 UNM Civil Rights Symposium. The theme for the Fall 2008 University of New Mexico Civil Rights Symposium is "Civic Literacy Across Communities: A Public Forum." Events are free and open to the public. The 2008 Civil Rights Symposium at the University of New Mexico is scheduled for:

Thursday, September 25: Student Union Lobo A&B at 12:30-5:30 PM. Friday, September 26: Student Union Ballroom C at 1:00-4:30 PM. The two-day event will include panels, roundtable discussion tables, open forum, poetry performances, and a new film about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. See the complete Agenda for details on the many diverse activities that will be featured during the Symposium. Click for poster (pdf).

This sounds especially intriguing: On Thursday, from 4:00-5:30 PM, "Creative Voices in Action,"€ a Creative Arts Performance in the SUB Faciltated by Heather Campbell, will feature poets Hakim Bellamy, Lisa Gill, Jack Trujillo, Margaret Randall. As does this, also on Thursday:

1:30-2:45 The Youth Vote and Racial Dynamics
Michael Rocca (Political Science)
Gabriel Sanchez (Political Science)
Obama Camp Representative -€“ John Blair
McCain Camp Representative €- Ivette Barajas
Moe Maestas (D) -€“ NM House of Representatives
Dan Foley (R) €- NM House of Represenatives

Program Chair: Professor Michelle Hall Kells (Department of English)

Framing the Conversation:
Literacy is not only the principal practice of what we do in the every day work of the university; it is a deeply held core value of American citizenship and belonging, so integral to who we are—our national identity—civic literacy is the concept around which we fashion our system of governance. The opportunity to deliberate together from diverse communities represents an occasion to invigorate the university climate and to articulate our differences as well as our common visions.

The key note address "€œHate Acts, Public Rhetoric, and Civil Rights Activism: 40 years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."€ will be delivered by featured speaker, Professor Keith Gilyard (Distinguished Professor, Pennsylvania State University).

This event will serve as an occasion to address current issues in civil rights, to promote civic literacy across diverse communities, to practice the deliberative ethics of peaceful social engagement, and to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Participation, luncheon, and refreshments are free. No registration required. Arrive early to ensure available seating. For further information and schedule of events see the Agenda page or contact Dan Cryer, UNM WAC Events Coordinator at dcryer@unm.edu.

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September 23, 2008 at 10:13 AM in Civil Liberties, Current Affairs, Education, Events, Minority Issues | Permalink


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