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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

NM-02: Teague Announces Strong and Deep Support from Hispanics

Harry Teague, the Dems' NM-02 Congressional candidate, released the names of more than 50 prominent Hispanic leaders from across Southern New Mexico and the nation who have publicly endorsed his candidacy. The campaign reports that Congressman Joe Baca, who's a native of Belen, NM and serves as Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, visited Las Cruces on Sunday to formally endorse Teague.

"I am flattered to receive the support of so many representatives of the Hispanic community," said Teague. "I am running for Congress to change Washington so that it works for working families in New Mexico, including the hundreds of thousands of hard working Hispanics in Southern New Mexico."

The list of endorsers includes notable Hispanic leaders from almost every county in the 2nd District -– from Governor Richardson, to county commissioners, to state senators and representatives, to school board members.

"Harry Teague understands the needs of Hispanics in Southern New Mexico," said Congressman Joe Baca. "Education and immigration are especially important issues to many Hispanics and I know Harry will fight hard to improve education and establish a workable immigration policy."

Partial list of Hispanic leaders who have endorsed Harry Teague for Congress:

As an employer, Harry Teague has a strong record of offering good wages and benefits to his largely Hispanic workforce. About 80% of his company's employees are Hispanic and 8 of the 11 management positions are held by either Hispanics or women. Teague provides health care benefits and full college tuition to his employees and their dependents.

Harry Teague is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Let's help Harry take the Second Congressional District seat for Democrats everywhere.

August 5, 2008 at 02:02 PM in Minority Issues, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


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