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Friday, August 15, 2008

Saturday: Udall, Heinrich, Lujan Join Chairman Colon at Rio Rancho Dem Party Office Opening

The DPNM has announced it will be celebrating the opening of its Rio Rancho office on Saturday, August 16th, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. The new office is located at 4100 Southern Blvd, Suite 7; Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (map). Come on down and meet U.S. Senate Candidate, Congressman Tom Udall; NM-01 Congressional candidate and former City Council President Martin Heinrich; NM-03 Congressional candidate, Commissioner Ben Ray Luján; and DPNM Chairman Brian S. Colón.

"This is an historic election year, with unprecedented excitement surrounding not just the Presidential election, but New Mexico's Senate and Congressional campaigns," said Brian S. Colón, Chairman of the DPNM. "As a party, we have responded to this excitement, opening offices in all corners of the state, including this one here in Rio Rancho, to ensure we send an all-Democrat delegation to Washington in November."

August 15, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

MUST READ: SWOP Responds to Lawsuit by Shannon Robinson et al.

Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) issued the following statement today in response to the recent lawsuit against them, other nonprofits and three Dems who won their primary legislative races. The suit was filed by incumbent Democrats who lost their primary races to reform candidates on June 3, 2008 -- namely Sen. Shannon Robinson, Sen. James G. Taylor and Rep. Don Silva. All three lawmakers have a reputation in many quarters for putting the desires of entrenched interests before the needs of their constituents, the common good and ordinary New Mexicans. The very poorly written lawsuit claims fraud and conspiracy and takes a tone that's come to be known as tinfoil-hat, if you know what I mean.

Also See: Besides reading the entirety of SWOP's moving and convincing response, make sure you check out the op-Ed by Eli Il Yong Lee, Executive Director of the Center for Civic Policy, published in today's Albuquerque Journal. Let's hope that fair-minded individuals, including Democrats in positions of power, will read these materials carefully and consider what is at stake here, including their own reputations. It's not only progressives who are angry about the attacks on reform candidates and well respected nonprofits. The political futures of a number of Dems are on the line here, and the public will vote accordingly if this ill-considered charade continues to try and protect the status quo to the detriment of the common good. 

From the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP):

See our full response here.

Since 1980, the mission of the SouthWest Organizing Project has been to empower the disenfranchised to realize equality and justice. These aren’t just nice words on paper meant to make us feel good, we actually believe this is possible.

Our primary purpose is to help low-income, communities of color organize themselves to build healthy, pollution free communities. One of the primary ways we do this is through public education so that New Mexicans have the information they need to urge action by their elected representatives.

Invariably, in the course of trying to achieve our mission, we face tremendous opposition from those maintaining the status quo – a status quo that has left New Mexicans ranked at the bottom of practically every social indicator from education to healthcare.

For us, it is not enough that the nonprofit sector simply work to alleviate the symptoms of poverty and racism. In addition to organizing, it is our duty to question the actions of decision makers that perpetuate relentless poverty and growing inequality.

Our theory of action is that we create opportunity for disenfranchised communities to insert their own voices into the crucial public debates that profoundly affect their lives. These opportunities derive from direct campaigns developed with communities of people to affect change. Making our voices heard, for us, has happened in a number of ways over our 30-year history. Sometimes it’s with a bullhorn in the street, other times it's sitting at the table with policy makers, and at other times it’s through direct communication via mail, telephone or radio to decision makers.

Along the way, we have consistently communicated to our constituents the voting records and campaign contributors of elected officials, urging them to communicate with their elected officials directly. We call this accountability and speaking truth to power.

Go to our blog for the full response: here
See our previous post on this matter and the related confusion prompted by Attorney General King's sorta kinda official opinon on whether the legal status of the nonprofit New Mexico Youth Organized should be changed, in essence, to a PAC. That post contains a list of links to other posts related to the attack on the primary winners and various nonprofits.

Technorati Tags:

August 15, 2008 at 12:22 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Corporatism, Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Justice, Local Politics, Poverty, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday: Join Defenders of Wildlife Santa Fe Volunteer Day of Action

From the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund: We're organizing a Volunteer Day of Action this Saturday, August 16, in Santa Fe. Canvassers will talk with registered voters, encouraging them to vote for Barack Obama, Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich in the 1st Congressional District. Here's how to get involved:

What: Join us for canvassing starting at Noon. Well be driving to Rio Rancho from Santa Fe, and be back in Santa Fe by 5 PM. We'll provide transportation to/from Santa Fe OR you can phone bank in Santa Fe to registered voters throughout the state, anytime from 1:30 PM to 5 PM.

