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Monday, August 18, 2008

So What Did Obama Do in Albuquerque Today?

Despite having a cold, Barack Obama reportedly was seen exercising at the downtown Health & Wellness gym early today. Later in the morning, Obama talked to a group of forty-some women invited to a roundtable discussion about pay equity and the economy at the Main Library in downtown Albuquerque. Click to read about the discussion and see a video clip. And here's some photos and more on the story.

Obama also appeared at a jam-packed townhall meeting at the Rio Grande High School gym in Albuquerque's South Valley this afternoon, and then took questions from the crowd. With audience members urging Obama and pointing to a person in the audience, the very first question was from (the infamous) Dallas Timmons, an Albuquerque Dem Party Ward Chair that many of you know from Meetup and the activism scene. Great job, Dallas, putting in a plug for our hard-working Bernalillo County Party folks, and in confronting Obama about his perceived fades on Iraq and FISA. You can see the exchange in the video above. The clip seems to be all over the internet now. Dallas, can I have your autograph?

As to Obama's answer, it's probably true that BushCo has messed up so badly that at least some of the troops coming out of Iraq will have to be sent to Afghanistan. I do take issue with his "exclusivity" argument about FISA. Many top legal scholars who have studied the bill that passed have determined that the so-called "exclusivity" of the bill in requiring oversight over the use of surveillence is not what it seems, or what Obama claims it is. You can read about the controversy here (if you can deal with some legalese). I think Obama handled the challenge well, however, seeming to take it in stride and complimenting Dallas on her "feistiness."

During his speech, Obama made a point to reassure Dems that he won't take the attacks of the GOP and its third-party groups lying down:

In this clip, Obama talks about the GOP's tradition of negative campaigning. "They don't know how to govern, but they know how to run a negative campaign." Consider the campaigns of McCain, Repub Senate candidate Steve Pearce and the GOP congressional candidate in NM-02, Ed "Cut Your Throats" Tinsley. Could they be categorized as anything but extremely negative, dishonest and full of personal attacks? As Obama says, "That's what they do. That's their politics."

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August 18, 2008 at 07:37 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (5)

Hillary Stumps for Obama in Espanola; Sign Up for Camp Obama NM Hispanic Leadership Training


Hillary Clinton appeared yesterday on the campaign stump for Barack Obama at the gym at Northern New Mexico College in Espanola before a crowd estimated at more than 800 enthusiastic partisans. Gov. Bill Richardson, who created a media maelstrom of sorts when he endorsed Obama despite his long-time ties with the Clintons, gave a brief speech and then introduced Hillary and gave her a bear hug to signal that the time is now for Democratic unity.


Other Dem candidates in attendance included U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and NM-03 Congressional candidate Ben Ray Lujan. Clinton won a number of heavily Hispanic Northern New Mexico counties in our presidential caucus, and Hillary's appearance was designed to convince her supporters up North to vote for Obama this November.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican

"I know that many of you here today voted for me, you worked for me. And I will never forget what you did for me, ever," Clinton told the crowd at the Northern New Mexico College gym. "But I want you to know if you voted for me, you have far more in common with Sen. Obama than you do with Sen. McCain. ... I hope you all will join in this historic endeavor. Everyone who supported me, I hope you work as hard for Sen. Obama as you worked for me."

The apparent trade-off for Hillary's appearance was Richardson arranging two private, big-dollar fundraisers to help her retire her still large presidential campaign debt, one in Albuquerque hosted by Paul Blanchard and another in Santa Fe hosted by Dave Contarino yesterday. Clinton also appeared at a reception at El Pinto in Albuquerque where she greeted her pledged delegates from New Mexico and had dinner with Lt. Gov. Diane Denish (and husband Herb), who had strongly supported Hillary during the primary season. Denish has since become an Obama campaign co-chair in New Mexico.

Clinton is still reported carrying heavy debt from her presidential run. She's running a contest on her website that offers a chance for donors to win a trip to the Dem Cenvention with the Clintons. No word yet on how much money she raised in New Mexico over the weekend.

Campobama1Obama Campaign Offers Hispanic Leadership Training
Continuing a vigorous outreach to Hispanics in New Mexico, the Obama campaign has announced Camp Obama New Mexico, a Hispanic community leadership training, to be held on Friday, August 22nd from 5:00-9:00 PM and Saturday, August 23rd from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The special training is designed to help "local Hispanic leaders empower themselves with the skills to mobilize voters in their New Mexico communities."

