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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

NM-02: Teague Cheered, Tinsley Booed for 'Cut Your Throat' Remark at ACI Forum

Note: Also see my later post reporting that Tinsley's awful remark earned him Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World award on Wednesday night.
Last week the Association of Commerce and Industry hosted Democrat Harry Teague and Republican Ed Tinsley at a NM-02 Congressional candidate forum in Las Cruces. One of the issues discussed by the two was the Iraq war. Now the ACI membership, similar to that of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is generally moderate-to-conservative and business-oriented. And yet they broke out in boos and cries of "shame on you" when Tinsley said his piece. And they clapped and cheered as Teague explained his position on Iraq. Watch the video above to see why.

By all accounts, the vast majority of Americans are fed up with sending $3 BILLION a week to a country that is now operating with a $79 BILLION surplus. They're fed up with undue sacrifices being required of our troops. And they're wary of the increasing violence and unrest at the Pakistani border in Afghanistan while we're mired in Iraq. In other words, most Americans agree with the Iraqi government that our troops need to begin to withraw as soon as possible.

Harry Teague understands these views, agrees with them and is clearly ready to bring them to Washington on behalf of the people in the Second District.

Tinsley, on the other hand, seems intent on using inflammatory rhetoric to personally insult his opponent and avoid talking about what's really going on. He mentions his two nephews who are serving in the miliary overseas and says, "How am I supposed to call my two nephews over there right now ... and tell them I'm running against a guy who will cut your throat!" That's not a misprint. Tinsley uses that exact language to characterize Teague and his position on Iraq.

What kind of person would use that kind of language about someone like Harry Teague who has been well known and well respected in the District for decades?

Forum audience members were justifiably appalled at Tinsley's loose-cannon language. Evidently, they don't think we need more cheap shots and over the top rhetoric in Congress. To solve the complex challenges we face, we need more people in Washington willing to roll up their sleeves and work together to solve the complex challenges we face. People like Harry Teague.

Watch the video and see who you think is talking sense and who's relying on vicious and unfair personal attacks to try and make political points in the most cynical way -- while failing to offer any honest answers.

Then do what you can to make sure Harry Teague gets elected to Congress.

Technorati Tags:

August 12, 2008 at 07:22 PM in Iraq War, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Lt. Gov. Denish, Obama Campaign Discuss Blueprint for New Mexico

Obama campaign reaching out in Taos

On a conference call today with reporters and bloggers, Obama officials discussed where the Campaign for Change stands in New Mexico and the tactics they'll employ to win this Fall. Participants included Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, who's now a NM Co-Chair for Obama after previously backing Hillary Clinton, State Director Adrian Saenz, Deputy National Campaign Manager Steve Hildebrand and others.

The main differences between the Obama campaign and past Dem prez efforts here: vastly increased and proactive voter registration activities, an emphasis on contacting registered Dems who don't vote regularly and outreach in every corner of the state, not just along the I-25 corridor.

An Unprecedented Hunger for Change: Lt. Gov. Denish spoke about her recent trips around the state, where she encountered what she called "an unprecedented level" of grassroots support for change and lots of activity already happening on the ground. She mentioned the registration advantage Dems have long had in NM and the importance of powerful GOTV efforts to reach Dems who vote only sporatically, as well as independents -- especially outside major population areas. Denish said that she'd never witnessed such a "massive mobilization" by a presidential campaign here, and it's only just begun.

Agressively Reaching Out to Rural Voters: NM Campaign Director Adrian Saenz said the campaign is "aggressively" going after voters in rural communities and small towns. Of the 23 field offices now open, 17 are in rural areas, including a recently launched office in Shiprock. Tomorrow an Obama campaign will open in Espanola. There'll be even more to come.

ObamakidtaosSaenz said the reception in areas of the state almost always ignored by presidential candidates has been "phenomenal," with large numbers of volunteers clamoring to join up. Saenz worked in New Mexico during the 2004 election and said he was amazed at how many volunteers were active then, but that this year's turnout to date "blows away" the totals for '04.

Now Active: The campaign had more than 1000 canvassers out this weekend all over the state, with the largest number showing up to walk in Raton, in Northern New Mexico. There are more than 4000 active volunteers for Obama here, with about a quarter of those in rural areas. About 34,000 are on the New Mexico email list, about a third of which are from less populated cities and towns.

