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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Support Dem Legislative Challengers Now: Fundraising Efforts Must Cease Friday

Not many people seem to know that all fundraising efforts for New Mexico legislative races must cease when the Special Session of the Legislature starts up on Friday. This suspension while the Legislature is in session can hurt our Dem incumbents seeking re-election, but it's an even a bigger obstacle for our Dem challengers who are fighting tooth and nail against well-funded Repub incumbents and need every dollar they can get. The candidates must stop asking for funds on Friday, but we can keep giving.

VraigosaTwo races deserve our special attention. In SD 10, Victor Raigoza is taking on the GOP's Sen. John Ryan in what's shaping up to be a very competitive race. To learn more, read this recent guest blog by Victor. This is a district with changing demographics. We have a very good chance of winning it in an election year like this -- when Repubs are so discredited -- and we have a terrific, hard-working candidate. Victor is running a highly effective grassroots campaign, door-to-door and person-to-person. He's definitely one of the good guys. Visit Victor's ActBlue page to easily donate online.

TeichenbergheadIn SD 15, Dem Tim Eichenberg is neck and neck with GOP incumbent Sen. Diane Snyder in a race where Snyder is seen as hanging on by her fingernails. Many believe this is our very best opportunity for a pickup this year, in a district where Snyder is out of touch with her constituents and has shown a real lack of knowledged about important issues. There's been widespread grumbling about Snyder in SD 15 and, like Raigoza, Eichenberg is out there daily, knocking on doors and impressing voters with his firm grasp of the issues and his wide-ranging experience. Visit Tim's ActBlue page to contribute.

Tim was elected to the AMAFCA Board for three terms, where he led the successful effort to reduce residential property taxes. He was elected as the youngest Bernalillo County Treasurer in history for two terms, where he cut red tape and modernized the office. As Director of the NM Property Tax Division, Tim challenged the oil and gas industry to pay their fair share of taxes to support education.

We can win both of these races, IF we support our candidates.

You don't have to live in SD 10 or 15 to support Raigoza and Eichenberg. It benefits all of us if we can help these guys wrest two seats from the Repubs -- and gain two votes for change when the Legislature meets in regular session again in January.

We've come so close to passing many excellent bills, only to have them fail by one or two votes in the NM Senate. We can be successful next time IF we give now to help Dem challengers like Raigoza and Eichenberg keep up the pressure in their districts. They can't win if they don't have the necessary resources to carry out their battles.

Don't like all the backlash that been erupting about certain nonprofits and State Senate and House primary victories by progressives Eric Griego, Tim Keller and Eleanor Chavez? This is one way to fight back against the forces of the status quo. Let's help to elect two more voices for change who'll work hard for reforms in the areas of health care coverage, education, ethics, campaign finance and equality for all.

Please consider making even very small donations to Victor Raigoza and Tim Eichenberg. Every dollar counts in legislative races. And if you can't donate money, you can always volunteer for canvassing or phone banking. Yes, the up-ticket races are important to our future, but so are the contests for seats in the Legislature. Let's pool our resources and capture two more seats for the cause.

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August 13, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


Love that you're encouraging people to support candidates like these. These races are usually ignored.

I don't like that Heinrich is bragging about Rahm Emanuel's visit here. I agree with Down With Tyranny on this.

Posted by: FDL fan | Aug 13, 2008 11:03:48 PM

Remember: We can ALWAYS give; the law prevents them from ASKING during the session. So, give away!

Posted by: Brian | Aug 14, 2008 2:10:57 PM

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