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Monday, August 11, 2008

(Updated) NM-02: Teague Announces Debate-Forum Schedule

Update: Steve Pearce, Tom Udall, Harry Teague and Ed Tinsley will be participating in the forum. here for info on when and where it will be broadcast.

HteagueHarry Teague, the Democratic nominee for NM-02, announced his schedule of debates and forums. Harry is running to fill the seat left open by Rep. Steve Pearce. The schedule, which includes events across Southern New Mexico, will give voters the opportunity to contrast the Republican and Democratic candidates' positions on issues, including minimum wage and health care, according to the Teague campaign.

Dates and Sponsors: The televised debates will be sponsored by The Municipal League on August 15th, KRWG on October 9th, and by KOAT and the Albuquerque Journal on October 19th. In addition, Harry will be at the Mining Association Annual Convention Forum on September 4th in Grants, and the AAUW forum in October in Carlsbad.

"We want the people of the 2nd Congressional District to see the differences between Harry and his opponent," said Campaign Manager Frank Costanzo. "Harry Teague supports the minimum wage, but as a Washington lobbyist Ed Tinsley fought against it. Harry Teague provides his employees good wages, Ed Tinsley refuses to open a restaurant in cities where a descent minimum wage is the law."

Harry and his opponent have already participated in two public forums, one sponsored by the Farm Bureau and one by the Association of Commerce and Industry. With this schedule of public appearances, Harry Teague has now agreed to participate in more forums and debates than the presidential candidates and anticipates participating in other forums as well.

Harry Teague is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please do whatever you can afford in terms of time and money to help him get elected.

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August 11, 2008 at 06:07 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


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