Early GOTV for Early Voting: There is a big push to convince supporters to vote early by mail. Extensive GOTV efforts will start early, because folks can start voting on October 1st at County Clerk offices and on October 18th at satellite locations before the November 4th election.

Special Focus on SE New Mexico: One area that will get special attention is Southeastern New Mexico, where Bush won big in '04. There will be campaign offices in most of the towns there and the campaign is finding a strong volunteer base shaping up in that region already. The Obama campaign clearly thinks they can increase Dem vote totals substantially in the area if they reach out to enough new voters, moderates and Dems who seldom vote.

Check out this document (pdf) for more on Obama's blueprint for change in New Mexico.

Get Involved Now: You can learn more about what's happening around the state and sign up to be a part of it at the New Mexico for Obama page. The New Mexico event calendar lists 115 events at the moment. Sign up for one or start your own. The clock is ticking.

Photos from Taos courtesy Obama Campaign for Change.

Technorati Tags:

August 12, 2008 at 02:00 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Local Politics, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (1)

NM-01: Heinrich Again in ActBlue Top Five Fundraisers

Heinrich with other Netroots All-Stars at Netroots Nation in Austin

Once again, NM-01's Dem Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich is among the top five fundraisers on ActBlue, this time for the week of August 4-10. Heinrich even beat out two of the netroots' most popular candidates -- Al Franken, who's running for the Senate in Minnesota, and Rick Noriega, who's the Dem Senate candidate in Texas:

1. Accountability Now | $146,210.97
2. Kay Hagan | NC-Sen | $36,083.47
3. Martin Heinrich | NM-01 | $20,475.90
4. Al Franken | MN-Sen | $19,652.58
5. Rick Noriega | TX-Sen | $14,786.13
6. Scott Kleeb | NE-Sen | $12,856.81
7. Jon Powers | NY-26 | $11,523.75
8. Gary Peters | MI-09 | $10,860.60
9. Russ Warner | CA-26 | $9,947.26
10. Annette Taddeo | FL-18 | $9,185.67

Most recently, Heinrich made ActBlue's top five for the week of June 30 to July 6th. Here's what ActBlue has to say about Martin Heinrich:

3. Martin Heinrich (NM-01)
Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich is running for Congress in New Mexico's 1st District. Heinrich, once director of a foundation dedicated to science and environmental education, has served on several boards focused on environmental, open space, and urban issues, and has used his time on the City Council to work toward making New Mexico a leader in alternative energy and energy efficiency. Heinrich is running against Republican Darren White, who was recently aided by a George W. Bush fundraiser in Albuquerque.

The Heinrich campaign is once again leading the way in terms of innovative fundraising asks. This week, we noticed that one of Heinrich's mentees, Javier Benavidez, created a page, as he says, in the spirit of Sam Cooke. On the page, called "A Change is Gonna Come," Benavidez explains what he saw in Heinrich as a boss and mentor, and asks his closest friends for help. See the ask at https://www.actblue.com/page/achangeisgonnacome.

Heinrich's ActBlue hubpage: https://www.actblue.com/entity/fundraisers/18006

Heinrich's campaign site: https://www.martinheinrich.com

A grand total of $344,160 has been raised to date for the Heinrich campaign on various pages on ActBlue. And he's going to need every penny and more in his contest against the GOP's Darren White. You know what to do.

Photo by M.E. Broderick. Click on image for larger version.

Technorati Tags:

August 12, 2008 at 10:50 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Barack, Johnny, Sir Paul and ABBA

With Russia invading Georgia and all hell breaking loose on so many fronts, we need some light news, don't we? Blender magazine asked Obama and McSame to name their top ten favorite songs. Even I find it hard to believe that two of Johnny's top three are ABBA songs. ABBA songs. Between the two of them no Beatles, one Stones, two Sinatras. Gotta love the Marvin Gaye, Nina Simone, Aretha and Roy Orbison.

