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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NM-03: Luján Begins Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall Tour

Ben at Netroots Nation in Austin last month

New Mexico's Third Congressional District isn't a big as NM-02, which can gobble an object the size of the state of Pennsylvania, but it's still pretty darn big. So it's a tall order when Ben Ray Luján the Dem Congressional candidate in NM-03 sets out to visit every single county in the District between now and November. The so-called Standing Up for New Mexico Town Hall Tour will launch on Friday in Clovis.

"I'm excited to meet with the people of the 3rd Congressional District," Luján said. "The Standing Up for New Mexico town halls provide a great forum to hear New Mexicans' concerns and thoughts about getting our country back on track after eight years of Bush Administration policies that ignored the middle class and working families."

The Luján campaign has scheduled the first three town halls, which will take place in Clovis, Santa Fe and Farmington. Other town halls will be scheduled throughout September and October in communities throughout the District. Every town hall is open to the public. More info:

Clovis: Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall
Friday, August 15 at 6:00 PM
Golden Corral, 3501 N. Prince Street, Clovis, NM 

Santa Fe: Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall
When: Thursday, August 21 at 6:00 PM
NEA Building, 2007 Botulph Road, Santa Fe, NM

Farmington: Standing Up For New Mexico Town Hall
Saturday, August 30 at 6:00 PM
Chef Bernie's, 901 W. Main Street, Farmington, NM

According to the campaign, Ben's Standing up for New Mexico Town Hall Tour during the primary cycle was a huge success. He visited every county in the 3rd Congressional District and met with thousands of voters. Many of the people who came to the town halls became active volunteers after learning more about Ben.

"The Standing up for New Mexico Town Hall tour is a way for Ben to reach out to the people of New Mexico who need a representative who will put them first," said Mark Nicastre, Luján's Communications Director. "Ben will stand up for New Mexico to work for tax relief for families, health care for all and energy solutions that will create new jobs in the state. Ben knows families are struggling, and he'll give them a voice in Congress."

Gotta love this: When elected to Congress, Ben will hold regular town halls to keep an open dialogue with the people of New Mexico. If you'd like to help get Ben to Congress so he can hold those future town halls, consider donating via the NM netroots' True Blue New Mexico page.

August 13, 2008 at 04:12 PM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


Why the fuck do you have an ad on Joe Monahan that oily republican?

Posted by: | Aug 13, 2008 7:31:17 PM

Not to be blaming or shaming here, but commenter #1, doncha think that question would make a better email to the blogger than an beyond-anonymous comment on the blog? You didn't even try to come up with a cool/catchy/subject appropriate fake name.

Meanwhile, I can't help but think the photo of Lujan looks like he's standing in the middle of a casino bingo room. A smoke-free bingo room, but...

Posted by: | Aug 13, 2008 10:38:24 PM

My why the fuck was aimed at Lujan and not this blog. No Democrat should be buying ads on that sleazy Monahan rag.

Posted by: | Aug 13, 2008 10:48:49 PM

The post was not about Joe Monahan. Ben Ray is a fine candidate and the north needs to support him all the way. For those of you who have not met him bu thave an imprsseion from the mainstream news, I suggest you meet Ben Ray and talk to home before you make statements like above..

Posted by: Charlotte | Aug 14, 2008 6:46:07 AM

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