Where: Meet for both activities at 826 Camino del Monte Rey, on the second floor in the reading room. The location is north of St. Michael's off of St. Francis Street in Santa Fe.

RSVP for Canvass to: Maggie Raiken at 505-254-4756; no need to RSVP for phone bank. We will provide food for lunch for our volunteers.

August 15, 2008 at 10:19 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gov. Richardson to Speak on Third Night of Convention, When VP Nominee Will Also Speak

CD1 Obama delegate Pamelya Herndon, of Albuquerque, talks about the upcoming Convention

The DNCC has announced the speakers for the third night of the Dem Convention, and Gov. Bill Richardson is among them. I would think that pretty much rules out Richardson being picked by Obama for VP because the VP nominee is set to be the keynote speaker that same night. Of course it also appears to rule out Evan Bayh and Joe Biden, who will also be addressing the delegates on Wednesday evening.

Will Obama's VP be a Republican? Notice how Obama's foreign policy is characterized as essentially nonpartisan in the release. A clue that Sen. Chuck Hegel -- or even Colin Powell -- will be Obama's pick? Pure conjecture at this point.

A political newcomer, Gaye Pollit, a NM-03 Obama delegate from Santa Fe, is excited about Denver

From the DNCC and Obama for America Campaign: Wednesday’s program – Securing America’s Future – will feature the voices of Americans who share Barack Obama’s vision of making America stronger and safer. The headline prime-time speaker on Wednesday will be Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential Nominee.

Barack Obama offers a new, tough foreign policy approach that is neither Republican nor Democratic.  Obama will implement a strong, smart American foreign policy that makes us more secure at home and advances our interests in the world by ending the war in Iraq responsibly and focusing on the threats of the 21st century - al Qaeda, nuclear weapons, and energy security.

Hillary Clinton delegate Johnny Montoya of Taos, in CD3 is ready to learn something and have some fun 

Former President Bill Clinton will speak on Barack Obama’s commitment to a stronger and safer America, as well as the history of Democrats making positive change in the lives of all Americans.

Governor Bill Richardson and Senators Evan Bayh, Joe Biden and Jay Rockefeller will echo Obama’s call for a new direction in national security and outline his policies and plans to secure America’s future.

One of the greatest security challenges facing the country today is reducing our dependence on oil, especially from foreign sources. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will discuss Barack Obama’s plans to make America more secure by investing in smart energy policies.

Senator Ken Salazar, the Convention’s home state Senator, and House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn will also speak as part of the Securing America’s Future program.

A bedrock component of Obama’s national security plan is increasing our support to active duty military, veterans and military families. Representative Patrick Murphy (D-PA) and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth will lead a tribute honoring those who give so much to secure our nation’s future.

Click to see the complete listing of New Mexico delegates to the 2008 Dem Convention. Check this archive for previous posts with videos of our delegation and this one for other Convention-related posts.

The Democracy for New Mexico blog was selected by the DNC to serve on its State Blogger Corps representing New Mexico. We have floor credentials and will be seated with the NM Delegation for the four days of the Convention so we can blog about the local angle from Denver. DFNM will have videos, photos and stories about the event starting the weekend of August 23rd.

Videos by M.E. Broderick, from a recent gathering of NM delegates.

Technorati Tags:

August 14, 2008 at 03:40 PM in 2008 Dem VP Candidates, 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (2)

NM Campaign for Change to Launch Veterans for Obama

New Mexico’s Campaign for Change has announced that tomorrow today at 2:00 PM it will officially unveil a group called Veterans for Obama at its campaign headquarters at 117 Montclaire DR SE in Albuquerque. A press release explained that Veterans for Obama are a group of key veterans throughout the state who will play a key role in Campaign for Change’s outreach to New Mexico’s veterans. The group will also serve as a platform, to unveil new veterans’ initiatives and advisory committees throughout the state. Participants in tomorrow's event include:

