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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NM-02: Tinsley's 'Cut Your Throat' Remark - From One Post on DFNM to Olbermann in Less Than 24 Hours

Countdown and ACI forum clips

The effectiveness and speed of the pipes and tubes of the internets can still shock me at times. I posted a YouTube video clip and accompanying story last night at 7:22 PM. As far as I can tell, I was the first person to cover the story. After any number of stops on the information highway (as they used to call it), the story ended up as part of Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World segment on tonight's Countdown. Zoom. From the little DFNM blog in out of the way New Mexico to the nation's TV screens in less than 24 hours. There really is nowhere to hide in this election cycle.

The clip from YouTube shows NM-02 GOP Congressional candidate Ed Tinsley and Dem candidate Harry Teague at an ACI candidate forum held last week in Las Cruces. The candidates are discussing Iraq, and Tinsley, without an iota of evident shame, brings up his nephews who are serving in the military in the Gulf and says this:

"How am I supposed to call my two nephews over there right now ... and tell them I'm running against a guy who will cut your throat!"

This low-life personal attack on Teague -- and blatant politicization of his own nephews' service -- is what earned Tinsley tonight's Worst Person in the World slot. Not Worse, Not Worser -- WORST. That's saying something.

Unfortunately, Olbermann didn't mention Teague by name in the segment. You know, Harry Teague, who's going to be the next Congressman from New Mexico's Second District. But it sure helped the cause to get Tinsley's words out there -- nakedly obscene to the world. CUT YOUR THROAT. Right.

It's also too bad that Olbermann didn't play Teague's measured and right-on-target come back to Tinsley's personal attack. If you haven't see it yet, it's right here in my original post and in the combo clip up top. Tinsley's self-serving and over-the-top words were met with robust boos. Teague's with spirited clapping and cheering. Now the 3,590 people who have so far viewed the video on YouTube, plus the nationwide audience for the TV show, plus all those who watch the video on the MSNBC site will know the truth about Tinsley and why no thinking, feeling person with a conscience should vote for him.

Voters in New Mexico's Second District -- what do you think? Should a guy like Tinsley -- who will  use his own nephews' military service as political fodder and use the term "cut your throat" in the same breath -- really be anywhere near the U.S. House representing you? I guess we'll see on November 4th.

To learn more about Harry Teague, visit his website. I also recommend taking a look at one of our previous posts that describes our recent visit with Harry in Hobbs on our way back from Netroots Nation.

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August 13, 2008 at 10:34 PM in Iraq War, Local Politics, Media, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink


The weird thing is that the LC newspaper and Heath Haussamen articles said nothing about the cut your throat insult. Earth to Heath.

Posted by: Silver City BL | Aug 13, 2008 11:14:23 PM

I too can't believe Heath and the Sun News were there and didn't write about it.

Posted by: Hmmmmm | Aug 14, 2008 12:02:34 AM

Congratulations on breaking the story!

Posted by: | Aug 14, 2008 6:16:03 AM

WOW! That's fast... Congrats on being first! I loved KO's comment on it, too. Thanks for posting it on youtube and thanks to whoever recorded it.

Posted by: nancy | Aug 14, 2008 7:29:22 AM

Excellent on you and hip hip hooray for the tubes! I believe the Rs are gonna have THE WORST election season evah!

Posted by: bg | Aug 14, 2008 7:56:39 AM

In Heath's follow-up post today, he seems to imply that Tinsley's comments were entirely fair and that "libruhl bloggers" are removing important context that would make Mr. Tinsley look much more justified.

Eff that.

Posted by: James | Aug 14, 2008 9:46:50 AM

If Heath doesn't like something and doesn't report it it isn't a fact and it has no bearing on the story. If anyone else reports it it means they are loonies. Remember his outrage over the blogs talking about Wilson buying votes at the R convention?

Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 14, 2008 11:58:11 AM

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