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Friday, August 22, 2008


Udall_2From Rep. Tom Udall, Dem candidate for U.S. Senate in New Mexico:

First of all, just wanted to say a big thank you to Barb and Mary Ellen. Not just for welcoming me to live blog here as a part of my "Doing Right by New Mexico Tour", but also because of all their hard work to make New Mexico a better place. They're out there every day connecting progressives and spreading the message about our great candidates here.

I have a pretty simple rule that guides me when I am making important policy decisions or looking at specific legislation. All I really think about is whether it's right for New Mexico and our nation. That's one of the most important things I learned from my family -- the real value of public service. And I believe that's a common trait we all share in the Democracy for America community.

With the way things have been going during the last eight years it is vital to have independent, thoughtful and dedicated folks like you keeping a close eye on what your public servants do. Harry Truman always said that the most important position in America wasn't President, or Senator. It was that of the citizen. And with this great blog, your coverage of the issues and your tireless organizing, you really are all great citizens.

With that, I'll be here for about a half hour or so and I'd love to take your questions or comments about our Tour!

--Tom Udall

(Click on "Comments" link at end of post to communicate with Tom.)

Tom Udall is supported by blogs in the New Mexico netroots at True Blue New Mexico. We hope you'll donate a few bucks to his campaign. We can turn New Mexico Blue but we need your help!

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August 22, 2008 at 04:25 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


How will you work to improve healthcare in this country if elected?

Posted by: Joyce | Aug 22, 2008 4:32:07 PM

Fire away!

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:32:15 PM

Hi, Tom,
I'm very concerned about the global warming tipping point.
Are you hearing lots of New Mexicans are eager to develop sources of renewable energy rather than coal and other fossil fuels?

Posted by: nancy | Aug 22, 2008 4:36:10 PM

If elected what committee would you be on in the senate?

Posted by: jeanne Carritt | Aug 22, 2008 4:37:38 PM

Thanks for the first question, Joyce - I appreciate your interest in Health Care!

We need to have the goal be universal access for all of our citizens. A good start that we could do this year would be allowing people between the ages of 55-64 to buy into Medicare, cover all of our children under SCHIP and citizen, small business owner or employee should have the option to have the same kind of policy that Members of Congress have.

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:39:11 PM

What committee would you be on in the senate?

Posted by: JEANNE Carritt | Aug 22, 2008 4:41:44 PM

Are you accepting donations from lobbyists?

Posted by: Joyce | Aug 22, 2008 4:41:57 PM

remember to keep refreshing to see the new comments

Posted by: JJ | Aug 22, 2008 4:44:47 PM

Hi Tom,
So happy you are in the running! I would like to echo Joyce's concern about health care in this country, specifically how we are ever going to wrest control away from the insurance companies and secure decent and affordable health care for every American. Obviously voting for you and other progressives is an excellent start, but it seems like the system is so cumbersome and entrenched that it will take more time and effort than we have seen our government ever undertake, at least since the FDR days. What are your thoughts?

Posted by: Cara | Aug 22, 2008 4:45:10 PM

Great Question, Nancy!

We must invest in alternative forms of energy with an emphasis on renewable energy and New Mexico is a model. We set a goal here of getting 10% of our energy from renewables by 2010 and we beat that already!

New Mexico should be the Saudi Arabia of solar and wind, at least that's how I feel. We've been visiting with folks all around New Mexico on the "Doing Right by New Mexico Tour" and I can say that not only are they interested, we've actually seen the giant windfarms all over the state!

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:45:58 PM

How are we ever going to get corporate lobbyists out of our government... and hand the government back to the people? Do you agree that we need publicly funded elections? If so, what will you do to work for that end?

Posted by: Nancy | Aug 22, 2008 4:46:30 PM

what is your favorite author and or book?

Posted by: L. Briggs | Aug 22, 2008 4:47:22 PM

My main concern in my decision to run for the Senate was that New Mexico would be best taken care of. I'm a member of the appropriations committee right now in the House, and that would be a good committee to serve on for New Mexico in the Senate.

Posted by: > | Aug 22, 2008 4:48:44 PM

Joyce & Nancy:

I'm a co-sponsor of a bill in the House with Congressman Dave Obey. This legislation would take all private money out of US House races and structure a publicly financed system.

We should really be able to focus more on listening from our constituents - and be forced to spend all this time raising money.

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:52:38 PM

L. Briggs,

One of my favorite books is Truman by David McCullough.

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:54:02 PM

Well, having 60 Senators will help, Cara, but it is going to take a very, very strong bipartisan effort that will require us to reach across the aisle and work with Republicans who share our values.

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:56:57 PM

L. Briggs - I am curious what your favorite is, since you asked...

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 4:58:17 PM

Do you think we will be able to do enough to get off oil? It will be a huge change and people don't seem willing. They want to drill and drill.

Posted by: Bob P. | Aug 22, 2008 5:00:02 PM

Bill McKibben

Posted by: L. Briggs | Aug 22, 2008 5:01:20 PM


I think we have a great chance to get another Democratic Senator and Representative from New Mexico this year!

Also, although I'd prefer a positive campaign, I do think we need to go after the Republicans hard with the facts on the issues. Sen. Obama will need to do this to get elected as McCain and the Republicans have already started 'swiftboating' him.

Marcia B

Posted by: Marcia B | Aug 22, 2008 5:02:04 PM

Tom, will you come back and do this again???
we would love it

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Aug 22, 2008 5:02:08 PM

there are seventy two days left in this campaign--we really need your help in the coming days. thank you for joining me. cheers tom

Posted by: > | Aug 22, 2008 5:02:46 PM

One last question, from Bob.


We have some big challenges before us, but I believe the American people are up for it.

We need to do it all. Explore for oil and gas, nuclear has to be part of the mix, conservation, efficiency, and a strong investment in renewables to create the jobs of the future.

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 5:05:35 PM

Hey y'all - Steve Olson here, sorry about the timing, but Tom is heading out to a couple of events tonight (which you are all invited to if you are in town...)

6PM - 8PM - Education and Healthcare Forum in Albuquerque, NM
713 Amherst SE
Albuquerque, NM

7PM-9PM Westside Meet & Greet
at the Home of Pedro and Dolores Moreno
7617 Lynwood Dr. NW
Albuquerque, NM

I'll be hanging around for a while if you have more questions. We're definitely going to try and schedule more liveblogging. :)

Posted by: | Aug 22, 2008 5:11:54 PM

Tom, you have our family's profound support. Your breadth of experience, your devotion to justice, your national legislative experience and your deep roots in New Mexico will make you a worthy Senator.

With President Obama, I hope that as Senator, you and the Democratic party will truely reach across the aisle(s) to Republicans and Independents in forming a governance of collaboration; taking perhaps, the example of President Lincoln to heart, when he formed an administration that included a wide array of politically diverse leaders in his cabinet.

Please reach out to first-time voters, to the disenfranchised, disaffected voters--after--your election so as to keep New Mexican's engaged in the process
of democracy. This has been a great election--a great debate that has allowed the nation to envision the United States--as in the past--as a bringer of peace, justice and economic prosperity to our people, and to the world beyond.

Godspeed on your journey to the Senate!

Eric Radack, Santa Fe

Posted by: Eric Radack | Aug 22, 2008 5:25:41 PM

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