  • Major General Montano, U.S. Air Force
  • Former Albuquerque Mayor Jim Baca, Vietnam Veteran
  • Jim Buhaug, Retired US Army
  • Mr. Mark Mora, Retired Air Force Master Sergeant
  • Mr. Ramon Mondragon Retired Corporal in the Marine Corps
  • Mr. John Lewis, Retired US Army
  • Mr. Stephon Scott, Retired Army Staff Sergeant
  • Mr. Dick Muenzer, Retired US Army, Special Agent with Counter Intelligence Corps
  • Dr. Darlene Collins, Air Force, Desert Storm 

Technorati Tags:

August 14, 2008 at 12:58 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NM-02: Tinsley's 'Cut Your Throat' Remark - From One Post on DFNM to Olbermann in Less Than 24 Hours

Countdown and ACI forum clips

The effectiveness and speed of the pipes and tubes of the internets can still shock me at times. I posted a YouTube video clip and accompanying story last night at 7:22 PM. As far as I can tell, I was the first person to cover the story. After any number of stops on the information highway (as they used to call it), the story ended up as part of Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World segment on tonight's Countdown. Zoom. From the little DFNM blog in out of the way New Mexico to the nation's TV screens in less than 24 hours. There really is nowhere to hide in this election cycle.

The clip from YouTube shows NM-02 GOP Congressional candidate Ed Tinsley and Dem candidate Harry Teague at an ACI candidate forum held last week in Las Cruces. The candidates are discussing Iraq, and Tinsley, without an iota of evident shame, brings up his nephews who are serving in the military in the Gulf and says this:

"How am I supposed to call my two nephews over there right now ... and tell them I'm running against a guy who will cut your throat!"

This low-life personal attack on Teague -- and blatant politicization of his own nephews' service -- is what earned Tinsley tonight's Worst Person in the World slot. Not Worse, Not Worser -- WORST. That's saying something.

Unfortunately, Olbermann didn't mention Teague by name in the segment. You know, Harry Teague, who's going to be the next Congressman from New Mexico's Second District. But it sure helped the cause to get Tinsley's words out there -- nakedly obscene to the world. CUT YOUR THROAT. Right.

It's also too bad that Olbermann didn't play Teague's measured and right-on-target come back to Tinsley's personal attack. If you haven't see it yet, it's right here in my original post and in the combo clip up top. Tinsley's self-serving and over-the-top words were met with robust boos. Teague's with spirited clapping and cheering. Now the 3,590 people who have so far viewed the video on YouTube, plus the nationwide audience for the TV show, plus all those who watch the video on the MSNBC site will know the truth about Tinsley and why no thinking, feeling person with a conscience should vote for him.

Voters in New Mexico's Second District -- what do you think? Should a guy like Tinsley -- who will  use his own nephews' military service as political fodder and use the term "cut your throat" in the same breath -- really be anywhere near the U.S. House representing you? I guess we'll see on November 4th.

To learn more about Harry Teague, visit his website. I also recommend taking a look at one of our previous posts that describes our recent visit with Harry in Hobbs on our way back from Netroots Nation.

Technorati Tags:

August 13, 2008 at 10:34 PM in Iraq War, Local Politics, Media, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (7)

Thursday: Celebrate 73rd Birthday of Social Security & Protest Privatization

You're invited to join with other Dems tomorrow to celebrate the 73rd Birthday of the most successful anti-poverty program in history, Social Security. The Democratic Party of New Mexico will join with concerned New Mexican voters to reject the Bush-McCain privatization plan.

WHAT: Singing Happy Birthday to Social Security; Protesting Republicans' Privatization Plans

WHO: Deputy Secretary of Aging and Long Term Care, Patsy Trujillo, State Senate District 10 Candidate Victor Raigoza

WHERE: John McCain's Office: 5643 Jefferson NE; Albuquerque, NM

WHEN: Thursday, August 14, 2008 - 12 Noon

The Enduring Value of Social Security: A recently released report from the Institute for America's Future estimates that without Social Security, more than 35 percent of Americans aged 65 and older would be living in poverty. In New Mexico, over 300,000 individuals count on earned Social Security benefits each month. Social Security privatization threatens their lives and each of our futures, as it would cut benefits by almost half a million dollars, making millions of senior citizens vulnerable to poverty.