Sen. Barack Obama
1. Ready or Not, Fugees
2. What's Going On, Marvin Gaye
3. I'm On Fire, Bruce Springsteen
4. Gimme Shelter, Rolling Stones
5. Sinnerman, Nina Simone
6. Touch the Sky, Kanye West
7. You'd Be So Easy to Love, Frank Sinatra
8. Think, Aretha Franklin
9. City of Blinding Lights, U2
10. Yes We Can, will.i.am

Sen. John McCain
1. Dancing Queen, ABBA
2. Blue Bayou, Roy Orbison
3. Take a Chance On Me, ABBA
4. If We Make It Through December, Merle Haggard
5. As Time Goes By, Dooley Wilson
6. Good Vibrations, The Beach Boys
7. What A Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong
8. I've Got You Under My Skin, Frank Sinatra
9. Sweet Caroline, Neil Diamond
10. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, The Platters

McCartney in NM: Speaking of music, Paul McCartney is getting his kicks by traveling Old Route 66 from Illinois to California in an old Ford Bronco with his new girlfriend, Nancy Shevell. They were spotted at the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and checking out Ansel Adams photos at the Andrew Smith Gallery in Santa Fe over the weekend.

The Quay County Sun reports the couple was seen in Tucumcari on Thursday, visiting an antique shop and getting takeout from Del's Restaurant. Be sure to check out the photos in the Sun. McCartney and Shevell also attended the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial in Gallup on Saturday. More details on the trip and some photos in the Brit tabloid, the Daily Mail.

Technorati Tags:

August 12, 2008 at 09:10 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Music | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, August 11, 2008

From the Inside: How Clinton Lost

A lengthy, compelling and ultimately devastating portrayal of the Clinton campaign by Josh Green of The Atlantic. There's also a collection of internal campaign memos. Green sums up the reason for Clinton's loss this way:

Above all, this irony emerges: Clinton ran on the basis of managerial competence—on her capacity, as she liked to put it, to “do the job from Day One.” In fact, she never behaved like a chief executive, and her own staff proved to be her Achilles’ heel. What is clear from the internal documents is that Clinton’s loss derived not from any specific decision she made but rather from the preponderance of the many she did not make. Her hesitancy and habit of avoiding hard choices exacted a price that eventually sank her chances at the presidency. What follows is the inside account of how the campaign for the seemingly unstoppable Democratic nominee came into being, and then came apart.

August 11, 2008 at 08:03 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (1)

(Updated) NM-02: Teague Announces Debate-Forum Schedule

Update: Steve Pearce, Tom Udall, Harry Teague and Ed Tinsley will be participating in the forum. here for info on when and where it will be broadcast.

HteagueHarry Teague, the Democratic nominee for NM-02, announced his schedule of debates and forums. Harry is running to fill the seat left open by Rep. Steve Pearce. The schedule, which includes events across Southern New Mexico, will give voters the opportunity to contrast the Republican and Democratic candidates' positions on issues, including minimum wage and health care, according to the Teague campaign.

Dates and Sponsors: The televised debates will be sponsored by The Municipal League on August 15th, KRWG on October 9th, and by KOAT and the Albuquerque Journal on October 19th. In addition, Harry will be at the Mining Association Annual Convention Forum on September 4th in Grants, and the AAUW forum in October in Carlsbad.

"We want the people of the 2nd Congressional District to see the differences between Harry and his opponent," said Campaign Manager Frank Costanzo. "Harry Teague supports the minimum wage, but as a Washington lobbyist Ed Tinsley fought against it. Harry Teague provides his employees good wages, Ed Tinsley refuses to open a restaurant in cities where a descent minimum wage is the law."

Harry and his opponent have already participated in two public forums, one sponsored by the Farm Bureau and one by the Association of Commerce and Industry. With this schedule of public appearances, Harry Teague has now agreed to participate in more forums and debates than the presidential candidates and anticipates participating in other forums as well.

Harry Teague is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please do whatever you can afford in terms of time and money to help him get elected.

Technorati Tags:

August 11, 2008 at 06:07 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM Sen: Tom Udall Starts Two-Week Tour of NM Tuesday in Sunland Park

The Tom Udall for U.S. Senate campaign announced that on Tuesday Rep. Udall will kick-off his campaign’s ‘Doing Right By New Mexico Tour’ in Sunland Park. According to a press release, Udall will travel the state for the next two weeks and exchange ideas with New Mexicans about how to get our country back on track. With a special emphasis on the 1st and 2nd Congressional districts, he'l listen to New Mexicans and tell them why he'll always do right by New Mexico in the United States Senate.

Udall’s schedule is as follows. All listed events are open to the media and all times are local. Tour Updates, event video and schedules can be found at here.

