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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

NM-02: Teague Cheered, Tinsley Booed for 'Cut Your Throat' Remark at ACI Forum

Note: Also see my later post reporting that Tinsley's awful remark earned him Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World award on Wednesday night.
Last week the Association of Commerce and Industry hosted Democrat Harry Teague and Republican Ed Tinsley at a NM-02 Congressional candidate forum in Las Cruces. One of the issues discussed by the two was the Iraq war. Now the ACI membership, similar to that of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is generally moderate-to-conservative and business-oriented. And yet they broke out in boos and cries of "shame on you" when Tinsley said his piece. And they clapped and cheered as Teague explained his position on Iraq. Watch the video above to see why.

By all accounts, the vast majority of Americans are fed up with sending $3 BILLION a week to a country that is now operating with a $79 BILLION surplus. They're fed up with undue sacrifices being required of our troops. And they're wary of the increasing violence and unrest at the Pakistani border in Afghanistan while we're mired in Iraq. In other words, most Americans agree with the Iraqi government that our troops need to begin to withraw as soon as possible.

Harry Teague understands these views, agrees with them and is clearly ready to bring them to Washington on behalf of the people in the Second District.

Tinsley, on the other hand, seems intent on using inflammatory rhetoric to personally insult his opponent and avoid talking about what's really going on. He mentions his two nephews who are serving in the miliary overseas and says, "How am I supposed to call my two nephews over there right now ... and tell them I'm running against a guy who will cut your throat!" That's not a misprint. Tinsley uses that exact language to characterize Teague and his position on Iraq.

What kind of person would use that kind of language about someone like Harry Teague who has been well known and well respected in the District for decades?

Forum audience members were justifiably appalled at Tinsley's loose-cannon language. Evidently, they don't think we need more cheap shots and over the top rhetoric in Congress. To solve the complex challenges we face, we need more people in Washington willing to roll up their sleeves and work together to solve the complex challenges we face. People like Harry Teague.

Watch the video and see who you think is talking sense and who's relying on vicious and unfair personal attacks to try and make political points in the most cynical way -- while failing to offer any honest answers.

Then do what you can to make sure Harry Teague gets elected to Congress.

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August 12, 2008 at 07:22 PM in Iraq War, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


I like how Teague brings much light and voice to the billions of $$ going over to Iraq and what we could do with that money in this country and in the CD2 district. Two to three billion a week!!
I am so glad to hear a candidate take that robbery head on.
Go Teague Go!

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Aug 13, 2008 9:16:12 PM



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