The intensive two-day training will be held at Alamosa Community Center at 6900 Gonzales Rd, SW (Corner of Bridge and Coors) in Albuquerque and is aimed at supporters who want a more in-depth volunteer role in the campaign. Camp Obama New Mexico training will be led by Marshall Ganz, professor of community organizing at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and former United Farm Workers organizer, along with national and local campaign staff. All levels of experience will be accepted and all meals will be provided. Click to sign up.

Click on photos for larger images. Photos from Obama New Mexico.

Technorati Tags:

August 18, 2008 at 05:03 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Part 1: Video of Tom Udall's Saturday Events at Page One, Montgomery Park

Tom Udall answers our questions yesterday about where the $2-3 billion a week is going in Iraq and how we can avoid a financial collapse in the U.S.

U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall was in the Albuquerque area yesterday on his tour around New Mexico, and his campaign hosted three events and participated in a fourth. There were excellent turnouts at all four events and it's evident that Dems are pumped this year and ready to work hard to turn the state Blue. DFNM attended two of the events. Here's Part 1 of our report. We'll have more tomorrow as we have a bunch of good videos and photos.

Udall talks about trying to keep the campaign positive

Udall's day started out at 11 AM at a neighborhood meeting at Page One Bookstore in Albuquerque, the state's largest independent bookstore, where he gave a short speech and took questions from the audience.

Longer 7.5 minute clip of Udall talking about his vote against the Iraq invasion, the concerns of voters and energy policy

On Iraq, Udall had this to say, in part:

This Iraq war vote will go down in history as one of our major foreign policy blunders in the country. I really believe that.

Next, it was on to a 1:00 PM matanza in the South Valley where more than 300 people packed in to meet with Rep. Udall and down some top of the line grub.

At 3:00 PM, Tom was at Montgomery Park in Albuquerque's NE Heights hosting a BBQ that was well-attended despite the monsoon rain that fell during the first half hour or so. This is the other event we'll be posting photos and video from in Part 2 of our report, tomorrow.

Next Rep. Udall was off to the opening celebration for the Democratic Party of New Mexico's new office in Rio Rancho where we hear he was on fire urging the crowd to get active and turn New Mexico Blue. Rep. Udall was joined by Martin Heinrich, running for Congress in NM-01, Ben Ray Lujan, our NM-03 Congressional candidate and DPNM Chair Brian Colon, as well as other Dem leaders and excited folks from the West Side.

For more coverage on these and the two other Udall events yesterday, head over to New Mexico FBIHOP, where there's sure to be some terrific photos up soon. Matt has been on a super-hero marathon and attended all four Udall events yesterday. We hear he was up in Espanola today at the Hillary Clinton speech on behalf of Barack Obama. I don't think he sleeps. And I've heard he has blisters on his fingers, although that could just be a wild rumor.

Technorati Tags:

August 17, 2008 at 07:45 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Thursday: 3 NM Stops for Howard Dean and Register for Change

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Rally03 Dean3sf603
Dean for Prez rally, Santa Fe Plaza, June 3, 2003

It's been more than five years now since many of us got more active in politics than we ever dreamed we would. The involvement of many of us dates back to Howard Dean's 2003 presidential campaign. Because The Doctor (Is In) is visiting New Mexico later this week, I thought some of the old Deaniacs out there might enjoy seeing a few photos from that era. If it wasn''t for Howard, much of what we're involved with today would never have become a reality.

I know, you've been bored because there hasn't been much happening of late in New Mexico in the way of political dramas and events. Wait, that was just a bad dream I had last night -- nothing could be farther from the truth.

We've go the exciting campaigns of Barack Obama, Ben Ray Lujan, Martin Heinrich, Harry Teague, Tom Udall and a flock of legislative candidates going full throttle, and the convening of the oddly timed and confusing Special Legislative Session in Santa Fe. There are the controversies being fed by desperate backlash against highly respected nonprofits and progressive candidate victories, and an abundance of events organized by a diverse bunch of groups like the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund and Wellstone Action-- not to mention the countdown to the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Political junkies, activists and this blogger have barely had a chance to take a deep breath. And the pace can only accelerate as we move closer to November 4th.