Tuesday, August 12th:

11 AM: TOM UDALL’S DOING RIGHT BY NEW MEXICO KICKOFF, Ardovino’s Desert Crossing Restaurant, 1 Ardovino Drive, Sunland Park, NM

1:00 PM: UDALL’S ANTHONY, N.M. DOING RIGHT BY VETERANS MEET & GREET, Anthony VFW Hall, 1800 N Fourth Street, Anthony, NM

Wednesday, August 13th

10:00-11:00 AM: LUNACRATS HEADQUARTERS OPENING, 117 South Gold, Deming, NM

2:00 PM: SILVER CITY - DOING RIGHT BY OUR VETERANS FORUM, The Red Barn, 708 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM

Thursday, August 14th

10:30 AM: DISCUSSION WITH RESERVE, NM “LOS JOVENES” DWI PREVENTION PROGRAM, Reserve Schools, Los J.O.V.E.N.E.S. Room, 24 Mountaineer Rd., Reserve, NM

1:30 PM: MAGDALENA MEET & GREET WITH TOM UDALL, Magdalena Public Library, 108 N. Main, Magdalena, NM

3:00 PM: FIGHTING FOR OUR ENERGY SECURITY ROUNDTABLE, New Mexico Tech, 101 Workman, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM


Friday, August 15th

2:00 PM: RUIDOSO MEET & GREET, Hubbard Museum, 841 W. Hwy 70, Ruidoso Downs, NM

3:30 PM: MESCALERO APACHE SCHOOL MEETING AND TOUR, Mescalero Apache School, 249 White Mountain Dr., Mescalero, NM

5:00 PM: ALAMOGORDO MEET & GREET WITH UDALL, Waffle and Pancake Shop, 930 S. White Sands Blvd., Alamogordo, NM

Saturday, August 16th

11:00 AM: ALBUQUERQUE ‘DOING RIGHT BY NEW MEXICO’ TOWN HALL, Page One Bookstore, 11018 Montgomery, Albuquerque, NM

1:00 PM: DOING WHAT’S RIGHT FOR THE SOUTH VALLEY MATANZA, Home of Diego Gallegos & Theresa Archuleta, 6304 Alvis Road, SW, Albuquerque, NM

3:00 PM: UDALL FOR US ALL OUTDOOR NEIGHBORHOOD BBQ MEETING, Montgomery Pool & Park, 5510 Ponderosa Ave, NE, Albuquerque, NM

4:30 PM: NM DEMS ’08 RIO RANCHO OFFICE OPENING, NM DEMS ’08 OFFICE, 4100 Southern Blvd, Suite 7, Rio Rancho, NM


Week Two of Udall’s Doing Right By New Mexico Tour will include the following dates and locations, with more details to follow:

Monday, August 18th: Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Tuesday, August 19th: Albuquerque, Edgewood, Santa Rosa & Clovis

Wednesday, August 20th: Portales, Lovington & Hobbs

Thursday, August 21st: Las Cruces

Friday, August 22nd: Albuquerque

Saturday, August 23rd: Belen & Los Lunas

Sunday, August 24th: Las Vegas

Technorati Tags:

August 11, 2008 at 12:01 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)

DNCC/Obama Unveil Convention Speakers and Themes

The Democracy for New Mexico blog was selected to represent our state on the DNC's State Blogger Corps at the Convention. We'll be reporting from Denver and will be seated with the NM delegation. We attended a recent gathering of our delegates and Dem officials and got a chance to interview many of them about their thoughts on the Convention. Keep an eye out because we'll be posting videos like this one with State Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas, an early Obama endorser who'll be in Denver as part of Obama's team.

In a press release today the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) and the Obama for America Campaign announced the themes for each night of the 2008 Convention, which will be held in Denver from August 25th through August 28th.

"The 2008 Convention is about ensuring that those peoples’ voices are heard and their call for change is heeded,” said Kansas Governor and Convention Co-Chair Kathleen Sebelius. “From Monday through Thursday, our Convention program will highlight the people of this country who want positive change and who believe Barack Obama is the leader who will listen to their concerns and get our country moving in the right direction again.”

State Auditor Hector Balderas talking with State Treasurer James B. Lewis at NM delegate gathering earlier this month

Monday, August 25 -- One Nation
Headline prime-time speaker: Michelle Obama.

Tuesday, August 26 – Renewing America’s Promise
Headline prime-time speaker: Senator Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, August 27 -- Securing America’s Future
The Vice Presidential Acceptance Speech
Headline prime-time speaker: Vice Presidential Nominee.