"With the foreclosure crisis, soaring energy and food costs, we all know how little Republicans have done to help the middle class," said Brian S. Colón, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. "I think New Mexicans will agree, we don't want Republicans like John McCain or Darren White getting anywhere near our social security."

August 13, 2008 at 06:04 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

NM-03: Luján Begins Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall Tour

Ben at Netroots Nation in Austin last month

New Mexico's Third Congressional District isn't a big as NM-02, which can gobble an object the size of the state of Pennsylvania, but it's still pretty darn big. So it's a tall order when Ben Ray Luján the Dem Congressional candidate in NM-03 sets out to visit every single county in the District between now and November. The so-called Standing Up for New Mexico Town Hall Tour will launch on Friday in Clovis.

"I'm excited to meet with the people of the 3rd Congressional District," Luján said. "The Standing Up for New Mexico town halls provide a great forum to hear New Mexicans' concerns and thoughts about getting our country back on track after eight years of Bush Administration policies that ignored the middle class and working families."

The Luján campaign has scheduled the first three town halls, which will take place in Clovis, Santa Fe and Farmington. Other town halls will be scheduled throughout September and October in communities throughout the District. Every town hall is open to the public. More info:

Clovis: Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall
Friday, August 15 at 6:00 PM
Golden Corral, 3501 N. Prince Street, Clovis, NM 

Santa Fe: Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall
When: Thursday, August 21 at 6:00 PM
NEA Building, 2007 Botulph Road, Santa Fe, NM

Farmington: Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall
Saturday, August 30 at 6:00 PM
Chef Bernie's, 901 W. Main Street, Farmington, NM

According to the campaign, Ben's Standing up for New Mexico Town Hall Tour during the primary cycle was a huge success. He visited every county in the 3rd Congressional District and met with thousands of voters. Many of the people who came to the town halls became active volunteers after learning more about Ben.

"The Standing up for New Mexico Town Hall tour is a way for Ben to reach out to the people of New Mexico who need a representative who will put them first," said Mark Nicastre, Luján's Communications Director. "Ben will stand up for New Mexico to work for tax relief for families, health care for all and energy solutions that will create new jobs in the state. Ben knows families are struggling, and he'll give them a voice in Congress."

Gotta love this: When elected to Congress, Ben will hold regular town halls to keep an open dialogue with the people of New Mexico. If you'd like to help get Ben to Congress so he can hold those future town halls, consider donating via the NM netroots' True Blue New Mexico page.

August 13, 2008 at 04:12 PM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (4)

Support Dem Legislative Challengers Now: Fundraising Efforts Must Cease Friday

Not many people seem to know that all fundraising efforts for New Mexico legislative races must cease when the Special Session of the Legislature starts up on Friday. This suspension while the Legislature is in session can hurt our Dem incumbents seeking re-election, but it's an even a bigger obstacle for our Dem challengers who are fighting tooth and nail against well-funded Repub incumbents and need every dollar they can get. The candidates must stop asking for funds on Friday, but we can keep giving.

VraigosaTwo races deserve our special attention. In SD 10, Victor Raigoza is taking on the GOP's Sen. John Ryan in what's shaping up to be a very competitive race. To learn more, read this recent guest blog by Victor. This is a district with changing demographics. We have a very good chance of winning it in an election year like this -- when Repubs are so discredited -- and we have a terrific, hard-working candidate. Victor is running a highly effective grassroots campaign, door-to-door and person-to-person. He's definitely one of the good guys. Visit Victor's ActBlue page to easily donate online.

TeichenbergheadIn SD 15, Dem Tim Eichenberg is neck and neck with GOP incumbent Sen. Diane Snyder in a race where Snyder is seen as hanging on by her fingernails. Many believe this is our very best opportunity for a pickup this year, in a district where Snyder is out of touch with her constituents and has shown a real lack of knowledged about important issues. There's been widespread grumbling about Snyder in SD 15 and, like Raigoza, Eichenberg is out there daily, knocking on doors and impressing voters with his firm grasp of the issues and his wide-ranging experience. Visit Tim's ActBlue page to contribute.