Debate903 Walktodebate903
Dean walks with supporters to Prez debate at Popejoy, September 2003

So I almost hate to tell you that there are three more fabulous events set for next week in New Mexico. DNC Chair (and grassroots hero) Howard Dean will be visiting Albquerque, Santa Fe and Santo Domingo Pueblo with the DNC's Register for Change Tour bus:

Dean & Register for Change, Thursday, August 21:

Santa Fe, NM: 10:15 AM, Casa Solano Shopping Center Parking Lot, Alameda Street & St Francis

CANCELLED: Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM: 1:00 PM. New location being sought.

Albuquerque, NM: 3:15 PM, Albuquerque Campaign for Change Office Parking Lot, 3523 Central Avenue

Meetjandeanvan1 Kenwithdeanmobile
West Side Dean Meetup group and Ken Harper and their Dean Van

Come on down to hear 50-State-Strategy guru Howard Dean's always rousing words -- and if you aren't registered to vote you can do it right there, no sweat. If you have friends or neighbors who need to register, bring them along too. The more folks we get registered, the better chance we have to win all up and down the ticket.

Onward to Denver
Howard and the Register for Change Tour will be heading up to Denver next as Dems pretty much take over the city of Denver to officially nominate Obama and his VP choice at the Convention. We'll be there too, reporting from the Convention Floor, seated with the New Mexico delegation as part of the DNC State Blogger Corps. So we've been spending a lot of time trying to raise money for our expenses (hint, hint), buying better equipment to cover the events and trying to get everything set up so it works right (grrrr). If some of our coverage on the multitude of events happening here this week isn't as comprehensive as usual, you'll know why.

also needs donations, as he'll be heading up to Denver on his own to cover events using The Big Tent as his HQ (we'll be popping in there too). I understand Dave Maass of Swing State of Mind, Peter St. Cyr of What's the Word, David Alire Garcia and Tracy Dingman of the New Mexico Independent and who knows who else will also be in Denver sending back stories, video and photos from lots of different angles.

A multitude of national bloggers will also be on the scene, either inside the Pepsi Center (and Mile High Stadium) or in other places, so your blog reading should be quite an experience starting Saturday or Sunday, when folks are traveling to Colorado. Wish us luck!

Click on photos for larger images. Photos from New Mexico's Dean for America Meetup collection.

Technorati Tags:

August 17, 2008 at 03:50 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Details On Obama Visit to Albuquerque on Monday, Tix Available Saturday & Sunday

Campaign for Change New Mexico has announced that Obama will return to New Mexico on Monday, August 18th, to hold two events in Albuquerque. In the morning, he will have an invitation only discussion on the economy with local residents. In the afternoon, Obama will hold a public town hall meeting at Rio Grande High School. Tickets are required.

Rio Grande High School
Main Gymnasium
2300 Arenal Road, SW
Albuquerque NM 87105
Doors Open: 10:45 AM, Program Begins: 1:00 PM

This event is free and open to the public; however, tickets are REQUIRED. Tickets are limited and will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Members of the public can sign up online to receive a free ticket via email at https://www.barackobama.com or they can pick up free tickets on Saturday and Sunday at the locations listed below. (Specific page on Obama website for signing up for the town hall is https://my.barackobama.com/page/content/nmhome.)

Use of public transportation is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. LIMITED public parking will be available at Rio Grande High School in student parking on the West side of the school on Arenal Road. Attendees are encouraged to car pool whenever possible.

Ticket Distribution Locations:
Tickets will be available: Saturday, August 16th and Sunday, August 17th from 9 AM- 5 PM

Albuquerque - State Headquarters
117 Montclaire Drive SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Contact Tel.: 505-266-3556

Albuquerque - Volunteer Headquarters
3523 Central Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Contact Tel.: 505-435-0723

Bernalillo Office
240 South Camino del Pueblo
Albuquerque, NM 87004

Los Lunas Office
1052 Main Street NE, Suite B
Albuquerque, NM 87031
Contact Tel.: 505-865-9481

***For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.***

Technorati Tags:

August 15, 2008 at 10:18 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events | Permalink | Comments (6)

Saturday: Teague to Tour Southern Dona Ana County

From the Harry Teague for Congress campaign:
Harry Teague, the Dem nominee in NM-02, will tour Southern Doña Ana County on Saturday. Teague will make stops in Sunland Park, La Union and Anthony, New Mexico.