Thursday, August 28 – Change You Can Believe In
Barack Obama’s Acceptance Speech

Note: The word is that former President Bill Clinton will be among the speakers on Wednesday, but he's apparently not being billed as a headliner.

On Thursday night, the DNCC says it will throw open the doors of the Convention and move to INVESCO Field at Mile High so that more Americans can be a part of the fourth night of the Convention as Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination. Obama will communicate the urgency of the moment, highlight the struggles Americans are facing and call on Americans to come together to change the course of our nation. 

The DNCC will unveil additional Convention program details and speakers throughout this week.

Click on photo for larger image. Photo and video by M.E. Broderick.

Technorati Tags:

August 11, 2008 at 11:10 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (0)

Guest Blog: State Senate Candidate Victor Raigoza

This is a guest blog by Victor Raigoza, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in District 10. This race is ranked as one of the most important legislative pick-up opportunities this cycle for New Mexico Democrats, and Victor is a formidable candidate who deserves our strong support. We can win this one!

VraigosaBrother and Sister Democrats,

I am ecstatic and honored to be the Democratic nominee for New Mexico's 10th State Senate district. I am especially excited at the prospect of being a part of this historic election cycle. Recently, stories which would indicate that we are not a united party have been reported in the press and blogs.  We have always been a party that prides ourselves on the size and inclusiveness of our tent and team. I believe we are Democrats because we all share a core set of values.

I am a Democrat because with every fiber of my being, I believe we have a responsibility to take care of each other. We have a responsibility to make sure that children are never hungry or denied access to quality education. We have a responsibility to protect our workers and our environment, our elders and our veterans. We have a responsibility to protect a woman's right to decide what happens to her own body. And, we have a responsibility to ensure that every human has access to quality and affordable healthcare. But I, as a Democrat, do not see these responsibilities as a burden. Rather, I embrace them and the opportunity they give us to make our community a better place.

If you agree, I am asking you to support my bid to become a New Mexico State Senate by clicking here to make an online donation now. Your contribution of $75, or whatever you're comfortable giving, will go a long way toward helping me bring our voice to the Legislature.

Now is the time to stand up and be loud, to be proud of our values and our beliefs.  We can no longer sit silently and allow the media or people who think we are wrong to dictate the agenda. We must be vocal and persuasive about how important this election is from the top of the ticket to the bottom. Now is the time for our Democratic family to come together! As a united front, we will be victorious! We are on the verge of history; but it can only happen if we all work together to achieve it.

Please help me, and my fellow Democrats, with contributions of time and money. With your support, I know we can make New Mexico the blue state it truly longs to be!

To find out more about how you can help, please email me at Victor4Senate@gmail.com or call my campaign at (505) 332-4128.

Thank you for your help and support,


This is a guest blog by Victor Raigoza, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in District 10. To learn more about his candidacy, click for Victor's Bio or visit his campaign website at https://victor4senate.com/.

Guest blogs provide an opportunity to express your opinion on pertinent political issues or to communicate directly with readers of the blog. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

Technorati Tags:

August 11, 2008 at 09:04 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Democratic Party, Guest Blogger, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nonprofits Respond to AG King's Odd Behavior, Threaten "Unnnecessary" Litigation

I'll try to bring you up to date on the story of the manufactured outrage over direct mail pieces distributed by nonprofits to call attention to the voting records of certain long-time incumbents in the New Mexico State Legislature. And the legal wrangling going on as the story evolves.

Agking_2The Letter from AG King's Office
Besides a recent lawsuit, we have a situation where Attorney General Gary King's office issued a letter in May to the Secretary of State advising that, in essence, New Mexico Youth Organized's status should be changed from a nonprofit to a PAC. The letter was sent the day after State Sen. Shannon Robinson reportedly complained to the AG's office about NMYO. The day after that, the office of the SOS reportedly got a call from the AG's office advising them to ignore their letter about NMYO. That's where action by the AG's office stopped -- until a recent story in the New Mexico Independent apparently prompted them to issue a press release on Friday standing behind the original letter from the AG's office. More on that below.

On What Criteria and Facts Did King Base His Opinion?
By any standard legal measure, it clearly appears the nonprofits -- including New Mexico Youth Organized -- followed the law in their activities. Their goal was to educate the community about who gave money to legislators and how legislators voted, as is their right and even their duty given the goals of the organizations. It certainly looks like they followed the rules and honored the traditional communication timelines. Moreover, they've said that their top-notch legal advisors thoroughly vetted their every action.