Tim was elected to the AMAFCA Board for three terms, where he led the successful effort to reduce residential property taxes. He was elected as the youngest Bernalillo County Treasurer in history for two terms, where he cut red tape and modernized the office. As Director of the NM Property Tax Division, Tim challenged the oil and gas industry to pay their fair share of taxes to support education.

We can win both of these races, IF we support our candidates.

You don't have to live in SD 10 or 15 to support Raigoza and Eichenberg. It benefits all of us if we can help these guys wrest two seats from the Repubs -- and gain two votes for change when the Legislature meets in regular session again in January.

We've come so close to passing many excellent bills, only to have them fail by one or two votes in the NM Senate. We can be successful next time IF we give now to help Dem challengers like Raigoza and Eichenberg keep up the pressure in their districts. They can't win if they don't have the necessary resources to carry out their battles.

Don't like all the backlash that been erupting about certain nonprofits and State Senate and House primary victories by progressives Eric Griego, Tim Keller and Eleanor Chavez? This is one way to fight back against the forces of the status quo. Let's help to elect two more voices for change who'll work hard for reforms in the areas of health care coverage, education, ethics, campaign finance and equality for all.

Please consider making even very small donations to Victor Raigoza and Tim Eichenberg. Every dollar counts in legislative races. And if you can't donate money, you can always volunteer for canvassing or phone banking. Yes, the up-ticket races are important to our future, but so are the contests for seats in the Legislature. Let's pool our resources and capture two more seats for the cause.

Technorati Tags:

August 13, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tonight & Tomorrow: Lt. Col. to Speak on "Progressive" Foreign Policy in Santa Fe, ABQ

From the National Security Network (NSN): NSN, founded in 2006 to revitalize America's national security policy, bringing cohesion and strategic focus to the progressive national security community, will host town hall meetings in Santa Fe and Albuquerque tonight and tomorrow. Lt. Col. Stephen Abraham (US Army Reserve Ret.) will be leading a discussions about Keeping America Safe and Safeguarding American Values.

The Santa Fe event will take place tonight, August 13, at 7:00 PM, at The Forum at the College of Santa Fe, 1600 St. Michael's Drive. The Albuquerque town hall is set for tomorrow, August 14, at 7:00 PM in Ballroom A at the UNM Student Union Building in Albuquerque. Free and open to the public.

ABOUT THE NSN: The National Security Network develops and promotes national security solutions that are both pragmatic and principled.  We work with experts and activists, candidates and elected officials to connect decision-makers and opinion leaders with the best foreign policy options available – in language that works for them and that their constituents understand and support.

We look to the future with a policy outlook that draws on the best traditions of American foreign policy: an unwavering commitment to American values, a return to shrewd diplomacy, a focus on effective partnerships and alliances, and a strong and flexible military.

What We Do

Policy analysis and development: NSN convenes top foreign policy experts and advocates to identify and develop innovative policy;  andthen helps put it forward in ways that elected officials, the media, activists and experts alike can understand and use.

Messaging: NSN works with experts, advocacy groups and candidates to develop and sharpen national security messages that will resonate with the broadest public audience.

Building a progressive national security community: NSN offers substantive policy advice, builds bridges, and shares resources to help progressives – from Capitol Hill to national advocacy campaigns
to local community groups – turn shared basic principles into a smart, savvy voice on national security.

Who We Are and How We Work

NSN is:

  • a Washington staff with a wealth of experience in diplomatic and military service, politics and advocacy;
  • a Board with top-level experience in government service, business, and the non-profit sector;
  • state chapters in Iowa, Ohio and Florida, with more to come; and
  • a network of more than 2,000 members and experts, representing the emerging generation of progressive foreign policy leaders.

NSN works:

  • with progressive Capitol Hill leadership, to build agendas and inform staff;
  • with party and political leadership, to train and support candidates on national security issues;
  • with national and local media, to shape and inform national security coverage;
  • with think tanks and experts, to help get their ideas to the media and public;
  • with advocacy groups and campaigns, to mesh sophisticated foreign policy analysis with state-of-the-art outreach.

For more info, contact:

Ryan Keenan, State Outreach Coordinator
National Security Network
Office: 202 289 5999
Direct: 202 289 7117
Cell: 570 862 5766
fax: 202 682 6140

August 13, 2008 at 09:44 AM in Current Affairs, Events, Government, International Relations, Military Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)