"I look forward to again visiting and listening to voters in Southern Doña Ana County about important issues facing families in New Mexico," said Teague. "I want to bring change to Washington. The first step in accomplishing that is listening to what working families in New Mexico want."

At 1:00 PM Teague will tour the Women's Intercultural Center in Anthony; at 1:30 PM he'll meet voters at Ernesto's Restaurant in Anthony; at 5:00 PM he'll attend a coffee with Mayor Martin Resendiz in Sunland Park; at 6:00 PM he'll attend a coffee at the home of Saul and Maria Salinas in Sunland Park; and at 6:45 PM he'll visit with voters at La Union Station in La Union. For more information contact the campaign at Las Cruces at 575.993.5197 or in Hobbs in 575.397.2008.

August 15, 2008 at 09:29 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-Sen: Udall Agrees to 3 TV Debates (Plus Meet the Press)

From the Udall for Senate campaign:
Congressman Tom Udall today announced that he has accepted three invitations for statewide televised debates. Udall has committed to the following media outlets and organizations to participate in the following three debates:

October 15th, KOB-4
October 18th, KRQE-13 and AARP
October 26th, KOAT-7 and The Albuquerque Journal

On July 21st, Udall challenged his opponent, Steve Pearce, to participate in three statewide televised debates to help New Mexicans decide who to vote for in this historic election.

“New Mexicans deserve to see both of these candidates side-by-side, engaging in a vigorous exchange of ideas and discussing their very different visions for the direction of our state and nation,” said Udall Campaign Manager Amanda Cooper. “Tom Udall has been travelling the state, listening to New Mexicans who are desperate for a leader who will do the right thing and come up with solutions to fix our ailing economy, bring down skyrocketing gas prices, and take care of our veterans. We hope the Pearce Campaign will join us in an honest exchange of ideas to demonstrate who can best provide voters with solutions.”

On August 1st Udall also accepted an invitation to debate on NBC’s Meet the Press this fall.

“We look forward to determining the variety of formats with these organizations to best allow for maximum interaction with the people of New Mexico,” Cooper concluded.

Technorati Tags:

August 15, 2008 at 09:02 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (0)

Hillary and Barack to Visit New Mexico

Sunday: Hillary Clinton will campaign at a public event in Española Sunday for Obama:

August 17, Doors Open 2:00 PM
Gym at Northern New Mexico College
921 Paseo de Oñate, Española, NM
First come, first served, no bags

Afterwards, Gov. Bill Richardson will host private fundraisers in Albuquerque and Santa Fe to help Hillary with her campaign debt. I'm sure all our U.S. House, U.S. Senate, State House and State Senate candidates are thrilled. I know I am. Let's pull more money out of the state, why don't we!

As for Barack, his campaign has announced he'll be visiting New Mexico on Monday, but no other details are yet available. I hope he does a big public event somewhere in a more rural part of the state, not in Albuquerque or Santa Fe. We're already for Obama -- he needs to reach out to other areas that gave strong support to Hillary in the primary.

Technorati Tags:

August 15, 2008 at 04:40 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 Presidential Primary, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

ABQ McCain Staffers Trash 'Happy Birthday Social Security' Cake

Politico has the story and so does . But where are the pictures and videos? Isn't it time for someone at the Dem Party and all the campaigns, third-party groups and unions to start carrying around a very reasonably priced Flip Video, or at least a cheap digital camera, to record debacles like this? Come on folks, your local blowgowsfeer bloggers can't be everywhere, cameras at the ready. Think how many events are going on daily now, and then think how much synchronicitous action will be going on post-Labor Day. We need help in documenting the scene. Help! A video of the McCain staffers getting all chanty and destructive would be valuable indeed. Why don't we have one?

August 15, 2008 at 04:13 PM in Democratic Party, John McCain, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-Sen: Meet Tom Udall at Saturday Events in ABQ, Rio Rancho

Tom on the road, talking with New Mexicans

Rep. Tom Udall, our candidate for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, will be at four different events tomorrow in the Albuquerque-Rio Rancho area.  Rep. Udall is in the midst of a two-week tour all over the state to meet with you, take your questions and listen to your concerns. And then there's the eats:

August 16th: Click on event name for more info and to RSVP

  • (see previous post below)

Check here often for additional events from now until the end of the month. And you can read about and see photos from previous events on Tom's tour here.

Technorati Tags:

August 15, 2008 at 02:25 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (0)