As far as I know, none of that has been challenged on specific, documented legal grounds by AG Gary King, either in his office's original opinion letter to the Secretary of State about the matter or in the Friday press release.

Putting the Cart Before the Horse
Oddly, although the AG's office issued an advisory letter to the Secretary of State in May and backed that letter in their Friday press release, they have also said that the matter is still under advisement and that they are performing "due diligence" to study the matter. Why would the AG's office issue an opinion letter and then dig into the case AFTERWARDS? I guess political pressure does strange things to some people. Big time muckety-muck.

AlligatorduckDuck Soup
King issued what I think is an incredibly embarrassing press release Friday in lieu of any legal communication with the parties and stated he believes the legal status of New Mexico Youth Organized should be changed to a PAC because, to quote him:

“There’s an old saying that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck. And I think we know a duck when we see one.”

Quite the legal language for the people's top lawyer, isn't it? AG King offered no legal citations or factual documentation in the release to back up his view that the status of New Mexico Youth Organized should be changed. By his own account, King just knows an alleged offense when he sees it. He doesn't define how NMYO crossed the legal line, but apparently he knows in his heart they did. King's statement boggles my mind -- so I can only imagine what it does to minds trained in the law. And since when does the AG's office issue opinions in the media instead of using standard legal channels?

Two Nonprofits Rebut King
The Center for Civic Policy and New Mexico Youth Organized (NMYO), two of the local nonprofits being targeted, issued statements yesterday rebutting King and his advice to the Secretary of State:

The United States Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear that election officials are only permitted to regulate public statements that explicitly address elections.  They are not permitted to regulate public statements that relate to officeholders' conduct, even though those officeholders may be running for re-election.  This is fundamental to the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech.  The Attorney General's statement that he recognizes what can be regulated on the basis of whether it 'walks like a duck' is an indication that he doesn't understand the law in this area, and he is inviting entirely unnecessary litigation against the State of New Mexico." [emphasis mine]

--John Boyd, Counsel for Center for Civic Policy and New Mexico Youth Organized, Freedman Boyd Daniels Hollander Goldberg and Cline

--Sara Berger, Counsel for Center for Civic Policy and New Mexico Youth Organized

"We are disappointed by Attorney General King's uncharacteristically glib assessment of a serious matter.  At stake is the ability of nonprofits throughout New Mexico to hold elected officials accountable for their actions and to advocate for issues that are critical to their missions.  Further, we are disappointed that the Attorney General is issuing a verdict through the media prior to his office completing its research on this matter."

-- Eli Il Yong Lee, Executive Director, Center for Civic Policy

PowercorruptsWhy Is All This Happening?
Ever since it became evident that three progressive reform candidates were making headway against entrenched, business-as-usual incumbents in the recent Democratic primary, the minions and mouthpieces of the lobbyists and big donors have been bent on discrediting the nonprofits and the three eventual winning candidates. They've planted rumors and statements on the blogs. They've complained about cheating and nefarious plots. The losing candidates filed a bogus lawsuit. And now this.

Why all the ruckus? Because genuine ethics and campaign finance reform legislation is coming closer and closer to passing. Because genuine health care reform is coming closer and closer to passing. Because domestic partnership legislation is coming closer and closer to passing. Et cetera.

The complainers -- named and unnamed -- and the primary losers have been reliable opponents of change and reform, within the legislature and in its hallways. They've functioned as stoppers, protecting the power blocs that oppose anyone rocking the corporate-steered boat. And now the people are learning the truth and voting accordingly. Damn right the status quo is feeling vulnerable. They're on the run as more and more election challengers and issue-based activists feel strong enough to go up against them. That's a good thing.

But what isn't good is that the erratic, opaque and secretive behavior of Attorney General Gary King related to this matter tends to suggest that he's taking his cues from political bigwigs rather than from the dictates of the law. I'm not saying it IS that way, but it sure LOOKS that way, doesn't it? It looks like certain parties are feeling cornered so they're trying to put the thumb on those who have a tendency to give in easily for one reason or another. I hope that's not true, but there it is. As they say, timing is everything.

Some previous posts on these and related issues:

Technorati Tags:

August 10, 2008 at 03:54 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Government, Local Politics, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (7)