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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

NM-02: Teague Up First With TV Ad


Harry Teague, our Dem candidate for Congress in NM-02 down South, has the first TV ad up (see above) in the general election cycle in the race against the GOP's Ed Tinsley. I think Harry does a great job in the ad directly addressing viewers in an honest, genuine way. The ad is part of a campaign that will highlight Harry's compelling life story and long record of accomplishments. The advertising will be on district-wide broadcast and cable TV, as well as English and Spanish language radio stations. 

"To tell the voters where I want to take our country, first I need to tell them where I came from," said Teague. "I started working for $1.50 an hour at the age of 17 to support my family when my father became ill and he had no health insurance. From that beginning, I created a company that employs over 250 people. I know what it is like to go without health care and no one should have to experience that – that's why I give my employees health care, free college tuition and good wages. These things I've done as a businessman are the same things I want to do for middle class families in New Mexico."

To can also view the TV ad (titled "Values") at Teague's campaign website. The full transcript of the TV ad is below.

"Values" 60 Second Script:

HARRY TEAGUE:  At 17 I went to work in the oil fields to help support my family and the values that I learned then ...

V/O: Harry Teague

HARRY TEAGUE: You're part of a team…and that we're all in this together…are still helping me today.

V/O: Looking back, Harry Teague understands the values he brings to the work place and to family started right here in Southern New Mexico making ends meet.

That's why he provides health care for co-workers and their families and scholarships for them and their children to keep opportunity here in New Mexico.

All his life Harry Teague has worked to bring people together…to get things done.

HARRY TEAGUE: Our professional politicians have their values upside down…its time to change that…this is our New Mexico.

V/O: Harry Teague will listen to us and go to Washington and put New Mexico first.  Not just a change in direction, a change in values.

Harry Teague ... Standing up for New Mexico.

HARRY TEAGUE: I'm Harry Teague, I approve this message because I believe in old fashion family values…hard work and giving back to my community.

End Script.

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August 20, 2008 at 05:54 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


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